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-   -   The Logic or Madness Behind The Avalon Target Symbol (http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14887)

Taleisin 08-17-2004 11:45 AM

The Logic or Madness Behind The Avalon Target Symbol
OK some folks have asked how I made the Avalon "Ring" work after looking at the rings graphic.. so I'll try to explain... IT'S ALL MATH!! :-)

ok I'll need a sample.. that might help get things going.

ok now that we have that, I'll try to explain how I understand the game loads the Ring from a 256x256 image.

( imagine the black boxes aren't there, that is only for the sample ) first the game starts in the middle left.. so that would be the 0x128y
it looks for something that has a alpha setting above 1, if there is a object there that will be the starting point for the ring, and it will read untill it sees a alpha setting of 0 again. this can be seen in many rings found on this site.
Now in the Avalon ring there is nothing there.. so it goes to the next poing 2x128y and again it find nothing, it keeps following the stepping of 2x from 4x, 8x, 16x all the way till it finds a object at 128x128y and then reads, now that the machine has found it's starting poing and ending point ( some 2 pixels past 128x128y ) it folds the rest of the TGA or PNG back under it'self and then reads both folds to form the ring. However on the back scan EQ finds a object sitting at 192x128y

this confuses it, it has allready found it's focus, so it is forced to fold that object under the one found at 128x128y. now this allows the two arms you see in the sample to be read properly. because the object gets folded first at the 128x128y the second object must be fliped when rendered. thus you get fairly much what I have in my ring.

and now a very very crude sample.

I hope this helps anyone wanting to make a very complex ring or target object.. and please forgive the cheap samples.. I am not very good at explaining what is just random images in whats left of my mind ;)

shillingworth 02-16-2007 11:44 PM

Nice idea there. I've been playing with several ideas myself with the way EQ reads the target ring, havn't used many. So far i've been able to get all of the basic shapes just by calculating the wrap of the ring and deforming the texture to cancel the curve to a certain degree.

Some of the tricks I've found so far is, use can use TextureScale settings above .9 to wrap the ring back onto itself. 1.9 does a full wrapping. Anything about 12 will cause it to wrap the vertexes into a 3D shape, though I've yet to figure out the logic behind the vertex placement (i've been using 64 vertexes in most of my experiments). I did notice if you double the height of a sideways ring (sideways to EQ) you can use the alpha layer to force it to load seperate layers, each layer has to be 180 degrees out of sync for them to orient properly.

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