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Agyn Ra 04-23-2003 08:15 AM

LVL 32 hunting necro
Hello everybody :) I just turned my necro 32 :D and i found 31 to 32 was very hard . Am i hunting in the wrong places ?

I tryed going to Iceclad Ocean ( died a lot) :(
DawnShroud Peaks ( had to run for my life a couple of times cause of wolves ) :(
Soluskek A ( good place but be careful of trains )

Do anyone has a better spot ( XP and Loot ) for a LVL 32 necro ? :cool:

Muerin 04-23-2003 08:40 AM

Eastern Wastes or the Great Divide
When I leveled my Necro, I spent a great deal of time killin the Kodiak Cave bears in the Great Divide. Try partnering up with a druid to do this until you hit level 34. They can snare and root while you bury it with dots.

At 34th level you get your root spell. At this point head over to the Eastern Wastes along the southern shore. The walruses there are awesome XP and you can solo them. Just be careful not to get aggro from the Ulthork Man O Wars. And keep some Sow Potions on yer body, chances are FD isn't going to work on these-when in doubt...run.

The Walruses along the shore line tend to spawn at a lower level compared to the Walruses that spawn near the Kael Drakkel zone area. At level 38 I moved to the Kael Drakkel area and took my necro all the way to 40 there.

Keep in mind the loot is not great killin Walruses, and if you get bored you can move North near the Frost Giant Savage fort and solo Frost Giants there. (Not the Savages - the wandering Frost Gaints.) Centurians and scouts also wander through there, and the occasional Snow Griffon. So be careful.

BTW the walrus area is also great for bards that want to kite from 38 to 40.

Buzzyrd 04-23-2003 09:40 AM

Great Divide ...
Tiznaks are very easy to solo from lvl 32 to 39 i did it in a few days. Tiznak cave entrance #2 has 2 spawn right at the cave and to split them is pretty easy. Use dooming darkness from max distance and they both will come at you. simply Feign Dead and wait for the non snared tizzy to get back to his spawn point then stand and the snared will come at you. fear , dot pet then med for 5 mins and pull the other one the same way. then you are on the 6 min spawn cycle and EXP is from 1 to 2% per kill and loot aint bad. if you have thurg faction you can sell loot for average 4 to 6 pp per item...

PS tizzys have 1k hp so you can down them pretty fast.

At 39 to 44 move over to Dreadlands and kill Yettis in the north cave they do not help each other so you can single pull all 7 of them if you have the mana to do soo.

Good luck
Buzzyrd Bayt
53rd Gnome Necro (retired)

Cebaka Valentine
52nd Iksar Necro (active)

Agyn Ra 04-23-2003 10:27 AM

Thx a lot for helping :D

I think that after Today's Verant patch i'll go try these places ;)

Hope that way i'll have less Bonewaker cadaver on the floor of Tunare Server ;)

Bonewaker Darkwish ( lvl 32 necro on Tunare Server )

Gelu Dragonques 04-24-2003 05:04 PM

Our guild's 35ish chanty solos in ew so i can see u easily soloing there pal.
Gelu Dragonquest (The Arisen)

Mirion 10-25-2003 07:24 PM

Well...one spot I haven't seen anyone mention is the Druids.

The best solo spot I've ever seen (went from 32-40 there in about 10 hours work) is the druids around the druid rings in WC. Now, its a hard camp, so I suggest you get a guide for it at necro.eqclasses.com . This is the most awesome necro resource around...look in the forums, and there should be a guide somewhere.

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