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Kiresretaw 01-12-2003 09:18 PM

Pet Window for Magicians
/Mage rant on.

I have been searching through many many UIs and see alot of pet windows that are not as functional as they need to be.

I have seen a trend to use small buttons that are hard to click in the heat of battle, and when the buttons are large and seperated nicely the Pet Get Lost is removed. This button is the most 2nd most important button for a mage behind Back Off. The Get Lost button lets you "send a tell" to the pet even while casting, this is a KEY step for chain-casting mages.

/Mage rant off

I would like to see the buttons arranged in a size/priority manner with larger Back Off, Taunt buttons and medium Sit, Follow, Guard buttons, and the Get Lost included but placed away from keys such as Attack, Back, Taunt, so that you can avoind accidental suicide while retaining the key for use.

Also a Health bar and % that should be the primary focal point of the window.

Chronwaas 01-13-2003 09:01 AM

I would like to see the buttons arranged in a size/priority manner with larger Back Off, Taunt buttons and medium Sit, Follow, Guard buttons, and the Get Lost included but placed away from keys such as Attack, Back, Taunt, so that you can avoind accidental suicide while retaining the key for use.

Also a Health bar and % that should be the primary focal point of the window.

Hey Kiresretaw, If you draw up a little mock of what you want in paint or something just give me an idea of what you want (nothing fancy just text boxes and rough positions and what not, doesn't have to be graphical or anything) that would give me a good idea of exactly what you want. I will go ahead and make up something for you.

Gamandor 01-13-2003 10:36 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Not to derail this thread, but can anyone make a pet window like this that works with Vert 2.2?

Chronwaas 01-14-2003 07:46 AM

I have not personally worked with the Vert files before, but I will take a look at them and see what I can do about this window.

As for Kiresretaw, If you can get me a little basic diagram of what you are looking for I will see about getting it up here.

Gamandor 01-14-2003 07:50 AM


Thanks! That is very generous of you!

Chronwaas 01-14-2003 07:55 AM

Hey Gamandor, If you could, Can you give me a link to the Vert download you have so that I can make sure I get the right one to make this for?

Gamandor 01-14-2003 08:01 AM

Yup, here it is...


Chronwaas 01-14-2003 08:43 AM

There is one small problem with making that window for Vert. Vertabrae/Sokol have taken the Petinfo window to make the PlayerInfo/PetInfo window. This window currently has the PlayerInfo on one tab and the PetInfo on another tab. Now I may be able to do this but it is going to take a little longer and I will have to rework a couple of windows to get it to work. What I would like though since the version I downloaded does not work with all the current patches is if you could zip up your vert directory and send that to me so that I can make sure I have the most recent files that you are using so that I do not inadvertantly use a window file that you are already using for something else. I would hate to get the windows reworked and end up over-writing another window that you are using for something else.

Gamandor 01-14-2003 08:47 AM

Mine currently gives me errors when logging in, but it still works, I just haven't added the update patch for it yet. I do not care about the player info portion of the pet window and the characters that I play that don't have pets I don't even have that window up.

I will send you the files, but I will have to wait until I get home from work to do it. Thanks for the help and sorry if it ends up being too much work :)

Chronwaas 01-14-2003 09:00 AM

I will start pleliminary work on the code then. But if you like I can take care of fixing your errors too while I am at it. For that I will need the files so that part will have to wait til I get the files. But I can start on the preliminary code for the window so that I can just throw it in the xml's when I get them from you.

Gamandor 01-14-2003 09:05 AM

Wow, thanks! You are too kind!

Kiresretaw 01-14-2003 08:11 PM

Vert pet/player info window
I found the standard Vert22Neptune Player info/ Pet window to be close to what I am after.

The changes it needs for myself,

1. Pet Health Bar

The bar needs to be lengthened out to span the whole window. It needs to have the color changed to the Vert green. It needs a health % above the health bar on the right side.

2. Buttons

The location of buttons is close to what I need, they are all the same size but large enough to prevent misclicks. I would like the order of the commands to be different and possibly the top right button moved to the far right of the window to be used as the Get Lost button.

The order I would like is from left to right top row, 1-Attack, 2-Guard, 3-Sit, 4- Get Lost (and this moved to right side of window if possible). Bottom row from left to right, 1-Back, 2-Taunt, 3-Follow.

I do not know what it would take to change these but it would make the Vert Pet windows much better.

Too bad they did not add a Pet Health command ;)

Gamandor 01-14-2003 08:52 PM

What is your email Chronwaas? I couldn't find it on-site.

Chronwaas 01-14-2003 09:02 PM

I sent you a private message with my email address in it.

Chronwaas 01-16-2003 09:59 AM

Ok Gamandon, I have gotten your files. I have also fixed the current files so that you will not get errors anymore. I will zip up the file that are impacted and attach them here in a little while. All you will need to do is just unzip them to your skin directory and you will be ready to go.

I am still working on the Petwindow right now. I will let you know as soon as I have it done. Should not take too long but we will see.

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