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USAFknight77 09-06-2002 11:53 AM

naked women
Ok , I try to hold my tongue, But I must state a few things on my mind. First, I guess public opinion holds that "men" mostly play female characters, not RL females. That is fine, I dont have a problem with that. Play whatever you want. Yet, something bugs me a little bit. My husband and I play EQ together. He told me about the new skins i can download....yipeee how excited i got. I go to download something for my spell book, and I notice that more than half of the women are close to naked. For SOME of us RL female players, the last thing we want to look at when we sit to memorize a spell, is a womans tits and half naked body. Now, if i knew how, i would make my own and post it, but i am not that advanced in computers. I would just like for some of you boys making the "spell book pictures" to make something that girls like me can stand looking at. In real life, we dont walk around half naked, yet it seems in a lot of video, PC games we do. I supose it is because the men making the games assume mostly men will be playing the game. For all of you men who like looking at the naked chics , fine, i am nOT on your case, but I would like to see a few politically correct spell skins for us paladins who do wear clothes............
lil z 51 paladin

Kudane 09-06-2002 12:06 PM

Well, to be FAIR.... the spell books I think your speaking of from here are created and submitted by a RL female..

there are already several dozen books availble throught different sites, I would suggest finding some of t.kings books, they have no real background image, but they look fabulous.. Linked Here he is one of our featured artist, and will be adding his collection to the FEATURED ARTIST category in the coming days (once we tell him the bugs are mostly gone heheheh)


Honeydu 09-09-2002 02:06 PM

LOL... um.. well i am a RL female and how bout some sexy men for the spell book hey.. i like looking at men... not chicks.. ewwww
Although some consider my avtar i really like to use.. its of a blonde and a wolf.. i described to a girl in my guild that i had seen plenty of women with wolfs with dark hair but since i am rl blonde and my druid is blonde would like to find one that would suit my char. and i truely think it does.
"Roll with it Baby"

Casanunda 09-09-2002 03:43 PM

Well, verant's official spellbook doesn't have ladies in the nudd on it..at least not as far as i've seen (i'm gonna look now!). It really comes down to your own decision. No one is forcing you to use the spellbooks that you don't like, and there are plenty of alternatives.

For example, t.king (who i'll point out for the umpteenth time has the same name as me in real life) has created 17-odd wonderful spell books that are completely bereft of all nekkidness--well, one might have a little bit, but it's all small and cherub/farie-like. And, if by chance you've been living under a UI-Proof rock for the last several months and *haven't* seen T. King's work, go here now, or the beatings will resume: http://pub37.ezboard.com/fmaximus94...opicID=74.topic

And remember, those skinners who have made ui's or spellbooks with...questionably low attire levels...have for the most part used previously made art, and in general, fantasy art is done by fantasy artists--and fantasy artists are dirty! tee. hee.

I'm done. Go put some clothes on.

Kiriani 09-10-2002 12:33 PM

Even the great fantasy artist Julie Bell paints most the fantasy females in her pictures with revealing, sexy, or "impossible" clothing.

It's one of those things that becomes implied when you see the word "fantasy"

Not all women have DD's or bigger, not all women have that tiny of waists, and not all women prefer to run about scantily clad, and they aren't all athletically built/toned.

The same goes for men too, to be completely fair. Not all men run about with arms that make bobdy builders look average. Nor do they often wear such odd garments, are covered in tatoos, or stand well over 6 feet tall.

I'm not saying you're wrong for not wanting to see that kind of imagery, so don't think that. You are entitled to your opinions and you don't have to look at anything you don't like. There are plenty of options out here with no females in the graphics.

What I am saying, however, is that going into something of a fantasy genre and expecting NOT to find anything like what you complain about. It's a part of the fantasy genre as much as dragons and spellcasting is. Mainly, because it's fantasy.

It could, afterall, be worse. We could be skipping the fantasy artwork, and just get live models...which tends to get even worse. ;p

I would also like to point out that many female fantasy authors depict their female characters in such a manner as well. In addition, there are a lot of women that work in the video game industry. I can think of a few instances where they themselves have worked on, designed, or maybe even produced a game with females that are larger than life and not nearly as clothed.

You're not wrong to not like it, just don't condemn us for it, and try to find another graphic or artist who doesn't use such imagery. :)

Shadeweaver 09-10-2002 04:47 PM

*snorts* And the title got my hopes up and all.... ;)

Aideen 09-10-2002 05:22 PM

For SOME of us RL female players, the last thing we want to look at when we sit to memorize a spell, is a womans tits and half naked body.

I tend to agree with half of that. :) I don't care for most of the naked/half naked woman pictures that are out there. But I do like things done by Boris, Royo and Toxic Angel even when more then half of them are mostly unclothed. I would also like to point out that drawing males and making them look good is EXTREAMLY hard. For some reason men are just not drawable, photogenic sure.. but drawing is a pain.


For a spell book I can do that easy if I had some sort of picture to put in it's place.

Honeydu 09-10-2002 06:51 PM

Well, isnt beauty in the eye of the beholder? yes and i have seen some of the art on the books that i myself use as a avatar on one guild that i stop in and say hi to.. she's the one naked on the dragon. lol... i wish my avtar i use the most would fit here kinda big for the reqiured space but its a protralal of how i see my druid.. she's woman and can be a wolf. so... if i can down size it some more .. art has always been in debate for as long as i can remember.... and men can be made to look nice to the eye.
i have a brave warrior mag on my fridge.. so there.. and i would really like to make one but have no clue how to put my idea in to as you talented ppl have.. and is there none that can be used on a smaller resoution..??? my frame right would be inpossible to use the size of what the down loads say u need it on..
seems like if it could all be made skinner .. to be able to size it down .. could be maybe more used for us that cant do the largest or next to largest resoution.. just a thought.. like i said
i wouldnt know how to make mods like that..

Casanunda 09-10-2002 07:16 PM

Here's an idea: Someone find examples of these so-called "naked women" in the UI, and post pictures here, and then we'll have a poll to see which is the most offensive, or whether they are at all! Post as many as you want. I'm sure that the more we find, the more comprehensive our decision will be.

Alright, now that i've managed to say that with a straight face...
:D :D :D ;) :D

Shadeweaver 09-10-2002 07:20 PM

Well.. naked women or not.. there should be enough mods out there to suit any taste.. if not, just post a request in the request section of this board, and I am sure some of the talented skinners/programmers here will be delighted to take on the challenge.

Allissiya 09-19-2002 08:23 AM

Well shoot
1 Attachment(s)
I must be a wiedo then cause I LOVE Luis Royo Images even if the women are half naked and even naked completely.

Wanna know where they are :) . They are here :)


There are other sites with better scans but this is general one :)

Also .. I attached one here :) . Awesome artist.

Cairenn 09-19-2002 09:06 AM

Royo rocks

*Point Sig*
*Point Avatar*

blackhorse 09-23-2002 10:54 PM

Um yeah
He is a verry good artist i must say. Guess he should make spellbooks eh??:nana: :nana: :nana:

Allissiya 09-24-2002 01:04 AM

Hense why I am so eager to get my hands on some kind of tutorial of how to get what i want into my UI lol .

grottel 09-25-2002 06:40 AM

Ok - heres something I've observed but never commented on before, but this seems the perfect spot.

The cover graphic for the Ruins of Kunark box was touched up to show FV's nipples.
No other views of that same graphic either in-game or on the manual show that touch-up.

blackhorse 09-25-2002 08:27 AM

/emote "Looks for his kunark box"

Im gona look for that!!!:D :D :D :D :D

Dolby 09-25-2002 01:15 PM

Originally posted by grottel
The cover graphic for the Ruins of Kunark box was touched up to show FV's nipples.
No other views of that same graphic either in-game or on the manual show that touch-up.

My two kunark box's purchased the day it was released show no nipples :(

tadashya 09-25-2002 02:08 PM

ahahah... ok I tried like heck to stay away from this thread but the airbrushed nipple discussion just drug me in. just spent two weeks working on a barbarian female character portrait ... her nipples have not been airbrushed out ;)

Woodelves and half elves run around in thongs for goodness sakes. The high elf dominatrix outfit.. *snicker* I am sorry but being probably one of the few "real life wimmins" that play this game I just have to say... LOL

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

Garryck 09-27-2002 10:49 PM

I'm going to push a little off-topic here and ask you all for your help as it seems there are a few fantasy art afficiandos amongst us. :)

I'm trying to find a certain painting that appeared in Heavy Metal Magazine circa 1990.

I believe it was the "centerfold" of an issue, and I also believe that it's a Royo although it's not shown at the above URL nor in the 2 Royo trading card sets I own.

The painting is of a young brunette woman with dark brown eyes. She's clad in black leather with a white shirt and behind her is an almost surreal scene of a techno-looking village on the banks of the bluest river you've ever seen, banked by the greenest grass you've ever seen.

The reason I remember this painting so well is her eyes. Those eyes show a hundred emotions and tell a thousand stories all at once. Truly compelling.

If anyone knows the name of this painting, the issue of Heavy Metal it was in or where I can grab it online I would much appreciate the info.


tadashya 09-28-2002 12:11 AM

I couldnt picture what you were describing but then different works grab different people - see if anyone on this list jogs your memory.

all the major artwork in Heavy Metal from 1977-2001 ;)


Garryck 09-28-2002 08:41 AM

Woot! Thank you, Tadashya!

I'm pretty sure it's "Home Sweet Home" by Varillo & Montana in the July 1990 issue. Sure can't find anything online on them but at least I have a detailed item to look for at the collectibles shops. :)

P.S. - I could have sworn it was a Royo painting but so many artists try to emulate him that to my untrained eye it's hard to tell the difference sometimes.

Kyria 09-28-2002 10:33 AM

1 Attachment(s)
*cough* Back to the subject at hand...

Well as an amateur artist myself, I tend to paint more female characters than male. I don't find naked or nearly-naked women offensive unless they're bending over, fondling themselves or sprawled out in a chair with their hands between their legs. THAT is just nasty and if someone ELSE wants to see it, be my guest, just don't put it on my screen:P

I tend to paint my characters in sexy outfits whenever I can, and yes I've done nudes. I find that the less they're wearing, the more people tell me they enjoy them. Although I can't imagine why...

BTW, here is one I painted of my little druid, Maysun. I'm kind of curious if anyone finds something like this offensive. If so, I'll be sure to paint more *grin*

Casanunda 09-28-2002 10:59 AM

Pah, If only I were older. You all seem to be clued in to fantasy art sources much more than I; being only 15, it would be difficult for me to find any of this stuff back when it was around (maybe i'm just not looking in the right places?) since I was most likely under 10. Oi. What is this Heavy Metal Studios, and where can I find samples of their work?

I like fantasy art in general, but then, being fantasy, it implies that it contains the artist/audience's dreams, and usually, those include women in small bits of clothing. I don't have a problem with that. Kyria kind of nailed it on the head-- nude does not equal pr0n. Pron is attempting to be gratuitous and nasty, and I agree with her--art is ruined, in my opinion, when disgusting levels of sexuality are made the subject. Most fantasy artists don't do that, though.

Oh, and Kyria, that's a nice picture there, I'd be hard pressed to think of anyone who would really be offended by it, save the mother of a 6 year old, or something. It's tasteful and artistic, and it looks like you're quite good with cg/3d ^.^ Do you have an archive anywhere of your other work?

Excemus 09-28-2002 11:24 AM

LOL. thats quite... out of place grottel.

and to the posts about waist sizes and breast sizes etc.. i like to think of my gnome as fat. kthx.

Gixxerryder 09-28-2002 11:32 AM

Add a Pic
So is there an easy way to add a pic to your spell book?? or a skinner that will do it well ? i like my Vert 1 spell book and dont want to give up its size or anything but it would be cool to have a spellbook with some personality (nudy pic)


tadashya 09-28-2002 12:26 PM

mom of two 7 yrs old here... and there is a huge difference between that pic (the b/w nude w/the flowers) and pr0n.

my stuff has some nudity but its all tasteful.

Casanunda 09-28-2002 12:50 PM

Agreed fully. By "mother of a 6-year-old" I simply meant an example of a generic person...I'm not saying the person themself would be offended, they are mature and have their own lives ^.^ i'm just saying that they might no nessisarily want their kids to see it, yet. It all depends on the person, I suppose.

I agree that nudity is usually just fine, and tasteful, artistic nudity can be a lot more moving and powerful than an awkwardly-placed tree branch. Since it seems to me as though the topic is a moot point by now, why not use this thread to put up links to people's archives? Unless that's against the rules, or something. As long as there's no pr0n in it, of course ;)

As for spellbooks, they aren't too difficult to edit--in most cases you can just slap on the image as long as it's the right size. The only semi-tricky part is getting it divided properly, because spellbooks are in four parts. However, I saw that someone had modded the spellbook file to only use one collaborated image, which would probably be much easier to edit. Good luck with that, at any rate!

Kyria 09-28-2002 01:26 PM

Originally posted by Casanunda
Do you have an archive anywhere of your other work?

Well, as much as I'd like to say yes, right now it's all on my hard drive. I'm too poor and lazy to put together a nice gallery web page hehe.

Allissiya 09-30-2002 08:50 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Well Kyria if'n you wanna make a wizzy one I would love ya lol < not literally but you get the idea :) >


60 wizzy

Kinda like the girl on the horse in this Royo photo: see attached :

Zantaklawz 09-30-2002 12:46 PM

Correct me if I'm wrong??
Originally posted by Kyria
BTW, here is one I painted of my little druid, Maysun. I'm kind of curious if anyone finds something like this offensive. If so, I'll be sure to paint more *grin*

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't your painting actually 3D Art (using 3D Software such as: Bryce, Poser, Painter, Photoshop) rather than a painting medium or is the electronic art classified now as a painting medium? (I'm strictly pen/pencil and paper artist myself).


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