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Roger Sewell 12-02-2003 03:24 PM

This isn't exactly a UI thing, but I thought I would pass along some information to you kind folks over here at EQInterface.

We got EQIM up to speed yesterday so that it shows all the servers now. You will see Venril Sathir, Kael Drakkal, Sebilis, Stromm, and Maelin Starpyre. This is still unsupported software, but I hope you enjoy the changes we've made. You don't need to change anything, just run EQIM and it will automagically download a new Serverinfo.xml file. If you had modified your Serverinfo.xml file manually and added /nopatch to the end of your shortcut, you will need to remove that to get the newest file.


Kudane 12-02-2003 03:50 PM

I will say it for everyone Roger

You Rock!!!

thanks for the info..

orion711 12-02-2003 05:26 PM

This may be a mute point but I haven't used EQIM in along time because I am on Maelin and when i saw this I went to Everquest live to download it but unfortunatly I couldn't seem to find a link to it anywhere. Long story short, here is the link to the download for anyone who may need it:


Qinadwen 12-02-2003 08:09 PM

Woohooo - thanks Roger, you are the man ... now all we need is for EQIM to be able to connect to the ingame guildchat :) Although I know - EQIM in not currently supported by SOE.

Great work Roger - glad to see you are on our side :D

Qinadwen Loreseeker, VS

Dravenlee 12-02-2003 08:48 PM

I can't seem to get EQIM to for anything....I always am get it to say that friends are not online when I know that they are....any recommendations? Have tried EQIM on 2 different computers and always the same results...I remember hearing something a while back that friends have to type /invisable or something to the effect....can anyone shed any light on this problem? Thanks for all help.

Roger Sewell 12-02-2003 09:31 PM

Heya Zone, at this time, EQIM cannot connect to the guild chat because EQIM is connecting to the Channel Server, and not the World Server, so basically it recognises your character, but not guild affiliations. So if you want to talk to your guild, create a "Guild Channel" and have your entire guild join it. Passwording it would be a good idea as well.

If you an unfamiliar with how to do so, here is the format.

/join ChannelName:Password


/join EQinterface:8675309

Thank you to Orion for the link, we'll be altering the web page shortly to make it easier to find/download.

Dolby 12-02-2003 09:56 PM

Ugghh thanks Roger now I got that darn song stuck in my head.

Jenny, I got your number.
I need to make you mine.
Jenny, don't change your number,
8 6 7 5 3 0 9
8 6 7 5 3 0 9
8 6 7 5 3 0 9 ....

Cairenn 12-03-2003 12:07 AM

*Laughs at Dolby*

For whatever reason, EQIM just plain stopped working for me a while back. I've no idea why. One day it worked, the next day it didn't, and I haven't been able to get it working since. Even tried re-installing it, no joy. Blah.

guice 12-03-2003 03:43 AM

Unsupported Software? I guess that means that SOE has truely stopped development of it? :(

It's a nice tool. I do agree it shouldn't cost 5.95$/mnth just to use it. It seems that once that was announced it would be free, EQIM production went to a grinding hault.

Dolby 12-03-2003 04:13 AM

Its always been unsupported.

Its not $5.95 a month. They toyed with the idea for chargeing but they made a BIG announcement awhile back saying it would be free and it has been ever since. :)

guice 12-03-2003 06:48 AM

I remember the release. They published EQIM aa "Beta" and said it's free for now. They are discussing the price for it and levying towards 5.95$. After a bit of protest about the idea that this utility would cost a monthly fee, SOE made an announcement that it will be free.

Kunis Marfury 12-04-2003 05:47 AM

question to the mass :)

i play on the localized server Sébilis (french)

EQim works great but i can't get to see my char names correctly.
instead of Kunis, in the selection and chat windows, i (and the people) just see something like 4b756e6973
and, also, we can't add buddy, nor tell them, if they have an accent on their name (such as Hérisson :p)

i know that EQim's no longer supported but pleeaaaaaaaaaaaaaase, just patch it. or push UBIsoft to patch it for you :p

SannaSK 12-07-2003 04:59 PM

oh, thank you so much that someone still thinks about this. I use the IM all the time, it's such a great thing. It loooves to crash when I log in to certain characters, not sure why. /shrug. And last I checked, it thinks that the Tarew Marr server is 'tarew.name', not the correct 'marr.name.' But we got a channel going for the people there, so it's not that much of an issue now.

I am glad the IM is free; we already pay for the game. And the IM is sooooooooo unbelievably useful. I cannot tell you how happy I am that someone still pays attention. Thank you thank you thank you.

-- Sanna

mortis42 12-07-2003 05:25 PM

EQIM and Trillian
I'd like to see a EQIM plugin for Trillian Pro.
I stopped using it because it created to many windows for my liking to use. If it was integrated into Trillian that would be cool.

Utaeladil 12-15-2003 10:34 PM

I didn't expect to see an EQIM thread but am glad to do so. Below is a copy of an email I sent to several of the EQ email addresses, where they basically said to go stuff myself (politely) because EQIM was no longer supported. If ANY of you have the ability to do ANYTHING with the serverinfo.xml file or could at least fix the mentioned bug with creating new friends on my server placing an incorrect tag, that would be great!

Also, since it IS no longer supported, why not talk to the big guys and have them release the source code or whatever so that 3rd party people can pick up where you left off... I'd love to see something more useful come of this app :)

Original Message Follows:
I would like to know the name and/or email of the person who supports
EQIM. There are several really annoying problems that just aren't being
addressed. The biggest issue that I have involved the Tarew Marr

The problem with TM server was that, when EQIM was first released, the
serverinfo.xml contained the tag "tarew" for Tarew Marr. It would only
report that TM was down. It turns out that the tag needed to be changed
to "marr" instead...and thanks to a nice and knowledgable guide I was
able to change this in the serverinfo.xml and launch it with a /nopatch
command to keep it from downloading the patch. It worked great... for
a long time... then one day I started receiving SERVER DOWN messages
again for my server. So I double checked the serverinfo.xml file and it
was still fine...so I figured what the heck...and I ran the eqim.exe
without any commandline options and it downloaded the serverinfo.xml
file again (once more with the TAREW tag) only this time it now shows my
characters and I can logon and communicate with anyone who was in my
friends list. The friends, however, were added as "marr.friend" instead
of "tarew.friend" and work fine. If I try to add new friends via EQIM,
it adds them as "tarew.friend" which does not work. So now, what I have
to do to add new friends, is manually edit the xml file containing the
friends I wish to add and enter the XML compatable code for their
marr.friend name for it to work... it is a complete annoyance and
almost enough to make me stop wanting to use it, though it is great to
see who is online real quick without needing to logon.

I don't care if you name the server tag "tarew" like they are now, or
"marr" to match the file naming conventions of the logfile, friends
list, UI files, etc (which to me makes much more sense - migrate it all
over to "marr") but whatever you do, I would at LEAST like to be able to
add friends without editing the .xml file... this is something that
most people would not have the knowledge nor patience to figure out or
do. Almost everyone I know on TM does not use it because it has not
worked for us for so very long.

Every single new person downloading EQIM for use with the TM server will
just think that it constantly reports their friends as offline
incorrectly, (because new friends they add are tarew.friend instead of
marr.friend) so just imagine how many people aren't going to use it.

I know EQIM has been deemed free, and therefore you may not consider it
important enough to do anything about, or maybe you just don't have
anyone knowledgeable enough to test it with you...but I consider EQIM to
be valuable enough to at least fix the minor problems with the Tarew
Marr server...unless you are just biased toward us :-)

I have also noticed some undocumented features within the xml file (like
the ability to add a friend to a certain section, manually, and it
allows you to access those friends from any name on that server you have
created... I was wondering if there were a more detailed set of docs
with it anywhere.

The other major problem I have with it (am running on XP pro btw) is
that once in a while it will crash and when I re-open it, it has lost
all of my contact info. It is so bad that I keep a copy of the xml file
containing my friends list and copy it over when it crashes...with the
extreme hassle of adding new users, it's a big pain...

Anyway I would like someone to contact me as soon as possible to answer
any/all of these questions.


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