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Fovol 08-03-2004 06:19 PM

Well the Target of Target could maybe be a trapezoid that goes in the middle right above the MP3 player... so it kinna blends in... /_______\ kinna idea...

as for the chat window "input boxes" as it is now, i take my middle chat window and extend the top of it up over the other 2 chat window's input boxes...

I been using stratix's quartz since UI's were available and his came out... I've yet to find a better one with the form and function of this one... So glad to see someone taking it over and working on it... Thanks alot!

DarkSir23 08-03-2004 08:53 PM

Not a bad idea, I'll see what I can do. :)

Dorkenthor 08-05-2004 02:40 AM

I have just made a Health of Target's Target mod for this you. DarkSir, if you want to take a look at it send me an email ([email protected]) if you like it. You are more than welcome to put it in the UI, I'd be honored to put my mark in this great UI.

Email: [email protected]

raidyen 08-07-2004 12:24 PM

can anybody tell me how to fix the short duration buff window please? i have a chunk of rectangular window right below it and it's blocking some of my screen....couple of the other windows also have chunks of other windows below them that don't do anything but i hid them off screen

DarkSir23 08-07-2004 03:02 PM

Can you post a screenshot? I'm not sure what would cause that, but I can take a look at it.

One thing to check: Did you empty the quartz directory before installing the most recent version?

Ivantian 08-08-2004 12:34 PM

Quick question. I see on your UI that you have the FPS showing (frames per second) , is there a specific in game command for that?..or is that a UI change?
Would like to have it show in mine as well please pass on the secret . :)

DarkSir23 08-08-2004 10:09 PM

http://www.lavishsoft.com -- It's either a feature of EQPlaynice or WinEQ, not sure which. I use both, so I can switch in and out of window smoothly, while reloading the UI over and over to test. :)

DarkSir23 08-12-2004 09:40 AM

1.7.2 Released
* Integrated Dorkenthor's TargetOfTarget mod into the Target Window.
* Added optional Inventory Window.
* Combat Abilities Window Added. Takes the same position as the Spell Gems for casters.
* Changed the optional non-caster group window to GroupWindow-Wide, for people without Spell or Combat Ability Windows.

Dorkenthor 08-12-2004 05:00 PM

Holy mother of WOW! I LOVE this inventory mod.... Im sitting here opening and closing it becaus its so AWESOME!!! it just FITS there... Absolutly fantastic...

Fovol 08-18-2004 11:30 PM

Good Golly sweet jebus
You sir have done it again... the inventory, the combat abilities, the target of target... DAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN! You deserve awards my friend... you and stratix... Quartz is best mod out there, hands down.... it's just... its.. yeah...

The eq community thanks you guys :)

Fovol 08-18-2004 11:37 PM

Oh, check this out...
I found this container mod that seems to work flawlessly with quartz... if you are tired of huge ass bags... this one is tight...


give it a whirl... the bag slot icons are the same size as the new dashboard inventory... you can line yer bags right there above the inventory, all 8 of em.. real sweet...

DarkSir23 08-19-2004 02:54 AM

It's funny, I used those very same bags, right up til I started working on Quartz as my own project. (I took out all the other mod bits that I was using, so I could package the interface)

You're right, they would work well, and I recommend them for anyone that likes to organize their containers.

I may work on a small container option, as well, but I'd like to start from scratch. Kinda enjoying the crash-course in EQUI XML I'm giving myself. :)

Fovol 08-19-2004 03:27 PM

keep it up :)
crash course or not, yer kicking ass bro...

Another idea for the interface... a tribute window... quitepossibly use the very same idea as you use for the inventory...

Or.. a trimmed down version that just shows time left, current favor, and Activate button, that could replace the pet window or overlap it when turned on...

More food for thought: I see most put thier spell buff stuff on the upper part of thier screen, but i like to nestle it down next to the dashboard... perhaps a mod that has a the "arch" part of the windo on the top.. kinna flip flopped for versatility...

And i'm sure you already know this, but the "short duration buff with names" has extra stuff on it that needs to be trimmed..

I'm still blown away by the new inventory and how flawlessly it switches back and forth.. pure genius...

Stuff for future: rumored that with AA's you can get 5 additional buff slots and 2 more spell gems... might be something you want to start thinking about for OOW...

And for those that dont know or explored this, it's very easy to cusomize yer color for this mod, simply by right clicking and window > background > tint color... you can change the grey to whatever color you desire... I'm currently using a dark purple of 10 red, 0 green, 25 blue...

You rock man, keep it going

Amitan 08-19-2004 03:57 PM

Thats probably the slowest internet page i have been on.

DarkSir23 08-22-2004 10:17 PM


Yeah, I know, and it's starting to irritate me. There's no reason it should be running that slow. :(

Fovol: Good suggestions. I'll see what I can do, as soon as I'm done being exhausted (GenCon weekend)

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