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myxiplx 04-06-2007 11:20 PM

Myxiplx's Interfaces & Pieces
Hey folks,

Just spotted that the site discourages chat in the interface comments, so starting this thread as a common spot to talk about my interfaces.

Feel free to offer any suggestions, criticism or advice (or just let me know how much you love em :-D). All my UI's started as things I built for myself or friends, but got posted here when they worked out better than I thought they would.

Links to my pieces
Older bitsMyx

Asedai 04-13-2007 09:43 AM

For some reason when I download your map it downloads but after being extracted and I try to load it in game...I don't get the map. I end up with the same map I had.

I then went and tried downloading the map that you indicated under your section and giving credit where credit is due:


and I had no problem with that. Came up in game when I downloaded it no problem.

I did want to try your version of the map...how can I get it to display in EQ?

myxiplx 04-13-2007 10:55 AM

The most likely explanation is that files are missing or not in the right place.

It's hard to troubleshoot without more details about what you did though. I assume you've created a new folder under uifiles? Do you have all the files from my zip file in there?

You should have:

If all that seems ok, find your UIerrors.txt file (in your everquest folder) and attach it here.


myxiplx 04-13-2007 10:59 AM

Just thought of something else. My zip file has spaces in the name. If you're just extracting the zip into a folder with the same name that will cause problems - I've found EQ doesn't like spaces, and it probably doesn't like apostrophies either. Spaces display ok when you type /loadskin, but it can load the wrong files.

If that's what happened, try renaming the folder to something like myxiplx_tiny_map.


Vardian 04-29-2007 09:10 AM

Wide screen 1280 x 1024
Myx, love your UI but I have two requests. First I would like to be able to have Hot Bar 4 as the vertical bar. Second I would like more than anything to have a Small Bank Window like your Big Bank Window for those of us playing on the Combine.

Thank you for a great UI.

myxiplx 04-29-2007 03:28 PM

Do you mean you want another vertical hotbar, or just that you want the buttons on hotbar 4 on the vertical bar?

Adding another vertical bar can be done, but will just take some time. If it's just swopping buttons around, did you know you can load & save hotkey sets and move the whole lot at once?

I don't know what's different about the combine server so the bank thing will be difficult for me to fix. Can you have a look at the individual bank mods on the site to see if any are suitable. The bank window is completely independant of everything else and originally came from this site so downloading an alternative should be a piece of cake :)

If you can't find any big banks that work on that server, let me know and attach your UIerrors.txt file and I'll see if I can get it working for you.


fenrian1 04-29-2007 04:44 PM

Big Bank is PoR expansion, it wont be available until it sunlocked on the combine.

myxiplx 04-30-2007 12:55 AM

Thanks fenrian. Your knowledge of these things is kinda scary at times :D

Vardian, I guess that means you'll have to delete my EQUI_BigBankWnd.xml file and live with the standard one for the time being.

Vardian 04-30-2007 05:33 PM

Sorry if I was not clear in my post, i was kind of rushed. Just to clarify what i was asking about.

First: On the hot bar issue, What I meant was you have hot bar 2 as the vertical bar and I would prefer that to be bar 4, as I do not use that one much if at all.

Second: Their are two bank windows in the default UI. EQUI_BankWnd.xml, which is the small bank (16 slot/ pre PoR and is used on the combine) and EQUI_BigBankWnd.xml (24 slot/ PoR bank). What I am requesting is a 16 slot/ two tab version of your big bank window that would take the place of the default EQUI_BankWnd.xml. I know nothing about programing but I would think that you could just delete the third tab in the big bank window and rename it, but it probably isn't that simple.

Thank you

Halelen 04-30-2007 05:46 PM

Hey Myx, downloaded your map and works great ..didnt suit my taste though...I didnt need the bags so just deleted all that out ...secondly my eyes to old and tired for such a small map.. so just made it 2 panels tall and all is good ... have made it a staple in all my ui's now. toggle background is a MUST for seeing maps..Great Work.


Thong3320 04-30-2007 09:18 PM

love the map idea
Myx, I love the background changing idea (SOE devs, if you're reading this.....make it happen!!!!!), but would love to see a normal-sized version! Any plans to do that?


myxiplx 05-01-2007 02:56 AM

Oh wow, so much attention /bask :D

Thong: Yes, I do have plans but I'm lazy and busy with a new UI so it's going to take a while. In the meantime, Serianna created a bigger version for the Egras UI, I haven't tested it but if it works as a standalone mod you might want to try that:

If that doesn't work, let me know so I can get working on a larger version, or possibly ask Halelen nicely :D

Btw Halelen, I'm changing the default colours in the map for my next release. I'm finding that dark background colour actually works for nearly every map, so I'm making that the default instead of the light colour. You might want to do that in yours, it's just a case of swopping the graphics over.

Vardian. So you just want hotbar 2 as the vertical one instead of hotbar 4? Is there any reason you can't just save the settings from hotbar 2 and apply them to hotbar 4, it should only takes seconds to transfer everything if you use the Save / Load feature. I might be misunderstanding, but I don't see anything that needs coding here?

Thanks for explaining about the bank windows, I didn't know about that at all (and I'd been wondering what BankWnd.xml did lol). I will have a go, but it's going to be some time before I get around to it I'm afraid. It's also going to be difficult to test as I have all the expansions so any changes I do make to the BankWnd file are going to be made blind.


Halelen 05-01-2007 04:47 AM

Big Bank
As for the bank issue you should be able to take the bigbank.xml and remove the extra tab and 8 slots then resave it as bankwnd.xml and should work fine.

As for seri big map last I checked its not stand alone, so unless she has changed it you will have to wait.


zorasis 06-01-2007 06:31 AM

this is my first UI and i really love the layout. thanks for making it.

i just have one small problem and i'm sort of a ui newb so i dont know what to do if its something i can fix myself...

i play in windowed mode and drag my eq window up so i can barely see the blue bar at the top. this way i can have my windows start bar at the bottom and not miss (barely) any of the eq window. however, using your UI in this manner, the eq start bar (which i dont want to get rid of) covers up alot of the bottom of your UI.

is there a way to slightly resize the UI or like move everything up from the bottom a little bit so that i dont have this problem?

i hope this isn't too confusing.

myxiplx 06-02-2007 03:10 AM

Hi guys,

I've just uploaded a new version of the UI, including a settings file for the 1280x960 resolution. If you put EQ in windowed mode and pick this resolution you'll find it fits just above the start bar.

You'll need to set that resolution then log out of EQ completely before copying the settings from my new .ini file across.


zorasis 06-02-2007 04:29 PM

you're the man. that works perfectly!


minyumivia 06-06-2007 03:31 PM

im not sure how to exsplain this, but when i followed the direction given for this UI and loaded EQ all the windows were jumbled. now moving stuff around isnt an issue till i got to the chat windows, i cant seem to move them even if i unlock them, first i have no idea why the UI ini file isnt configuring the UI like its suppose to and second why cannot i not move the chat windows.

Barzec 06-06-2007 05:05 PM

That chat window mod does not have a way to move the whole window in one move. The chat windows have to be "walked" into position. Example: If you need to place a chat window in the lower left of your screen, grab the lower-left corner of the chat window and drag it into position, then drag the upper-right corner into it's position. Rinse and repeat for the rest of the chat windows.

It's one of the bigger drawbacks to using that chat window mod, but the end result is SOOOO worth it IMO.

Not sure why the ini file did not correctly place things though.

HLMSanDiego 06-12-2007 12:11 PM

Still frustrated making transition to UI
I tried the new 1280 960 UI and it still doesnt work in windowed mode. This is so frustrating to me since I have tried with little success moving windows around and re configuring the viewport.

One of the problems I noticed is that the options window offers different windows sizes in window mode vs full screen mode and the 1280 960 is only offered in full screen.

Unsure where to go from here since I cant type to anyone and cant see what I am typing.

In full screen using your new 1280 960 looks like this:


However I must play in windowed mode because I 2 box and I am constatly monitoring web sites and sometimes friends IM me. But in windowed mode it looks like this:


Notice how the full screen mode looks stretched out high low wise and the windowed mode isnt usable with the typing lines hidden. Also notice the difference in the screen modes offered between windowed and full screen.

This is all confusing to me.

Still trying to get setttled into Myxiplx.

Riviera of Bertoxxulous

fenrian1 06-13-2007 09:16 AM

It looks to me like the problem is that EQ does not support widescreen in windowed mode. EQ has always been touchy about resolutions any way and it likes for every thing to be set the same.

I doubt if this will fix the problem, but it cant hurt;
right click the desktop, select properties and set the res to 1280x960
launch EQ, click options when the patcher finish's and select 1280x960
load char and select 1280x960 in options
window the game and select 1280x960 in options.

I had some issues a long time ago with the game getting all stretched out in windowed mode until I ensured that all 3 places I could set the res where the same. It looks to me though that options does not even give a 1280x960 res in the drop down. If this is the case, you will probably have to use a standard res and play in 1280x1064, myxi has a UI that supports that.

Sadenaig 06-13-2007 05:14 PM

I am not sure what happened, but when I got my new monitor I couldn't use the native resolution of 1680x1050, but sometime later I went and looked again, and I was able to. EQ does support it in windowed mode, but I don't know if there is a setting somewhere that needs to be changed of if a file needs to be replaced.

myxiplx 06-15-2007 06:39 AM

Hey guys,

Apologies for not replying sooner, I've been away on holiday for a week in sunny spain.

Give me a day or two to catch up and have a think about this resolution thing and I'll see if I can get a solution posted.

EQ definately does support 1280x960 in windowed mode as I'm using it myself now. I suspect it's a graphics driver thing - EQ's never been the best at working these things out. I'm hoping it's just a case of editing EQ's .ini files to add that as a supported resolution. I've read something along those lines on the forums when other people have had problems using their widescreen resolutions.


Izara 06-15-2007 05:21 PM

Map errors on zoning?
Have had my system crash on zoning several times now with the mini-map open when I zone. Restarting did not help, as I would immediately crash again when zoning in (mini-map still open). Deleting the EQUI_MapViewWnd.xml file allowed me to re-enter the game with no problems, with the default large map now open down in the corner. This happened in The Feerot and Cazic Thule a couple of days ago, and today in Great Divide. No clue why - the error messages all reference something like "the instruction at "0x7c918494" referenced memory at "0x3f800000" the memory could not be written". The addresses were not consistently the same, but the message was always similar to that.

It's taken me a bit to get used to this UI, but I do love it's clean looks and functionality and I will continue to use it. I just have to remember to close the map before zoning.

myxiplx 06-16-2007 03:00 AM

Hey guys,

Resolution Issue
Ok, reading up on the resolution thing it seems that EQ supports pretty much any resolution, but what's shown in the list in game will vary depending on your graphics card / monitor combination.

If you want to use a resolution that's not listed for you, if you quit EQ you can add the setting manually by editing the eqclient.ini file. To set EQ to use 1280x960 in windowed mode and 1280x1024 full screen find the [VideoMode] section and set it like this:


Crashing when zoning
Izara, that's interesting to read. I've never had a problem like this myself, but my fiancee's experienced intermittent problems like that in the past.

It's not something I've been able to find a cause for yet to be able to submit a /bugreport to soe. Lenlu's had it crash a few times, either while zoning or just randomly a minute or two later, which sounds very similar to your problem. With the latest patch we also tracked it down to the map, but then I put the map back a few days later and she's been running ok with it ever since. With nobody else had reporting problems and her account working again I wasn't too worried about it.

However, if you're also having problems it's likely others are affected too. Reading up on it today, there are a few warnings about using open inventory slots when zoning, so that's what I suspect is causing the problems. I further suspect the crashing only occurs with specific bags or items in your inventory, otherwise I'd be having the same problems.

Could you do me a favour and run "/output inventory" and pm me the text file that generates (a file called Character-Inventory.txt in your EQ folder). I'll see if there's anything in common between your account and Lenlu's to see if I can find the root cause so I can report this to SoE.

However while I'm looking for the cause of this, I could also do with modifying the UI to prevent that crashing for you. I'm thinking the best workaround will probably be for me to remove the bag tab from the map and add it to another window, so you can keep the map open and just open the inventory when needed. The music player window seems to be the easiest piece to modify that's not often used. Leave this with me I'll try to get that modified in the next week or two and added as an option for the UI.


myxiplx 06-16-2007 03:06 AM


If your windows are all jumbled up it means EQ didn't get the settings from my ini file.

The first thing I'd ask is what resolution are you running? The .ini files I supply only include settings for specific resolutions: 1280x1024 and 1280x960. I'm adding support for other resolutions as I can, but it's taking some time to do.

If you're definately running the supported resolution, then something went wrong copying the ini file over. Make sure you've completely quit out of EQ (once the game is running and you've logged on it doesn't read the settings again), and check that you're replacing the settings for the correct character and server.

If you're still having problems, post again and I'll see what else I can do to help :)


jay6600 06-17-2007 04:03 PM


I like the bag and the two color tabs added to the map, but i don't want to use the small map. Is there any way you can add the bag tab to either the enlarged or the default sized map?


Bria 06-20-2007 02:37 PM

Tiny hot bar ui piece
Having a bit of trouble here, i loaded the file in a new folder (copied version of default) and it doesnt seem to be working. I dont get errors but the hot bar doesnt change. Im on the combine server (progressive) if that makes a difference. Any way to help me get all tiny Hotbars?

kudilukudzu 06-20-2007 04:34 PM

ok, first, don't copy default. just put the extracted zip file in a new folder in the UI directory.
second, are there any spaces in your folder name? if so, remove them. spaces can play havoc with some things like this. you'll be better off if you make it all lowercase as well - i believe the loadskin system is case sensitive, so if you do have capitals make sure you remember where they are.
third, i'm not sure, but i think this UI is a modular system that has options. usually in this type, the filenames have stuff appended to the end to explain which version it is. example would be EQUI_HotButtonWnd_allhorizontal.xml. the file should be named with just the basic file name - in the hot button window example, it would be something like EQUI_HotButtonWnd.xml
i'm not sure if that's the exact name, but you should be able to tell. the only thing that should be after 'window' or 'wnd' is the extension (.xml).

Catweazel 06-21-2007 11:28 AM

I have recently switched to this UI from AYA and like the simpler layout, thanks for the hard work that went into this.

In playing around, I have discovered a bug relating to bag slots:

The bag tab window shows all bags as 10 slot and does not refresh when removing a bag. Adding an item to slot 7 in a 6 slot bag crashes the system. This applies to the bank slots as well.


fenrian1 06-22-2007 09:15 PM

Originally Posted by Catweazel
I have recently switched to this UI from AYA and like the simpler layout, thanks for the hard work that went into this.

In playing around, I have discovered a bug relating to bag slots:

The bag tab window shows all bags as 10 slot and does not refresh when removing a bag. Adding an item to slot 7 in a 6 slot bag crashes the system. This applies to the bank slots as well.


This is true for all "open bag" ui's. they should always be used with extreme care so you dont lose stuff.

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