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Kanon 10-09-2003 08:59 PM

AYA UI Version 7.00 for GoD Released
Warning // You cannot use R2 R3 ini files. Reinstall 7.0 UI_Character_Server.ini // Warning

DL Link is Here [http://www.eqinterface.com/sdownloa...nfo.php?id=1881

Official Home Page is Here (Japanese)

Thank You!

Keilia 10-10-2003 04:58 AM

Error =/
I keep getting this error :

created at Fri Oct 10 04:40:19 2003
[Fri Oct 10 04:40:19 2003] Warning: file SIDL.xml not found in directory UIFiles\AYA\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Fri Oct 10 04:40:26 2003] [Line:9862 Source:UIFiles\AYA\EQUI_Animations.xml] End tag doesn't equal start tag <Duration> </>
[Fri Oct 10 04:40:26 2003] Error loading skin: loading default skin instead.
[Fri Oct 10 04:40:26 2003]
[Fri Oct 10 04:40:26 2003] Couldn't open or read

Not every time, but every 3rd or 4th log in. Any ideas ?

Geln 10-11-2003 02:01 AM

Sorry, but I hate R3. Please, please gilve us a patch for R2 to work with SOE's latest "improvements" on the UI. Or please tell me how to do it myself. I've been trying for the last 2 hours and EQ seems to crash every 2nd UI change. Very frustrating. It certainly makes me appreciate what you do, but it makes it hard as hell for me to get what I want if I don't use exactly what you do.

1) Inventory slots have a weird "ball" in them instead of a blank box. VERY hard to see at a glance if the slot contains something or not.

2) Casting. I'm a bard. I need to know exactly where my casting timer is at. I got used to it being combined into the target window with your UI, but I needed the pink color that flashed over the pet health bar. The dark blue long casting timer that is above my health is just too indistinct and too large. When I'm twisting, I need to know at a glance - usually out of the corner of my eye - how long until the next pulse. I cannot do this with only the long, thin, blue casting meter left over for R3.

3) Sorry, but I didn't lay out my screen as you have yours. My effects are on the right. This worked well with two columns of squares - one for easily visible icon and one for a legible description. But with R3, in order to see the tiny names which stretch much futher into my viewing area, my icons have to be on the left of the screen or their in the way. R2 could go on either side. R2 icons were much easier to see. In R3, they've been shrunken to an indistinguishable blob. If you're going to use such great graphics for the icons, please don't diminish them to just a few pixels.

4) Same thing goes for short duration buff (song effects) window. It was laid out horizontally. It was (and still is) a pain in the butt to move to where I wanted, but at least once it was there I thought it would stay there. Now it's vertical. I have to say, unless you're in a raid or group with more than one bard, there just is very little chance that thing will see more than 3 icons at a time. Please let me use the horizontal layout. It was nice in the center of my screen next to my casting bar for twisting.

5) MP3 Player. I do like R3's player. The script font used for the wording of the R2 version was pretty illegible and I like the streamlined change. It'd be nice if I could mix and match to add this to R2.

6) Same goes for compass. Much nicer in R3. Much easier to read at a glance.

Overall, I chose your UI as it had a lot of information in a clean, neat, compact layout that left room for customization. I'm disappointed that R3 doesn't have that same room.

Lothay 10-11-2003 04:37 AM

Re: Eww
Originally posted by Geln
Sorry, but I hate R3. Please, please gilve us a patch for R2 to work with SOE's latest "improvements" on the UI. ...

I have no wish to be rude, but I do wish to take issue with you on the tone of your post.

Aya provides the UI as a labor of love, not as a retail product. The effort is purely voluntary on their part. To make demands of them as if you were a paying customer is ... impolite.

If you simply need patches to the previous version, Carenin has made the base-line changes available elsewhere on this site, and fairly clear instructions on how to add them to your current set of files.

Pointing out enhancements, or sugguesting changes is fine, really. But don't demand that someone do something because you don't like their current creative offering.

I'm almost certain to step on some toes with this post (both intentionally and unintentionally) but I felt that something ought to be said.


Arimus 10-11-2003 05:54 AM




Kanon 10-11-2003 02:09 PM



I dont have that issule, but my friend has. she isnt using my UI, but same. I think its a EQ Clientside Memory Leak or something.


Thanks for All comments, but please understand. I'm still busy and
I cannot support 2 of my UIs, so i selected R3.

1) You can install R2 Skins from R2skin folder.
2) already remake in R3.1 Pet Window.
3) I cannot support another layout, thats why , not enough time (
4) We are in Plane of Time and I need to know what Songs Now I have. So need to remake Shortduration buff window.

Lothay / Arimus

Thanks, I'll do my best, but I Cannot support everything. I'm very sorry for it. but this is my limit..

Geln 10-11-2003 02:51 PM

As for the tone of my previous post - it wasn't meant to be argumentative, just to disagree with some things and to ask for help. According to some replies, this help in patching R2 is out there, I just need to find it. Thank you for that.

Of course I realize that you do this for free and that you don't have to adapt to my wishes (hardly demands). I didn't mean to offend. Rather I did hope to show you the problems I'm having with the changes you've made and what I liked about the previous version. I had thought the feedback would help you make something more versatile and appealing to more people who maybe don't have the same layout or priorities as you have.

As a designer, I offered the kind of feedback I like to hear on my work - not just gushing praise (which is deserved for the hard work you do, but really doesn't offer much back to you), but feedback and insight into how someone else uses your work and ideas on what works and what doesn't.

Thanks for what you do.

Keilia 10-12-2003 04:23 AM


Thanks for the reply on my issue. It is a fabulous UI, I adore it.

Habeas Corpas 10-13-2003 07:17 PM

hey there...I really like your UI...but...I can't seem to resize or move the chat windows?

I also cant move the actions window...any hints?

danny91643 10-13-2003 07:47 PM

Resize AYA Chat Windows
If you look in the folder that you down loaded you will find a folder marked "Broder Wid" copy these files to your AYA UI. This will put broders on the chat windows so you can resize them.

This UI Rocks


Kanon 10-14-2003 12:53 AM



Thanks for Help ! :)


If you dont want to change UI Looks, so this is a help.

/loadskin Default 1
Resize and move Chat window
/loadskin AYA 1

thank you!

Habeas Corpas 10-14-2003 07:40 AM


Thanks so much!


danille 10-14-2003 01:24 PM

Re: Resize AYA Chat Windows
Originally posted by danny91643
If you look in the folder that you down loaded you will find a folder marked "Broder Wid" copy these files to your AYA UI. This will put broders on the chat windows so you can resize them.

This UI Rocks


I already have this folder/files in my AYA UI and I still cant move them.
Checked the lock/unlock option too and it is unlocked but cant resize them or move them. I get the 4 arrows but they wont drag.

I really love this UI but can't use it.

Please help

Kanon 10-14-2003 02:45 PM



If you cannot do that, see my last replay.

i think its works for you too.

Thank you.

danille 10-15-2003 05:17 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Kanon


Ok i finally got the chat windows to work and now realize that my monitor wont work at 1280X1024. I get a big black border on the bottom ( really takes up too much of the screen) and the font is so faint that i cant read the chat windows, spell names and buff names.

It's too bad cause this is by far the best UI I have ever seen and really want to use it.

Dalwood 10-15-2003 05:40 PM

Hiya Kanon,

I was wondering why in R3 you put the buffs and song windows to the left and the spellcast bar to the right. No offense I love everything else about it but 2 years playing with the spellcast bar to the right has kinda thrown me off. Try as I might I can't get the lables to face the opposite as they are so I can have my Left Castbar and right buffboxes. Can you or anyone help me out on this.



Soulflayer 10-18-2003 05:35 AM

Having a small problem using this UI. Everything is perfect except the new Pet Buff / Player Window. The problem I am having is that I can't grab and move this window on the screen like every other window for this UI. Its like the window is frozen in that one spot and no matter where I place the mouse pointer, it wont let me grab and drag. Yes, I don't have that window locked, so I should be able to move it as I have been able to in every other version.

Anyways, any help would be appreciated on resolving this issue.


Soulflayer Dwagonslayer
Enlightened Dark

Kanon 10-18-2003 08:21 PM



Use /Viewport command and setting it.


I see. I made R2 Style Castbars. I can make Left Buff box, but no eta. I want to fix any bugs first.


fmm.. I can move Pet/Player window. I need to check.


dalthen 10-20-2003 08:25 PM

Anyone else with this problem?
First off.... GREAT UI !! :D

I really like this UI, good job !

I do have a little problem...it seems to crash the EQ client and it seems to make EQ chew up a lot of resources.
I go back to my old UI, for testing purposes, and I had no problems.

Does anyone seem to have this problem? Yes, I'm running the latest version, btw :)

Even with those pesky errors I get....I still use this UI..very very nice :p

danny91643 10-20-2003 08:34 PM

AYA Client Crash
I have had Client Crash a few Times. I also have have some problems when I change characters. Other wise all is fine.
This UI Rocks and I can handle the problems it causes for now.

Morphis Sirmaximus 51 Season Pally

ccharnle 10-21-2003 10:31 PM

Love this UI. :)

1) Can someone explain the blue and white tick timers. It's obvious they are timers but exactly what they are timing eludes me.

2) Can someone explain the four slots at the top of each container. It appears that two are the weapon and chest slots. Unclear what the other two are.

3) Is there a GUI way to target yourself on this UI? I haven't been able to find one and having to hit F1 to target my character is not what I'd like to do.

4) I had some questions on how to resize chat windows but it appears that they were answered in earlier emails. I'll have to go try the load default 1, change, load aya 1 trick and see if it works.

Small complaint - The container graphics are rather tradeskill unfriendly. Sticking the combine button above the four slots mentioned in 1) above makes working on trade skills a PITA compared to having the button at the bottom of the container. I can live with it but ... :)

Again, thanks for the wonderful UI.


ccharnle 10-21-2003 10:32 PM

Whoops! This was supposed to be a reply into the new AYA UI thread. Guess I pushed a wrong button! :(


danny91643 10-21-2003 11:13 PM

Some Answers
The Four Slots:
Primary, Secondary,Chest & Range.
Timers for Mana
Chat window Resize:
In your AYA folder you should find another folder"Borderwid". Open this folder and copy the files to your AYA UI.
As fo myself I use a "Hot" key to target myself. You can do that in the "Keys" Window.
I have patched in a few things to make this UI rock. But am still have Client server chrashes.

Hope it Helps

Morphis Sirmaximus 51 Season Pally xev

Zumbenn 10-22-2003 07:49 PM

I'm having a problem with the dye window, all of the buttons had no color on them but if you click them they set the slider values (strange).

I've said this before and I'll say it again: This UI rocks. Kudos to Kanon for making this available to the community.

Zumbenn of Quellious

danny91643 10-23-2003 09:14 AM

Dye Window
If the Dye window shows and the Slider window Shows all is well. You need to get Dye agents to change any color. You can gt them in the Bazaar, If I recall they are titled "Prismatic Dye" or some thing close to that.. it's been awhile since I changed dye colors.
Hope that helps.

Zumbenn 10-23-2003 09:39 AM

Re: Dye Window
Originally posted by danny91643
If the Dye window shows and the Slider window Shows all is well. You need to get Dye agents to change any color. You can gt them in the Bazaar, If I recall they are titled "Prismatic Dye" or some thing close to that.. it's been awhile since I changed dye colors.
Hope that helps.

Thanks for the reply. What's happening is that if I do /bodytint and bring up the window, all of the color buttons are shaded dark grey (presumably from the UI). If I click on an armor dye button to play with the colors, the "Choose a color" dialog has a problem. All of the 15 buttons there are also dark grey. They aren't showing the tints assigned to them. As I pointed out in my original post, if I click on a button, the color values and sliders do adjust. However, that is a very difficult way to do your armor tinting.


Guurn 10-25-2003 03:15 PM

Do you think you wil be releasing your buff icons and your cast bar as seperate elements? I tried removing everything but the peices to those and I sorta screwed up my mix and match stuff.

divorax 10-29-2003 09:57 AM

Right Clicks
is there a readme to change the Right Clicks items ?

great UI

Amara Skye 10-29-2003 05:46 PM

I love this UI! Thank you! :)

aandawen 11-01-2003 02:30 PM

First off love the ui the one problem im still haveing is the blue line for ldon compass does not appear on the compass does anyone know how to fix this?

Thank you

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