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fryguy503 09-06-2008 12:16 PM

Nemesis UI
UPDATED 11-04-14

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Screen Size - 1920x1080

Forum Discussion > Here <

11-04-14: Code Patch only for Inventory and Extended Window. Made a minor change to item display but it should not change anything. Code is untested as I do not play anymore. Please let me know if anything is not working correctly.

7-16-14: No Update is needed for Patch, However I uploaded some changes which include a dedicated Target Buffs Window, and Removal of the clicky window. Please leave feedback in the forums

5-25-14: No Patch Update Needed for the core UI! Did update the Inventory window with Turlo's Newest release. Fixes the Leader AA stuff and replaces it with Merc Exp Info.

Next Patch: I will Look to move the Target Buffs to a new location so they are Larger and more of them can be seen. (Requested Update)


5-1-14: Large Update

Removed the Animations File!
Rebuilt Almost all of the graphics in one way or another.
Removed Custom Potion Window - Will be re-coding it from scratch.

Q: What Does the "Removed Animations File" Really mean to me?

A: At almost every patch, SOE modifies the animations file to add more graphics or new elements. With most custom UI's, we have modified this file to have our Borders and graphic elements fit in the interface. Which in turn meant every patch we had to be on the ball to prevent the UI from breaking. By Removing the Interface it greatly lessens the chance that a basic patch will destroy the UI.

This will NOT guarantee that the UI is "Future Proof or Patch Proof" but will make it much easier to quickly patch. The modifications to the UI to achieve this was a full removal of the Animations file and a full re-write of the window graphics to work in the constraints of the default templates. This also keeps from having to have a modified file for every window in the game as some have done.

TL;DR - Should be Patch Resistant now due to the changes implemented.

Bug Fixes:
Fixed Fuzzy/Blurry text on the Custom Hotbars
Removed a handful of unused resources, e.g. Graphics and icons

Known Bugs:
The Inventory Window Still has the Bars for the LAA's. I did not want to Modify Turlo's Code without his approval.


Thank to Turlo the Amazing, we have a great Inventory window, this includes nested tabs.

Request yet already exists:

Common question I get is, Mythsong How to I make my chat windows not see-through since /viewport has been broken for a decade?

Easy! Right click on the chat window and Select - Window -> Background -> Texture

Oh No! Its all white.

Now right click again and Select - Window -> Background -> Tint Color and chose black or any other color you want.

Please remember to suggest improvements or report bugs!

SOE.EQ.xegony.mythsong or ;tell xegony.mythsong

Updated Version number to match expansion number.


AA = Expansion number
BB = Major Version Changes
CC = Minor Bug Fixes.

Old Patch Notes

5-1-14: Updated for Patch - Animations Fix, no other files appear to need an update. 4-22-14: Maintenance Patch - Fixed Red Text - Added Invisible Upgrade button to the Inventory for Heroic Upgrade (If you want to do it, do it from the Char Select Page). Added the Code for the additional 10 Short Term Buffs, however you cannot see them as I need to rebuilt the SD buff window as its starting to get large. Possibly mirroring the Current Buff window but on the left side, unsure yet. 2-20-14: Maintenance Patch - Just fixed red text and marking bug. More fixes planned. 12-05-13: Updated for today's patch. Added padding drag files from 189 - 200. So minor patches (e.g. drag file updates) should be un-needed until it hits 200+. 11-27-13: Bug Fix - Fixed the MP3 Player, Now the Volume slider works properly and the buttons are no longer ? Marks. 11-22-13: Update! Bug Fixes and Improvements! Thank you everyone who sent me tells in-game with suggestions, keep them coming! 11/06/13 - Updated Animations file for new dragfile 10/08/13 - Bugfix Fixed bug in animations file and updated inventory with IceSY's newest, why? because I have still been to lazy to design my own (Thank you very much IceSY for a great inventory. 10/07/13 - Updated for CotF: Big window, Updated AA Window, Inventory window, etc. No major changes. 8/21/13 Updated Animations for new Dragfile Modified the Group window, Now BOTH Mana and STA are listed there, also added the color changing quick-view squares for health. Please post if you think this change is good or bad. Added new hotbars Modified the Extended Target window to be stretchable and show all new Ext Targets. Added Stretchable potion bar (small) Modified the Current Compass, Now has the -/+ Color changing gems to indicate your direction x/y Added modified 12 slot cast window and edited the 10 slot cast window to include the current casting spell. Also includes a change to how the spell shows which allows the text to be clicked on as-well and show spell type color (12 slot only) - Credit to Moonfish! Thank you so much Added new improved and amazing EQ Button menu layout courtesy of Sparxx! Thank you for allowing me to include this very helpful mod. Upcoming Changes Thinner Buff Window One more custom hotbar Adjusting the Player Window (Stat/exp) to include new Trib types and remove the Endurance Bar/Numbers. Entire Code Cleanup, it has been 8 years of code upon code changes and has gotten very messy. 8/10/13 - Updated to current patch after 2 years! - Options for 25, 30 and 40 slot buff windows. Hot Button Theme removed while it gets re-designed for 12 slot hot buttons. REMEMBER: If you want the mana bar below your user name, you need to copy the files from Options\Caster-Hybrid to the main Nemesis3.8 directory. 5/25/11 - Updated it animations again and is patch ready. 5/24/11 - Updated Animations.xml and a changed the inventory with a pre-made one ( THANKS Kaliaila, your Inventory is awesome and this lazy cat didn't want to recode a new one, plus i dont have HoT to test the new stuff out ) 7/15/10 - Uploaded Patch to fix 7/15/10 updates and uploaded full version for new users. No further Bug fixes or Improvements this upload. 4/30/10 - Bug Fixes and New options! - So i had a few minor bugs, whats new. Here are some fixes and changes. Version 3.6 Now has a clicky window. Group Window Changes: Player now has Mana(Caster) or Sta (Melee) both bar,values and % listed, also has a pet hp bar. Your group members now have their mana % listed and have Pet HP Bars! Target Window Changes: Because the group window now has Mana or Sta listed for the player it is no longer needed in the Target window. Change the previous mana/sta spot to be the new HoTT bar. EQ Button Window Changes ( Previous HoTT Window ): Now this is a clicky window! 20 clicky slots, All worn slots except Charm, Secondary and Power source. You can change these slots by editing the EQMainWindow.xml at your own risk. Player Window Changes ( This is the window with all the stats and EXP bars ): When using the Melee Only Files you get STA on the Group Window and Mana bar on the Player window. This is so when Melee only is playing in a Monster Mission they can see at least a mana bar to get an idea of where they are at on mana. When using the Hybrid/Caster versions, the Mana bar is on the group window and the player window has the STA bar. Selector Changes: Just a bug fix, now there is a Merc Button! Other Changes: Removed Extras for Target window as they are not needed anymore. Added Extras for Group window options. Updated Screenshots. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3/17/10 - Has it been a year already?! Well i'm back in game yet again, so I needed to update the UI. This time I did some major overhauling not just quick patching. Options! Options! Options! Now the files are included for you to choose between: 10 Slot Song Window / 20 Slot Song Window 25 Slot Buff Window / 30 Slot Buff Window 5 Slot Combat Ability Window / 8 Slot Combat Ability Window Caster-Hybrid Target Window / Melee Target Window 10 Slot Spell Gems / 12 Slot Spell Gems Wow alot more options. Used the Inventory window from Teg's Custom UI - Thank you Tegweyen! I did this because I wore myself out doing the graphics and coding for everything else and the inventory was last. I will eventually restructure the combat ability window to fix in other places. I included spell gems already from Etasi - Why, because they are very very clean, simple and easy to notice. Why do you need so much detail on something that 10pixels X 10pixels - Left the default pet frame because people did not like the one I included previously. I will also change the target window soon, I might make it a bit taller so I can include the Mana/endur values again ( Undecided yet ). ***UNTESTED ITEMS*** 11th and 12th spell gems, however code is solid and loads in SIDL with no issues. 26th -> 30th Buff Slots, again code is solid and loads in SIDL. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, please feel free to post them. I have my eq account for at least 1 more month then I will re-evaluate if I am enjoying it. +++ +++ 3/30/09 - Converted to a .zip file instead of a .rar - Sorry guys. 3/28/09 - Im back from Semi-Retirement and I need a good UI. Updated Player Window ( It was a hack job ) Shows Mana and Sta for each group member, however it does NOT show pet hp for group members. Added Role Tags, IE Main Tank, Assist, Puller to all group members EXCEPT yourself. Currently Using 10 Slot SD buff window as I am having issues with 15 slot - I will update it and put it up as an Add-on. Target Window no longer shows the amount of mana ( This UI is made for Pure Melee or Hybrid who doesnt care that much about mana, IE Bard ) Now it shows the first 19-20 buff slots, very small but gets the point across and keeps the UI looking uniform. - Per some user requests, removed all custom windows that are not needed, IE aa, leadership, bazaar, etc. If you want custom ones, download them yourself as everyone seems to have different taste. Based On the Original Nemesis 3.0 with some files from various other locations. Please post feedback.

Kirlian 09-07-2008 06:10 PM

Hox do you buy AA ??
i couldnt find the BUY button

Zolith 09-08-2008 12:54 PM

First off, glad to see someone is keeping the Nemesis UI alive - THANK YOU!

Now, down to business ...

Bazaar Window
Is the Bazaar Window sizeable? I could locate a point that allowed me to do so. I really like that format of window over the standard model used by most. I presently have an older file of it that allows me to resize it at will, so I can cut-n-paste if necessary.

Item Window
The Modified/Unmodified button does not appear so I can toggle between current/max stats. There is also no Close button, but I am not sure if that was not part of the design. Right click brings up close option.

Also, when looking up items in the Bazaar, spells do not display the spell information.

Just started to go through it and that is what I have noticed so far.

Nonetheless, it is much appreciated that you are keeping the UI updated.

fryguy503 09-08-2008 08:38 PM

I will look into the bazaar window issues.

The item window doesnt have a close for a reason, i saw no need, Escape works for me and if needed rightclick/close.

As for modified/unmodified, then unmoded default one that button didnt work, infact my previous release of that item window ( with the 1000+hp/mp bug ) didnt even have the button. I assumed it was broken since the default ui doesnt seem to do that for me. As for the Right click on items in baz with no spell info i will look into that. Until then you can remove the bazaar and itemdisplay xml's.

Thank you for the feedback so far.

fryguy503 09-08-2008 08:40 PM

Originally Posted by Kirlian
i couldnt find the BUY button

Its the Little -> arrow between the banked and total aa. Like you are moving Banked aa's to spent aa's. That saves room.

bickelhaupt 09-16-2008 06:01 AM

Any chance of of an option for 8 combat abilities?

Vanne 10-08-2008 10:16 PM

Thanks for the update. Prior to the patch, I noticed these problems:

The AA window is difficult to use due to the small size. I have a charact working on AA and it's a struggle with the current window.

If you pull up the action window to click on "run" or "walk" or whatever, you cannot get rid of it, as the option to close it has been removed.


Vanne 11-03-2008 09:25 PM

Any Nemesis Update for SoD
Is there any Nemesis Update for SoD?


moonfish 11-04-2008 09:01 AM

i have one i am just about ready to release, finishing up some new features of my own but all of soe's stuff works great without errors.

Zolith 12-14-2008 06:50 PM

SoD Update
Just checking in to see if there will be an update to make the UI SoD compliant. Using something else for now. It works, but it does not feel like home. =P

Vanne 01-05-2009 09:15 PM

I cry.
I cry everyday this outstanding UI is not updated to work with SoD.

/sob :(

sgoody@hotmail. 01-05-2009 09:22 PM

i have a working version Here i am still working on there a few bugs i need to work out but it does load and work

fryguy503 03-28-2009 06:59 PM

Re-Uploaded due to incorrect Ani file that was causing missing item textures - Fixed.

I have Updated the UI - Should be up soon as it was submitted pending admin review - Nemesis Returns!

I will post all the updates soon.

Please post any bugs you find or any suggestions.

Updated Player Window ( It was a hack job ) Shows Mana and Sta for each group member, however it does NOT show pet hp for group members. Added Role Tags, IE Main Tank, Assist, Puller to all group members EXCEPT yourself I am having issues getting that to properly work, If you are good with XML please feel free to try your hand. Currently Using 10 Slot SD buff window as I am having issues with 15 slot - I will update it and put it up as an Add-on. Target Window no longer shows the amount of mana ( This UI is made for Pure Melee or Hybrid who doesnt care that much about mana, IE Bard ) Now it shows the first 19-20 buff slots, very small but gets the point across and keeps the UI looking uniform. - Per some user requests, removed all custom windows that are not needed, IE aa, leadership, bazaar, etc. If you want custom ones, download them yourself as everyone seems to have different taste.

Daineden 03-30-2009 01:06 PM

Add this as a zip file please
I do not have a program that opens .rar extensions, and I do not want to look online for one or pay to buy one. Please add a .zip version of the download.

Thank you.

fryguy503 03-30-2009 06:10 PM

You can get a good free rar prorgram called Win Rar.

It has been updated, pending it to clear the upload system.

venngence 04-03-2009 03:20 PM

caster version
very happy to see this ui up and running again have used it for years , any chance there could be mods done for a caster version and functional pet window? tia :)

fryguy503 04-03-2009 03:39 PM

Yes I will mod it to fix the mana bar #'s - Once I get a chance - Also shouldn't take much to get a pet class friendly window up.

If i dont get it up by next tuesday, then it will be a week + ( family is coming to town ).

Question to everyone - How do you like the Target buff section? Does it work for what people use them? Is it too small? I never used the target buff window much.

*EDIT* On a side note - Hopefully I will have the correct 15 slot SD Buff(Song) window working, for those who want to see more then the current 10 slot.

I will also include the 5 slot Combat window for hybrids.

Any feedback good or bad im looking for.

MVG0614 04-29-2009 09:48 PM

Originally Posted by fryguy503
Yes I will mod it to fix the mana bar #'s - Once I get a chance - Also shouldn't take much to get a pet class friendly window up.

If i dont get it up by next tuesday, then it will be a week + ( family is coming to town ).

Question to everyone - How do you like the Target buff section? Does it work for what people use them? Is it too small? I never used the target buff window much.

*EDIT* On a side note - Hopefully I will have the correct 15 slot SD Buff(Song) window working, for those who want to see more then the current 10 slot.

I will also include the 5 slot Combat window for hybrids.

Any feedback good or bad im looking for.

I really like the Target windows you have.. however.. when I downloaded your full ui I couldn't find the HOTT window as pictured in your screenshot. Mine's just plain old default. Any advice?

fryguy503 05-01-2009 02:15 PM

Odd the HOTT window should replace the EQ button. I will test and see what the issue is.

fryguy503 05-01-2009 02:21 PM

I just did a fresh download from the site and extracted into its own folder and loaded up the UI. The HoTT window replaces the EQ button ( the button you click on to get to things like audio triggers and all other windows ) Try loading up the default UI and Moving that button to the middle of the screen in case it is to close to the edge and causes the window to hide its-self.

Is anyone else having this issue?

destinova 10-14-2009 06:28 PM

can we get the item image icons up to date fry? and as a big time high apple pie in the sky hopes request

a custom clicky window ^_^

everything but the buttons working pristine btw! ;)

(any ETA or potential for the buttons? I know they work in the other 2 Nemesis builds that are out..)

destinova 11-11-2009 04:04 PM

11-11-09 Patch
Any chance this will be patched up soon fry? :(

fryguy503 03-13-2010 01:49 PM

Maybe, a friend may be reactivating my account in which case I may play again. Which of course means i would need to update the UI. No promises but I will see what I can do.

fryguy503 03-17-2010 04:12 PM

Update is pending! See first posts for update notes.

Casious 03-21-2010 10:02 PM

Maybe broken
The extras are extrodinary, Only problem is the caster-hybrid target window might be broken it is exact same as the warrior one. was thinking it should be alittle taller maybe to show buffs on and there is no mana bar for self. no clue when your out of mana on a caster. but otherwise is the shiznit! If this is broken possible fix? dont know but good work.

fryguy503 03-22-2010 07:56 AM

hrmm let me check the caster version, I thought i fixed it previously. Now the caster version of the target window should of had a mana bar just no #'s for Total and current mana. I am looking into restructuring the window to make it a bit larger to accommodate those bits of info. Previously it had it but the Target buff section takes that up now.

thewtfguy 04-09-2010 08:29 PM

Group Pet Health
Thanks for the update. I really enjoy having Nemesis again. Would it be possible to update the group window to show Pets' Health? That's the only feature I miss from my old ui.

fryguy503 04-11-2010 11:51 AM

Originally Posted by thewtfguy
Thanks for the update. I really enjoy having Nemesis again. Would it be possible to update the group window to show Pets' Health? That's the only feature I miss from my old ui.

I will see what I can do, im still un-decided if Im going to merge the HoTT and regular target window into one, and use the eq button window as a clicky window.

fryguy503 04-11-2010 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by Casious
The extras are extrodinary, Only problem is the caster-hybrid target window might be broken it is exact same as the warrior one. was thinking it should be alittle taller maybe to show buffs on and there is no mana bar for self. no clue when your out of mana on a caster. but otherwise is the shiznit! If this is broken possible fix? dont know but good work.

I re-downloaded the copy I uploaded and tested, both windows are different, you do however need to copy both the xml and the tga file and overwrite the ones in the ui directory.

fryguy503 04-30-2010 09:49 AM

UPDATED!( still pending as of 4/30/10 10:50am EST ) With your Requests!

See the First post for Change Log also new screenshots posted. Old Version 3.5 still works if you do not prefer the changes.

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