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infinity9 05-06-2003 04:16 AM

infiniti2 - 5/11 update
1 Attachment(s)
introducing infiniti2....

I will be naming it infiniti2 vs infiniti 2.0 because its really a redesign..

Lots of major improvements over version 1 including reduced number of graphic files to help with memory usage and lag. I would recommend setting the master transparency under options to 100 normal and 100 fade-to. Then if you want to set non infiniti2 style windows, manually adjust them by right-click on the window. I set my chat windows to 75% normal and fade-to. All infiniti windows are transparent no matter what setting.

Tking G2 icons and spell gems are included. Much props to him, amazing graphic work.

Inventory and Spellbook are based on vert 2.5 and vert2 respectively. Basically converted them to infiniti2 with minor adjustments. Inventory now includes the class animations. ** Highly recommend downloading the custom class animations TKing has done. They look fantastic with this inventory **

~~~~~ New update is up for 5/14 patch including new infiniti2 music player window. Alot of minor fixes. Please download infiniti2 again and delete the old version. I have optimized the graphic files once again eliminating 3 more files. ~~~~~


Download UI

**** MELEE ONLY PLAYER WINDOW (no mana bar) ******

Lord Kain 05-06-2003 02:08 PM

hehe....I just installed infiniti1 this morning and here you go releasing infiniti2!

Love the first one.....the second one looks much better....d/ling now!!

Will post if I find any problems.

-=- Gargruk
35 Troll SK
Vazaelle Server

Eloora 05-06-2003 03:18 PM

Hi there, been using your first infiniti ui for about 2 weeks now and i think it's great. Just downloaded version 2 and am still quite impressed.
One thing I've noticed in version 2 is that you've put the mod in with the sta bar sort of attatched to the hp bar, which was originally designed per a hybrid's request to have both mana and sta I believe. I play a monk and don't have a mana bar obviously, so now there's that empty space where a mana bar would go, along with a "0" to represent the % of the missing bar. In infiniti1 before you made an alternate player window we had the mana bar if we had mana, or the sta bar if we did not, perhaps you could release a version 2 player window in that fashion? It's really a matter of aesthetics but I thought you'd like to know about it ;)
Thanks for making a lovely UI!

Edit: OK I decided to replace the version 2 player window with version 1 and boom i have my sta bar back, though the new texture isn't a perfect fit and the %'s are sort of riding the line on the border. Doing this reminded me of another little thing I'd noticed with version 1...the % for the sta bar doesn't function, always says "0". Hope I'm not buggin' ya with trifles :D

bandory 05-06-2003 03:23 PM

melee skin
the only thin gi dont see in this is a Stamina bar in player window. Any way to put that in for us melee types?

infinity9 05-06-2003 03:26 PM

Pure Melee only Player window!
Here you go. I already had it done just wanted to see overall response whether or not to release it. Enjoy.


Not ready yet...

Eloora 05-06-2003 03:31 PM

Looks great! Thanks a bunch.

Cragzak 05-07-2003 12:36 AM

Nice... only suggestion I have is to number the buff-box along the right side of the icons.

Also, would be nifty if you were to make the numbers graphics (think original vert group-box f-key labels) where the number would start white (so you can see where the empty slot is) and turn blue or red depending on whether it was a buff or harmful spell in that slot. But that's just eye candy... just having numbers there would be enough for me. :)

infinity9 05-07-2003 11:07 AM

Well honestly the buff window sucks to mess with. I don't see many changes to it in the future. I really dont even look at my buffs much anymore, just watch stats to know what spells I need. What would having the number help with? I'm not a buffer so I really haven't put much thought into it.

Eloora 05-07-2003 12:40 PM

Could ya possibly bring back the auto-equip ability of your new inventory? Would greatly appreciate it :D


pepibom 05-07-2003 09:51 PM

I really like this UI. Nice smoothing of the box edges...makes it much smoother to look at. I will have to agree with previous poster ..can there be some auto-equip spot? Is it possible to have T-kings animation (which works great in Inventory) to also be the auto-equip? ...

Wonderful job!

infinity9 05-07-2003 11:15 PM

Inventory with Auto-equip...
Here ya go. I meant to put this in before I released it but forgot unfortunately. Thanks and enjoy.

Not needed with updated version...

caribacey 05-08-2003 02:01 PM

I Do like this!

I did notice that lag had dropped some after installing this version. May just be the day.

Dragon_DRJ 05-08-2003 10:00 PM

I just installed infiniti2. Looks great. I have one problem thought, I've downloaded three of the zip files - infiniti2.zip, equi_playerwindow.zip and equi_inventory.zip. I've unzipped all three into a new folder, ect. I ran EQ, loaded the new UI, and I have no mana bar in the player window. I'm playing a paladin, stamina bar is nice, but I would like to have the mana bar also. Any suggestions on how to fix my little problem? Thanks.

infinity9 05-09-2003 12:30 AM

Sorry, the title for the player window said melee only but i guess its hard to read. Unzip the player window from the infiniti2.zip and overwrite the 2nd one.

Dragon_DRJ 05-09-2003 06:16 AM

Thank you. It was my bad. I wasn't paying attention. I should read everything. Going to fix that right now. Thanks again! 8)

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