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Ruding 07-27-2002 07:20 PM

Player Info
Can someone please do a mod for the player info for casters that do not have pets? Doing one with and one without AAXP would be REALLY nice. Keep up the good work. This is code-challenged player that appreciates all your efforts. :D

Geddine 07-27-2002 09:48 PM

Not 100% sure what exactly your after. MIne uses nothing to do with pets other than the default pet info (which you can right-click and turn off) Although I don't have one without AAXP.

Elpiper 07-28-2002 02:13 AM

A player window without pets and without stamina would rock.

As a wizard, I poof my pet as soon as I cast it, so I don't care about its HPs. And stamina is basically useless...

I'd love a player window that shows the following:

First name CurrentHP / MaxHP

Health %
Mana %
XP %

No pets HP and no stamina. Optionally, an area under AAXP for spell casting time would be cool, as would another area for breathing (when underwater or in The Grey).

guice 07-28-2002 02:23 AM

I posted a mod in the Release forum.

It contains the HP and Mana bar. And that's the only bars.

Under it, it contains the AC, ATK numbers and XP, AAXP percentages.

Oh, HP values are also in the top right corner. Check it out, it might be what you're seeking.

I did that to suit my caster chars and Melee chars, thus the reason for leaving the mana bar in. STA means jack, even to a Melee, removing that was a service to man kind.

I also prefer to keep the spell casting stuff with the spells, so no sorry, mine doesn't have that.

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