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knytul 09-11-2008 01:36 PM

can someone make a PURE Minimalist UI

Just gonna use Default for example:
1) i have it hidden behind the player window, but the Giant Tabs names (Group, Chat window, etc), could remove these. Make all the windows straight flat boxes (no extra junk).
2) Merge the Target and HoTT for even more room
3) Small Potion Belt
4) make the Song and Spell buffs areas vertical, names and timers displayed, small and compact.

Basically make everything Very Similar to the Player window: Name/HP/Mana/End/Rest Icon/and that goofy speaker thing..thats it. Nothing extra.

Would anybody be so kind as to make up a UI like this. VERY VERY SIMPLE and VERY VERY Minimalist. Alot of people dont post here who are using Default (who dont like it), but its the closest to a minimalist that fits we can get. If someone would theyd do us a Great Great Favor :D. Also (just thinkin out loud) should be easy to maintain with patches :P

knytul 09-11-2008 04:00 PM

the player window is what i DO like. Small, no extra info: no xp bars, no double stats (hp/mana/end), no tributes, none of that stuff.

No frames, just straight flat boxes (chat windows, hot bars)...
Horizontal Hot bars would be sweet, but some may want Vertical. Spell Gems on default is ok. basically compare Player window and Spell Gems, to like..Group window, Chat windows, etc. Most of us have been playing game long enuf to know which windows do what.

Major Chnages: Smaller Potion Belt, And Vertical Songs/Buffs windows with names of buffs and timers. Pure vertical, but small if possible.

Make sense?

MerenLongbow 09-11-2008 04:58 PM

Edit: NM, looks like Smiley already took care of you.

Most of this stuff exists in the interface pieces section already:

Buff window here

Minimal group window here

Simple target/hott window (not combined but titleless, minimalist)
or here (wider but combined in one)

Minicombat window here:
It has a title so open the file in a text editor(notepad will work), find the line that says "<Style_Titlebar>true</Style_Titlebar> " (about 20 lines from the bottom) and change it to "<Style_Titlebar>false</Style_Titlebar>" and save.

Small potion belt here:

Chat window here:

wiznut 09-11-2008 05:13 PM

Yeah, pretty much everything you are asking for exists already. My own UI, is along the lines of what you describe wanting... not a single title bar in sight.


knytul 09-11-2008 05:52 PM

b4 u upload it to here, could u post a screenshot of it first? Make sure we on same page....

knytul 09-11-2008 06:25 PM

no man, no no no....

Remove ALL title windows (Main Chat, Chat window 1, etc.)...
Horizontal Hotbars, not 2 stacked Vertical...
Actions Window is pretty cool
Buffs and Short Duration make like..... http://www.eqinterface.com/download...nfo.php?id=5185 but show the timers..

make sense?

knytul 09-11-2008 07:12 PM

ok, i duplicated the default file...then i copied ALL them files into it...and Nothing Changed..any ideas?

Dorvak 09-12-2008 09:32 AM

You could try out my 'Simple D' under Minimalist downloads. It's not exactly what you're looking for but close (I put XP, AA bars and small weapon slots in the player window). I don't think you can really get rid of the title bars on chat windows. That's where you have to click to set filters, languages, create new chat boxes, etc. You'ld be really limited without that.

To load a new UI you don't need to copy the default files. Just put your new UI files into a named folder inside your ui files directory inside EQ. Once in EQ, go to the main options page and click load UI. Select the name of your new UI folder from the list and presto. EQ will grab anything not in that folder that it needs from the default.

P.S. I haven't uploaded the added speaker icon versions yet, still twiddling with placement in the group window. It functions just fine without them, you just have to make adjustments on the 'Users' tab.

knytul 09-13-2008 11:46 AM

Created a new folder, took all of them downloadable pieces up top, copied them into a new folder named "Custom UI" (they the only files in the folder). Everythings unzipped and sittin there in the folder.

Went into eq, loaded Custom UI, and Nothing.....

Kelso 09-13-2008 11:50 AM

dont put spaces in folder name

knytul 09-13-2008 12:08 PM

kewl, startin to get somewhere....

Same kind of spell bar as: http://www.eqinterface.com/download...iew.php?id=9374 but with New Spell Icons?

Also, for some reason when i try some of these Hotbar's, im only able to use Hotbar 1 and 2, but not 3...

Getti Lee 09-22-2008 09:09 AM

try this UI: http://www.eqinterface.com/download...nfo.php?id=4588

its insanely minimalist, if i wasn't used to quartz for 9 years...i'd be all over this and its still very tempting :) the author did a awesome job with this, hope he continues to mod the rest of the UI windows.

kudilukudzu 09-22-2008 11:33 AM

Try Turlo's stuff, under Featured Interfaces. it will get you the chat windows at least, and he's got TONS of options for the hotbuttons.

he hasn't updated lately, but for the most part it all still works. I use his chat and buff windows personally, and the target window (which combines target and hott like you wanted)

Turlo 10-08-2008 02:29 PM

Thanks for the referral. Yah, I haven't updated lately... RL taking too much time, but I did quit my raiding guild and plan to use my spare time to get back into the development of things.

I've got some really cool changes that are just about ready to be uploaded. I just have some tweaking to do on the group window.

Etoile 10-08-2008 03:22 PM

I hate the Title Bars on the windows....
The first thing I do with every UI change is open every single EQUI_xxx.XML and look to the bottom of the code. In the lines just above the <Pieces> are two lines that look like this:


In every EQUI_xxx.xml I replace them with the following two lines:


This eliminates the titles bars and all the filigree corners. For me that allows for a much sleeker look and the boxes can abut cleanly.

(On another note - anyone have any idea why my name in my signature insists on having *** between the t and the e? My name is E t o i l e. Thanks)

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