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-   -   Removing Surname (or all of) Player Name (http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=940)

OjUI 08-13-2002 12:50 PM

Removing Surname (or all of) Player Name
Could someone please look at my Playerwindow and direct me on how to remove either (A) just the player Surname or - if that's not possible (B) the entire Player name from it?

Thanks very much in advance.

<?xml version = "1.0"?>
<XML ID = "EQInterfaceDefinitionLanguage">
<Schema xmlns = "EverQuestData" xmlns:dt = "EverQuestDataTypes"/>

<Gauge item = "Player_HP">
<Label item ="PdV">

<Gauge item = "Pet_HP">


<Gauge item = "Player_Mana">

<Gauge item = "Player_Fatigue">

<Gauge item = "ALT_ExpGauge">

<Gauge item = "Casting">
<!--<Font>3</Font> -->
<Gauge item = "normal_xp">

<Label item ="CA">
<Label item ="CANumber">
<Label item ="ATTK">
<Label item ="ATTKNumber">
<Gauge item = "air">
<Label item ="hpperc">
<Label item ="manaperc">
<Label item ="xpperc">
<Label item ="altxpperc">
<Screen item = "PlayerWindow">
<TooltipReference>The Breath Meter</TooltipReference>





Pini Uldar 08-13-2002 01:34 PM

Have you tried bumping the GaugeOffsetY down to like 15 and reducing the CY size so that the surname is out of the visible part? This is on your Player_HP gauge. The name/surname is actualy the text for that gauge.

- Pini

OjUI 08-13-2002 01:57 PM

Thanks for the quick reply!

I changed the GaugeOffsetY to 15 and reduced the CY size down to 15 - the surname is gone (yay!) but now so is the Hitpoints bar (cry). Any suggestions on other values? I'm sort of a n00b here. Thanks. :)

Gonna try CY size of 30 and see if that helps in the meantime.

OjUI 08-13-2002 02:52 PM

hmmm running out of ideas.........

I've changed CY size to 18 which eliminated the surname - but the GaugeOffsetY has me confused - I've tried 15 (no hp bar) and 22, 26, 28 (still no hp bar) - and leaving it at 30 shows "half" of the hp bar and it's up too high and away from my hp %.

Any ideas?


Pure 08-13-2002 05:21 PM

Player Name
<Gauge item = "Player_HP">

I thought the name issue was to put a -250 in the Text spot like so:

And if -250 didnt work try lower gradually until it works
Not real sure, I use my name and surname.

Deadman 08-13-2002 08:28 PM

You can try a textoffsety till you push the surname off the bottom of the tile and then use a guageoffsety with a negative number putting the guage ontop of the name

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