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Drakah 02-19-2007 05:01 PM

Default UI Bug Thread List
This thread is for the Blue/Gold Default UI (new) concerning bug issues that you would like to announce. Whether it is misaligned graphics, wrong XML code, etc.

Hopefully the staff from SOE can periodically check this area and issue a fix.

Please only post Bug issues.
There is another thread specifically for "wishes" found HERE.

Drakah 02-19-2007 05:01 PM

Updated 10/17/08

Custom Gauges not functioning as the should

All gauges are stretching when sizing the gauge.
- if autostretch is true, then the gauges should stretch.
- if autostretch is false, then the gauges would not stretch.

Custom gauges and custom labels are not clickable.
- you currently can use Gauge0 as the screenID type for a player gauge to be in the group window, and would become clickable. If you add another gauge, using the same EQType in the same window, the additional ones are not clickable.

** Tested 3 ways on 10/17/08 **

Using Group Window placing custom Player information:

1) Using only one custom player gauge name, eqtype 1, with screenID "Gauge0", you CAN click yourself.

2) Using 2 custom gauges, both eqtype 1. One with screenID "Gauge0", the other without a screenID. Only the Gauge0 is clickable, the other is not.

3) Using 2 custom gauges, both eqtype 1. Both using screenID "Gauge0". Only the last Gauge in the (Pieces) list is activated as Gauge0 and is clickable, the previous one is not. Still looks like you can only have 1 EQType gauge function to be clickable.

LinesFillTint tags:
- defaulting to Black no matter what the color is set to. (ex: inventory window: set to 240/240/240 and shows up as black)

- Line 452 should say "ManaPercLabel", not "ManPercLabel"
- Tags for GroupRoleAssist, GroupRoleTank, GroupPuller are named with GW_ instead of PW_

Non-UI Related

- Window stays open after death regardless if you have checked the option to have it pop-up and close when you have/dont have a pet. Happens occasionally, but frequently when you die and get a rez.

Invis or Not Invis?
- Characters are shown as if they were invisible with the parentheses, when they are not invisible. If you click off the invis spell, the bug does not happen. If you cast while being invis, and the invis drops, the parentheses are still on your name. Only others can see this.

Bembaru 03-01-2007 06:55 PM

Hi all!

These errors came to my attention recently, so I fixed (most of) them.

The following xml files are headed to QA this afternoon:
  • EQUI_Inventory.xml
  • EQUI_GuildManagementWnd.xml
  • EQUI_LootWnd.xml
  • EQUI_Animations.xml

Once QA signs off on them, the files will be pushed to the live patchers. I'm guessing tomorrow afternoon, maybe Monday you should see them come down.

Wasn't aware of the the Target of Target percentage issue until now. I'll peek at that early next week. Since it is in code instead of an external text file, it will require an executable patch. Not sure when we're going to do that.

EQ Programmer

Bembaru 03-06-2007 02:20 PM

Originally Posted by Bembaru
Once QA signs off on them, the files will be pushed to the live patchers. I'm guessing tomorrow afternoon, maybe Monday you should see them come down.

These will be a few more days. Sorry for the delay.

EQ Programmer[

Drakah 09-16-2007 10:05 PM

Thanks Bembaru, I have updated the 1st post to be consistant with the changes and will update them as they become legitamate. I am glad to see the feedback from the developers so we can correct the errors before they become more of an issue.

Drakah 09-26-2007 05:29 PM

I updated the list to reflect the bug about the invisable brackets over the players name, even though it isn't UI related, maybe you can pass it on to be fixed.

myxiplx 10-02-2007 03:08 AM

Another bug to add to the pop up tell window list: If your message is queued EQ displays it in your main window not the pop up window. So if you're chatting with someone who's zoning a lot half your conversation goes to the tell window, and the other half to your main chat window.

Spotted it last week on my girlfriend's account.

Drakah 10-05-2007 04:03 PM

Updated list as of 10/05

Kalthazz 10-05-2007 04:18 PM

selector window misaligned
no matter what i do the selector window is like off where the icons are halfway up the window or not in the window correctly and this is in the default ui and nothing i do can fix the problem!

Kaliaila 11-02-2007 05:29 AM

The middle frame of the task window is being covered up by the Task Description. To be able to see the Task Progression and the preview reward, monster select, and Remove task buttons you have to pull the bottom of the Task list frame up a little and then bring the top of the task description frame down. This started the same time as the window sizing bug.

It'd been brought up once in the UI bug thread on the SOE forums but the Programmer misunderstood it I think, so I explained it like I did above there.

Bembaru 11-02-2007 11:31 AM

Originally Posted by Drakah
Updated 10/05/07

Notable Non-Related Interface Issues

Characters are shown as if they were invisible with the parentheses, when they are not invisible. If you click off the invis spell, the bug does not happen. If you cast while being invis, and the invis drops, the parentheses are still on your name. Only others can see this.

This issue is a known bug, and currently assigned to Prathun.

Drakah 05-31-2008 10:41 AM

Updated list 5/30/08

Drakah 10-11-2008 10:12 AM

Updated 10/11/08

Turlo 10-11-2008 11:25 AM

LinesFillTint appears to be defaulting to Black no matter what the color is set to. This is apparent in the Inventory window (set to 240/240/240 and shows up as black).

Drakah 10-11-2008 12:51 PM

Added your info to the post, thanks!

Haliken 10-11-2008 01:29 PM

Many things listed in the 10/06/08 list are opinion or feature requests and not bugs.

Originally Posted by Drakah
Updated 10/06/08

Custom Gauges not functioning

Gauges that do NOT have an autostretch feature (false) are still being stretched if the gaugesize is wider/longer than the actual drawn graphic. The only time a gauge should stretch is if you are using autostretch=true, and using the window margins to place the gauge where it needs to be when resizing the window.

Gauges stretching from their X/Y offset to the bottom right corner of the gauge object is simply standard functionality now. <AutoStretch> determines if the constraints of the object will size with its parent container and has no bearing if the contents of the object will stretch to fit or not; until now, all graphical objects stretched to fit their size, except gauges. Now gauges obey the same rules

Yes this change broke many UI designs (mine personally relied on TONS of gauges and assumed they wouldn't be stretched), but accounting for the change isn't particularly difficult.

Custom Player names, using EQTpe Labels for names, show up always Green when you are a leader. There should be a way to distinguish between if it should change color or not. (ie:EQType Player Name Static Color, EQType Player Name Dynamic -- as well as those for the party members).

This isn't a bug. You're just making a request.

Target Window

The buff icons show from the Upperleft of the screenitem, and are displayed left-to-right. However, the Petwindow, Buffwindow, SDwindow all display from the Upperright going right-to-left. It should stay consistant.
You need to have the ability to set the speicific locations of the buffs for customization, along with eqtypes for each buff to be displayed in other windows. I have tried adding in Location X/Y in the TargetBuffs and moving them out of its own screen item window as I did with the Petwindow, and no matter what I do, I cannot statically place the buff icons in a specific location to change the order or display where they need to be. It seems we are getting less and less customization for the UI community.

While yes, the target buffs should auto-sort right to left like the other buff lists, you CAN manually place buff icons by setting their <AutoStretch> property to true and giving them the <Anchor*> values needed to place them where you want.

Your last sentence there runs directly contrary to the introduction of the new TopLevelWindow system which lets us add our own custom windows, ability to add buttons that open these new custom windows, and many new objects being put on a new EQType system so they can be moved around (mainly voice chat related).

The EQTYPE: 120
(target of target percent)

It always shows a 0 for the target of target health when something isn't targeted in the target window, or any other window when placed.
Only when your target has something targeted will it show the actual health amount.
It should not display a 0 at all, ever, at any time – maybe unless it is a corpse. There is no such thing as 0%.
Easily reproduced when you are not grouped.

This is standard functionality and not a bug. No custom labels for a gauge percent disappear when zero. Only labels with a specific <ScreenID> in their standard parent window will disappear when their value reaches zero. You're asking for one label EQType to behave differently than the others.

Asking for all labels to disappear when zero would take away customization, as currently we can pick whether they disappear at zero or not by giving them the correct <ScreenID>. In addition, these specific <ScreenID> can make objects other than labels disappear when the value is zero.

Player Window

This is the only window where you can use the "Roles" submenu by clicking on your name to get the menu. If you try to utilize roles in another window by customization using eqtypes, it will not work. (see gauges/labels not functioning section).

Feature request, not a bug.

Desperate need of an EQType for the CombatStateAnim (Rest Icon) and the AttackIndicator pieces, so we do not have to rely on needing to utilize only the playerwindow for that. For those people who integrate windows together, and want to just utilize 1 window (ie: group window), you would loose those 2 things (as well as the Role options).

Feature request, not a bug.

Using Pop-Up Tell windows
  1. Audio triggers are not fired when a pop-up tell window is used. If you have an audio trigger set to "tells you", it does not play unless you turn off the pop-up tell window option.

Not exactly a bug, but a poor design decision. When using tell windows, ''tells you'' simply doesn't occur in the text. Instead it's ''Name -> name.'' You may be able to audio trigger ''-> Yourname'' to trigger a sound. If ''->'' can't be made an audio trigger, then it would count as a bug (in the audio trigger system, not the tell window system).


I know it's harsh criticism of the list, but I believe a bug report should be a report of bugs, not a feature wish-list.


SmileyFAAce_ 10-13-2008 05:41 PM

I wish to have the make"Popcorn Button "fixed in the PlayerWindow please...

Hiyas Enok..

SmileyFAAce_ :D

Drakah 10-17-2008 06:27 PM

Originally Posted by Haliken
Many things listed in the 10/06/08 list are opinion or feature requests and not bugs.

They are when they do not conform to the normality of the way the interfaces behave whether in-game usage or code base.

Originally Posted by Haliken
(Gauges stretching...)

Yes this change broke many UI designs (mine personally relied on TONS of gauges and assumed they wouldn't be stretched), but accounting for the change isn't particularly difficult.

This isn't a bug. You're just making a request.

Again, if it was to be stretched, it would be autostretch=true. Gauges coded to be false, should stay false. It is not a request, its a fact.

Originally Posted by Haliken
While yes, the target buffs should auto-sort right to left like the other buff lists, you CAN manually place buff icons by setting their <AutoStretch> property to true and giving them the <Anchor*> values needed to place them where you want.

The pet window is the same structure as the target window in relation to buff icons. You are able to copy the Pieces of the Pet window buff icon tags to the screenitem and giving them a static location to place the buffs where you want. However, the targetwindow for some reason ignores the placement regardless. The conformity is not identical.

Originally Posted by Haliken
Your last sentence there runs directly contrary to the introduction of the new TopLevelWindow system which lets us add our own custom windows, ability to add buttons that open these new custom windows, and many new objects being put on a new EQType system so they can be moved around (mainly voice chat related).

I have not fully examined the functionality of that file since it only states it affects the attributes listed to the window when activated.

Originally Posted by Haliken
(The EQTYPE: 120...)This is standard functionality and not a bug. No custom labels for a gauge percent disappear when zero. Only labels with a specific <ScreenID> in their standard parent window will disappear when their value reaches zero. You're asking for one label EQType to behave differently than the others.

Asking for all labels to disappear when zero would take away customization, as currently we can pick whether they disappear at zero or not by giving them the correct <ScreenID>. In addition, these specific <ScreenID> can make objects other than labels disappear when the value is zero.

EQType 120 is a Percent, not a name, or a item in your bag.
When you target someone, and the targetoftarget is active, and they do not have anyone targeted, the EQType 120 shows as 0% all the time until they target something. If you look at the leadership window targetoftarget, it does not do that. It should act the same way and does not.

Originally Posted by Haliken
I know it's harsh criticism of the list, but I believe a bug report should be a report of bugs, not a feature wish-list.

Well you certainly were able to raise my blood-pressure on your wording of your responses, but thank you none-the-less. I will re-arrange my wording from bugs to requests and hope that suits you more.

taylor13 10-20-2008 01:31 PM

This isn't a default UI error, but a general UI error.

Label EQType 135, target of target name, doesn't display a name if the target's target is a corpse. The text of the gauge does display the corpse name correctly however.

Also, has anyone ever tried putting the HoTT window INSIDE the target window (or any other window for that matter)? Wouldn't that allow usage of the specific screenid which would cause the % labels to disappear? The only detail would be, what would happen if someone tried to open the window normally? =/

They are when they do not conform to the normality of the way the interfaces behave whether in-game usage or code base.

I have to agree with Enok. Unfortunately, Sony controls the SUITE standard. Changes to that standard may create bugs for backwards compatibility, but the changes themselves are not bugs, unless the default UI didn't comply to the new standard. DirectX would be a great example of that =/


Haliken 10-20-2008 02:07 PM

Originally Posted by taylor13
Also, has anyone ever tried putting the HoTT window INSIDE the target window (or any other window for that matter)? Wouldn't that allow usage of the specific screenid which would cause the % labels to disappear? The only detail would be, what would happen if someone tried to open the window normally? =/

I've tried all sorts of ways to ''hijack'' ScreenID's to use them in another window, but have never gotten anything to work. EQ only makes use of a ScreenID once, so if it's in two places (even twice within its ''home'' window) only one instance will get the benefits of the ScreenID. In addition, when the HoTT window (as an example) is made a child of the Target window, its contents become children of the Target window as well, so HoTT-specific ScreenIDs stop functioning.

The only success I've had is where existence of one object can be toggled, so two objects with the same ScreenID can coexist, though only one is functional at a time. If memory serves, you can create a child Screen object with a close button, put a ScreenID'd object inside and one outside of it, and ordered so the one inside the Screen object is functioning. When the Screen object is ''closed'' the ScreenID'd object outside of the now-closed Screen object starts functioning.

Embedding the HoTT window in the Target window is also a pain due to the ordering of the two windows' XML files within EQUI.xml. You either need to edit EQUI.xml to change the order, or gut the Target window XML and put its contents in the HoTT window's XML file.

Basically, one solution would be for SOE to add ScreenIDs to the target window specifically for HoTT-related objects for UI modders to make use of. They've actually done this for the group window to add support for putting player information (mainly Role-related) by enabling ScreenIDs for group member ''0'' (zero).


Sylphan 10-30-2008 12:11 PM

Timer bugs
Currently, label item eqtype mercenary/TimeLeftText does not work... but maybe it's not supposed to.

The label item mercenary/ManageWnd/TimeLeftText does show but has some odd behavior. If you put it in another window (I used the potion window), it counts down twice as fast as normal. The version if it in the mercenary ManageWnd also counts down twice as fast. So it gets down to 0m 0s in only 7 and a half minutes. Then it continues to show 0m 0s for the next 7 and a half minutes until you are actually charged upkeep, at which point it is reset to 15m and starts counting down at double-speed again.

Halelen 10-30-2008 12:27 PM

Actually I have the hott info displayed in the target window and have no hott window at all. I have no modified hott window and no issues.


Dimencia 03-13-2009 04:55 AM

<EQType>CloseNotClicked 3-12-09

ceased working after the 3-12-09 patch

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