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danille 07-26-2008 05:20 PM

AYA ~ A unique UI
The advantages of using AYA UI are simply amazing! This UI the fastest currently available with regards to gameplay and quick action when it counts.

1) You can access 100% of the normal controls of the game by moving your cursor in a 1"x3" section on the bottom right hand corner of this UI.
(see white square outline) If you perfer it to be on the bottom left, you can change it! Almost every other UI out there, forces you to hunt all over the screen for
a hotkey to press or a gem to click. No matter how pretty the UI is or how it looks that would drive me insane!

2) It is made of tiny pieces that fit together! It is not intergrated!

3) Complete wide open side to side vision with none of the "tunnel" vision aspects that so many UI's have with windows up the left and right sides of the screen!

4) There is no need to open your inventory window when raiding or grouping. All clickies, bags, stats and information are already visible and ready for use.

5) You can have up to 40 hotkeys availible for instant use, without having to scroll to the next hotkey page.

6) You have all your spells and options clickies available in the same 1"x3" space on the UI.

7) Your potion belt and EQ square button are in the same 1"x3" space as well.

You can view your AA, regular experience and breath guages as well as the LAA, RAA percentages which are all located in the compass to the far left.

9) You can fit multiple window all over the screen if you wish!

10) There are tons of options in the folders of this UI to use: orginal, luclin, default or wow style spell gems and buff icons; a vertical spell gem window;
class specific portriats in the inventory window; and a host of other custom options.

I think I would quit EQ if I ever had to go back to using default.

You can download AYAUI Here!

Lilzak 10-09-2008 05:34 PM

Danille, I love your SoD compliant UI. My compliments to you and Gilthanos.

On the horizontal spell icon bar, to the right of the BOOK button, you have two open squares. One appears to be linked to the Range item, the other a top inventory slot. Would it be possible to make an update or option so both boxes can be linked each to a top inventory slot? I have 2 clickies I use and would like them both 'front and center" on that spell icon bar.


Xeg Server

Sneakors 10-09-2008 05:41 PM

I agree. The UI rules!

Thank you very much for keeping it up-to-date

danille 10-09-2008 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by Lilzak
Danille, I love your SoD compliant UI. My compliments to you and Gilthanos.

On the horizontal spell icon bar, to the right of the BOOK button, you have two open squares. One appears to be linked to the Range item, the other a top inventory slot. Would it be possible to make an update or option so both boxes can be linked each to a top inventory slot? I have 2 clickies I use and would like them both 'front and center" on that spell icon bar.


Xeg Server

If you open up the spellcastwindow in notepad, you can find the EQ types for the 2 squares you are interested in changing. you need to change the bolded numbers to what ever slot you want!

Inventory EQTags

1 LEar
2 Head
3 Face
4 REar
5 Neck
6 Shoulder
7 Arms
8 Back
9 LWrist
10 RWrist
11 Range
12 Hands
13 Primary Slot
14 Secondary Slot
15 LFinger
16 RFinger
17 Chest
18 Legs
19 Feet
20 Belt
21 Ammo

22 inventory slot top left 1
23 inventory slot left 2nd
24 inventory slot left 3rd
25 inventory slot left 4th
26 inventory slot top right 1
27 inventory slot right 2nd
28 inventory slot right 3rd
29 inventory slot right 4th

Darkrigel 10-16-2008 08:51 PM

on your newest UI package your spell bar your able to put your nam ein it what is the 6th box for on the potion belt??

danille 10-17-2008 05:57 AM

Originally Posted by Darkrigel
on your newest UI package your spell bar your able to put your nam ein it what is the 6th box for on the potion belt??

no you cannot put you name on the spell bar. You can however put you name on the potion belt window of you use an optional potion belt window located in the subfolder. instructions are in the folder too. the 6th potion belt is not available in game yet but eventually will be.

squish11 10-17-2008 12:26 PM

Is there a way to change the font size on the hotbar names? When I play my magician I have hotkeys for various AA elemental forms, but on my hotbar all I see is part of the name: "Elemental form," instead of the full name: "Elemental Form Earth," for example. Other key names are similarly truncated due to the large font size. Otherwise I love this UI.

danille 11-08-2008 12:21 PM

Originally Posted by squish11
Is there a way to change the font size on the hotbar names? When I play my magician I have hotkeys for various AA elemental forms, but on my hotbar all I see is part of the name: "Elemental form," instead of the full name: "Elemental Form Earth," for example. Other key names are similarly truncated due to the large font size. Otherwise I love this UI.

There is no way to change the font size on the hotkeys. You can use the larger hotkeys though if you want. Look in the file folders and you will see 3 different types, try the 2x5 ones.

My main is a mage and understand what you mean. Only use elemental form water though so its not as much of a concern. The Gylph's are a royal pain though

Halelen 11-08-2008 01:51 PM

The other option is to make your own hotkey name and then use the /alt activate # command to initiate it. Only downside to this is you dont get the button refresh to show you when the timer is up but imho that is a small price to pay.


sacreddark 07-28-2009 03:04 AM

Buff windows
4 Attachment(s)
finally saw in the most recent version that my request for the labeless 2 row horizontal short duration buff window was there. YAY.... fills in backwards from the really old versions but i can get used to it. I love that window cuz I alt on a Bard and I know what my icons are for songs i don't need to see the names just be able to glance at them all together.

My last request is there is an img file for the old boxless buff window but no included xml file to use it. ATM i have a modified xml file someone hacked together for me to make it work, tho i use the original img file so the buff icon colors are more transparent. With the xml file tho, with either img file the background color bar is still slightly ajar. If ya'll could possibly work it back in as an option, i'll name my next cat after you. I'll even attach my files here that I'm currently using.

I'm horribly dogged about using what i first saw, and i've dug around and none of the other UI's or pieces have a boxless buff window like that. It was a good blend of icons i can see without taking up screen space.

PS attaching screenshots of how the windows look currently as they are slightly off kilter and how it used to look

yes another edit: i was 2boxin while testing out that new window and tabbing here between spawns .... noticed that the buff icons on the 2 row sd buff window are just a hair smaller than before and that freakin timer is covering most of the icon, where as the older version you could still see half the icon, mebbe 1/3 which was enough to identify the buff.

i know, i doth whine too much but I so love this UI and been using it for close to 6 years, and the buff windows were some of the best parts, aside from the incredible visibility of any piece of info you would need.

danille 07-28-2009 08:55 PM

Very sorry.
The old horizontal song boxes are no longer supported. (bad news)
In the next expansion, the main buffs will be increased to 30 slots and the songs to 20. The good news is that AYAUI has already been modified to support the increased buff slot change in November.

maelya 08-11-2009 04:21 PM

2 Attachment(s)

I love love love this UI, the only thing that bugs me is that the Merc window is not a uniform size like all the other windows. It makes it hard to fit it into the UI nicely. Any chance of getting it to a more uniform size, like maybe similar to the actions window, or actions + EQ2 window height (and thinner) and remove the border, so it can fit in neatly right next to the actions window in the UI set ups? Right now I have it there, but i have a chat window to fill in the blank spot between the top of the Merc window and the bottom of the group window lol. Nothing goes to the chat window, its just there to cover up the hole.

I included a screen so you could see what I mean, and a picture of how I would like it... if I only knew how to make it look like that in game!

danille 08-11-2009 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by maelya

I love love love this UI, the only thing that bugs me is that the Merc window is not a uniform size like all the other windows. It makes it hard to fit it into the UI nicely. Any chance of getting it to a more uniform size, like maybe similar to the actions window, or actions + EQ2 window height (and thinner) and remove the border, so it can fit in neatly right next to the actions window in the UI set ups? Right now I have it there, but i have a chat window to fill in the blank spot between the top of the Merc window and the bottom of the group window lol. Nothing goes to the chat window, its just there to cover up the hole.

I included a screen so you could see what I mean, and a picture of how I would like it... if I only knew how to make it look like that in game!

Thats a really good point. Let me see what can be done.

maelya 08-11-2009 07:56 PM

YAY Thank you =)

gamguren 08-12-2009 02:37 AM

Aya Crashing
Originally Posted by danille
I think I would quit EQ if I ever had to go back to using default.


Totally agree been using this UI for years and just cant find another that feels as good.

however lately I have been having problems with EQ crashing in certain zones (namely Misty, N&W Karana and Lobby), which on investigation seems to be down to Aya UI, i.e doesnt crash when using standard UI or Vert, but if i reload AYA it crashes yet again in these zones. (note only happend twice in lobby)

useually get a message about "unable to read instruction at address @@@@@@" or somethign along those lines.

danille 08-12-2009 04:25 PM

Originally Posted by gamguren
Totally agree been using this UI for years and just cant find another that feels as good.

however lately I have been having problems with EQ crashing in certain zones (namely Misty, N&W Karana and Lobby), which on investigation seems to be down to Aya UI, i.e doesnt crash when using standard UI or Vert, but if i reload AYA it crashes yet again in these zones. (note only happend twice in lobby)

useually get a message about "unable to read instruction at address @@@@@@" or somethign along those lines.

After repeated use your .ini files become corrupt. Start by using the EQUI_YOURNAME_YOURSERVER.ini file that comes with the AYAUI download. Rename it and stick it in your EQ folder (not the AYAUI folder) If that doesn;t solve the problem, then rename your client.ini files and repatch. (The ones that contain the hotkey and spell book information) those get corrupted as well after time and can cause you to crash.

Of course that means that you will have to remake your hotkeys and spell books but it makes the crashing stop. A good way to see if this is the problem is to open the files as txt and see if there are blank spaces in the file. This is an indicator of corruption.

scobo 08-12-2009 11:15 PM

Buff Box
I just tried this UI for the first time and I am very impressed with it. One question - my buffs are showing up weird (some have icon but no text, some text but no icon, many seem to be overlaying the actual buff for another spell). Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong?

danille 08-13-2009 07:12 PM

Originally Posted by scobo
I just tried this UI for the first time and I am very impressed with it. One question - my buffs are showing up weird (some have icon but no text, some text but no icon, many seem to be overlaying the actual buff for another spell). Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong?

This is a known issue and on the SoE side. They are patching a fix when they have time.

Chantin 08-22-2009 05:07 PM

Love this UI
Thank you for picking it up after Kanon stopped on it, great job by you and everyone involved, THANK YOU!!

Rowenah 08-23-2009 11:15 AM

viewport issue
I have used this UI for several years now and I use it in 1280x1024 mode due to multi-boxing. I was trying to change the viewport to help with resource usage, but it always goes back to original setup when I log out. Any ideas on what I could be doing wrong? Any help would be awesome.

Khanis 08-25-2009 12:00 PM

I get an error message when I try to use this with SoD and then the application reverts to the original skin. Any suggestions on how this can be fixed?

danille 08-25-2009 04:39 PM

Originally Posted by Khanis
I get an error message when I try to use this with SoD and then the application reverts to the original skin. Any suggestions on how this can be fixed?

Please clarify what you mean by "when I use this with SoD"

SmileyFAAce_ 08-26-2009 03:32 AM

Originally Posted by Khanis
I get an error message when I try to use this with SoD and then the application reverts to the original skin. Any suggestions on how this can be fixed?

Sony..Everquest..UIErrors.. please post the UIErrors. That will tell us what broke the UI.

You get an error when you use it with SoD..

Are you like me: )?.. Have one account SoD.. other account, non SoD expansion:D.. >< Im so behind on the one account.. I 'll wait for the next expansion :P


Lravenwolf 08-28-2009 11:12 AM

Having some issues
1 Attachment(s)
Hi There! I'm getting an error when I try to use the skin, saying the XML is not compatible with this version of everquest. I also, cannot for the life of me make the stats appear. Whenever I try to re-load the skin, everything goes into the top left corner and I have to manually replace everything so it makes testing and all that a chore. Can you help? Here's a screenshot of what I'm seeing. Sorry for the bad quality - forum doesn't allow anything sizeable in there.

Thanks for your help.

danille 08-28-2009 05:29 PM

Originally Posted by Lravenwolf
Hi There! I'm getting an error when I try to use the skin, saying the XML is not compatible with this version of everquest. I also, cannot for the life of me make the stats appear. Whenever I try to re-load the skin, everything goes into the top left corner and I have to manually replace everything so it makes testing and all that a chore. Can you help? Here's a screenshot of what I'm seeing. Sorry for the bad quality - forum doesn't allow anything sizeable in there.

Thanks for your help.

Please download: http://www.eqinterface.com/download...oad.php?id=5518

Then unzip the file into your everquest/uifiles folder.

Then open that folder and find the file that says EQUI_YOURNAME_YOUR SERVER

Rename the file replacing YOURNAME_YOURSERVER with your information.

The take that file and stick it in your EVERQUEST folder (not the uifiles folder)

You should be all set after doing that.

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