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askyn 07-27-2002 01:59 PM

Is this possable .. for target window?
Had a neat idea last night and was wondering if it was possable.

I rather doubt it but dont know xml so here goes

Target Window:

Target name
HP bar ----------- hp%
Pet HP bar ------ pethp%

Name of who is getting wacked
Wacked player HP bar ----- %

By "Wacked player", I mean the main tank .. caster that grabbed agro etc.

It would be nice for all to be able to see how fast some one is going down to be able to prepare / get the notice of people if the mob changes targets.

I doubt that that part would be possable, but would love to be proved wrong =)

psychogears 07-27-2002 02:10 PM

I'm 99.96% sure that you can't do this the way the SIDL is right now. There is no gauge or label EQType that references "My target's target's HP" and HP %, the furthest this goes is "My target's HP" and HP %.

The only thing I can think of is if in the future SIDL provides support for doing things when certain events happen, like if (groupmember 3 takes damage or something) then (do an action like display groupmember 3's HP gauge in a special window). But ya. Not right now. Maybe in the future, although I doubt it.


askyn 07-27-2002 03:35 PM

Thanks for taking a look =)

Didnt think it was possible .. but would have been a neat idea if it was.

/bow ... happy hunting

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