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Ambros 11-16-2002 10:49 AM

SIDL Fiddle WYSIWYG Editor
Checkout my new editor!



Kanyli 11-18-2002 09:58 AM

Looks nice, but so far it's crashing upon loading, after pointing it to the EQ directory...either it's a system incompatability or I'm missing something here...


Ambros 11-18-2002 05:45 PM

What error?
What error are you seeing? I'm going to post a fix sometime this week that will make sure the directory that is pointed to is what the program is looking for. I'm hoping to have a gamma correction feature as well...if I can find time.

Catria 11-18-2002 06:24 PM

No luck here either
I can't even get to the default dir selection. When I run the program I get this message:

D:\Fiddle>java -jar fiddle_0_6_1.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.barbre.fiddle.io.loaders.UILoader.loadAllUI(UI Loader.java:110)
at com.barbre.fiddle.menus.InterfaceMenu.<init>(InterfaceMenu.java:30)
at com.barbre.fiddle.MainMenu.<init>(MainMenu.java:25)
at com.barbre.fiddle.Fiddle.setupFrame(Fiddle.java:90 )
at com.barbre.fiddle.Fiddle.init(Fiddle.java:65)
at com.barbre.fiddle.Fiddle.getInstance(Fiddle.java:5 4)
at com.barbre.fiddle.Fiddle.main(Fiddle.java:129)

Good luck with your debugging!

Ambros 11-18-2002 06:34 PM

Try this
Delete the fiddle.properties file and run the app again. Make sure you give the file chooser the everquest home directory, not the uifiles directory. Hope this helps :(

Catria 11-18-2002 07:11 PM

tryed that - now what?
Okay got to the folder selection screen, picked Everquest dir, and got this message:

D:\Fiddle>java -jar fiddle_0_6_1.jar
Properties not found. Creating new file.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

So now what? :rolleyes:

depechenode 11-18-2002 07:12 PM

still no go
1 Attachment(s)
I got same error tried the fix, but now it wil not get past file selection? Ijust get te screen with the directories and Everquest in the file_name box.. click open nothing stays on that screen.

attached is a ss of the prog

Ambros 11-19-2002 12:26 AM

Back up one directory
Hit the up directory button (upper right on the dialog) and then select everquest (don't double click) and press ok.

Ambros 11-19-2002 12:29 AM

Out of memory
Make sure you are not running Java 1.4. This is the error I get when I try 1.4.

If you are using 1.3, how much memory and what processor do you have?

BTW, I appreciate your patience and feedback. I know these things are frustrating, but I'll try to get it ironed out asap.

Catria 11-19-2002 02:44 AM

I reverted to 1.3 Java and at least got the dir loaded, but didnt get much farther. I will try again, making sure to completely uninstall Java 1.4.1 first.

Catria 11-19-2002 02:45 AM

Oops! Forgot to give you teh info you requested. It's not a memory or speed issue. I am running an Athlon 2000+ XP processor with 512 DDR RAM.

Kanyli 11-19-2002 09:15 AM

Mmm, XML coding is a pain, trying to guess what the window will look like. If you can come up with a snazzy quick interface, it's worth the trouble.

The problem posted above was the same thing I encountered. I'll play with it more later.


depechenode 11-19-2002 09:33 AM

Thanks! Got it to work... so far pretty impressive keep up the great work!

Ambros 11-19-2002 11:22 AM

0.6.2 released
I changed the directory search methods and added some exception handling to try and track down problems with some custom UI's. Enjoy.

Catria 11-19-2002 03:19 PM

Just curious......
ANy particular reason why this is coded to run with JRE 1.3? I like to use the EQAtlas GUI, and this must be run on 1.4 or greater so it's kind of a pain to swap out versions.


Ambros 11-19-2002 04:34 PM

1.3 v 1.4
I actually didn't code it for 1.3, it was just what I was using. Something in Xerces/xalan xml jars causes the app to run out of memory with 1.4. If anyone knows why this is, I'd love to take advantage of some of the 1.4 features.

FYI, 1.4 has a terrible history of not being compatible with 1.3 apps. It's very unfortunate.:(

aeluin 11-19-2002 05:28 PM

hm...odd problem here
the program runs fine, it opens my skins, lists the files correctly, lists the parts of the files correctly- but for some reason I can't view or edit any windows. I doubleclick or click View, the computer 'thinks' for a moment...and nothing happens. Any ideas?

Ambros 11-19-2002 07:59 PM

Haven't seen that yet. Just to make sure. You select a file, then select a "screen" and then do open screen?

Was there any error messages in the console?

Kiriani 11-19-2002 11:55 PM

Might need to upload the file to another server....can't get access to your page due to exceeded bandwidth

Ambros 11-20-2002 06:13 PM

Anyone else having problems getting to the download?

Anyone have a suggestion for a new host? I can't afford to pay for a site right now.


Xone 11-20-2002 07:48 PM

I just getting started on the UImods, and I think this program is great and I haven't had any problems with it yet.

Just one Question, when I am changing a UI, How do I get the background on each piece to bit lighter, cause I am having problem placeing buttons with the dark background. I have change the background for the desktop part but haveing prob seeing though it?

any help is welcomed

Ambros 11-20-2002 10:53 PM

Gamma correction
I'm still trying to get gamma correction (to lighten the display) working. I'm having problems using ImageFilters (java) with Targa files. I have the same problem on my monitor.

I also discovered a problem where custom targa files in your ui folders don't seem to be loading :mad: . Working on this now.

Thanks for the comments! I hope to have it much better as time goes on.

Xone 11-22-2002 02:18 AM

I was able to shrink my Music player. Keep it up.


Kiriani 11-22-2002 08:29 AM

Bummer this won't work with 1.4....alot stuff I've been using (and done on my guild's website) uses it :(

Edit: reverted to 1.3 on my second machine. FIrst time I got an error loading files. Second time Out of Memory error. I'll wait till you update it more and try again.

Ambros 11-22-2002 08:19 PM

Sorry you are having problems. Just a note that I'm not planning on fighting the 1.4 battle until I see some positive information about it's stability and compatibility with 1.3 from Sun.

Since you got an out of memory error, I would bet you were still accessing 1.4 (that is the only jvm I've seen to cause this).

On another note; I've posted a new version that fixes some issues with graphic selection, and fixes a bunch of small bugs. It also has gamma correction as a menu item.

GreenDragon 11-22-2002 08:57 PM

Java 1.4.1
It works with java 1.4.1 because thats what I have and it works on my computer. Thought i'd let you know.

techb0t 11-22-2002 09:47 PM

For me, the program would get out of memory errors if I had 12 or more UI folders. Once I dropped below 12 it started up fine. The 12 dirs. are using just over 95 MB.

Also the program found some minor things with my crystal folder and vert. Each one had a file with the following above the xml version line.


The XML declaration may only appear at the very beginning of the document.

Removing the vert code cleared up all errors.

Just a few things I noted. I will mess around with the prog this weekend some.

Kiriani 11-22-2002 11:58 PM

Since you got an out of memory error, I would bet you were still accessing 1.4 (that is the only jvm I've seen to cause this).

Actually, the machine I tried it with 1.3 running never had Java installed until this morning. I was still running off Microsoft's discontinued Virtual Machine (meaning I've managed to keep that system stable enough to not reinstall in the past year). Using just the Virtual Machine it wouldn't run, so I DLed and installed 1.3.

granted, your program made it further on that particular machine than my others, but still the OOM message. Might just be my luck.

Ambros 11-23-2002 12:57 AM

I got an Out of memory exception just a while ago. So, I was wrong...it's not just 1.4.

Obviously, the graphics are eating up memory. I noticed that my way of updating graphics after gamma correction may be contributing to this. I'll continue to experiment to find solutions to oom.

Thanks for all the info.

Kiriani 11-23-2002 12:19 PM

Hey, it's still Beta, at least we're finding the odd problems now :) Just make sure you announce your updates here. I can usually only load your site in the wee hours.

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