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Abattoir 08-20-2002 09:16 AM

Abattoir - new changes, ready to rock.
Made a few changes, get my UI here:


Here is a screenshot of my UI:


A few notes:

Please read the 'readme' file and follow the instructions (VERY IMPORTANT).

Things I changed:

1) Added a custom colored compass (to match the color scheme of my UI). Compass located below the main chat window.

2) New buffbuox, removed the buff labels (c'mon, you shouldn't need them anymore!). Buff box is located below the main chat window. Yes, all 15 buffs fit nicely.

3) Added a 60 minute count up timer (located below the main chat window).

4) Added a min-portrait of my character to the hotkey window (there was dead space I wanted to fill). Feel free to substitute your own pic.

5) Added a custom graphic background to the target window. This ties the entire UI together nicely.

6) Custom gems, icons spellbook, etc by tking.

7) A bunch more stuff I am sure I forgot to mention here...


Wolfran 08-20-2002 08:11 PM

OMG! Thanks! Love the inventory!

DamacusDraconis 08-20-2002 10:48 PM

it doesn't work ...but.... see when i log in it had the windows arranged but no gfx. then i did /loadskin abattoirv1 and it worked only it was all misplaced and the windows were unlocked and sum were missing. i relogged and checked and still nuffin worked except for gfx and visa versa. i replaced the ..ini file again and that made the gfx go away but the boxes rearrange... any help please?

DamacusDraconis 08-20-2002 10:49 PM

MY BAD... i didn't do /loadskin <skin> 1
AWSOME UI skin!!!! :nana:

SusieQSusieQ 08-21-2002 06:31 AM

Awesome job, Abattoirv! I very much appreciated the readme file... but after doing all that you said I ended up having to just /loadskin abattoirv1 in-game. Either way, it works and looks great!

One question though, please. May I ask how I would go about adding a pic of my own to the inventory? If you, or anyone, have a spare moment I would really appreciate a semi-tutorial on how to go about taking a screenshot and turning it into a cool graphic and adding it :)

Keep up the good work!!

Monk ~ Fennin Ro

Amitan 08-21-2002 07:00 AM

For some reason i suddenly wants a banana ;)

Jordaan 08-21-2002 11:46 AM

Love the inventory mod!

here's my setup (well it's slightly different now, making a few cosmeting changes).


Rubina 08-24-2002 10:33 AM

Too sweet
I love this UI...but I have to agree with the person wanting to know how to put his own pic in. Please let us know how this is done, 'cause as great as you believe yourself to be, there's not much motivation for me looking at your pic. =P

Uglokk 08-24-2002 11:19 AM

Open the Readme file and be amazed.. tells you how to change the backgroud pic for the inventory


obtw I tried the UI in different video modes mostly 1280x1024 and above.. and everytime the chat windows end up stacked.. they are not locked and can be resized, but unable to move the windows.. any ideas?


merlynmac 08-25-2002 12:36 AM

I love this!!!! I'm using it now and will probably move all of my chars to it. Thank man. I have one dumb question...I have a mage and when he pets the pet's health shows under mana not a big deal but how can I get that to show under my hp like in the default setup?

Fildorf Treehugger <Vita Infinita> (Lanys T'Vyl)

clergian 08-25-2002 04:34 AM

I enjoy the set up i have now, except your inventory screen is the best. Is there a way i can keep everything from the current UI im useing and just add your inventory screen to it? the area with the pic and my items and stuff =P ive tried tons of different combos of the files in the zip file you give but it keeps haveing errors

another thing, when i do install it 100%, i do not get a pic in the inventory screen area. i converted the pic to a bmp added my bmp pic then converted it back to tga and its saved under the same name, yet the pic never shows up =P not sure what im doing wrong harhar, any help would be great!

just a bit more info on my problem. If i install it right out of your zip i get the background for your inventory, nice and grey. Ifn i convert it to bmp, cut and paste my bmp image in, and then convert the finished piece back to tga, i get a clear inventory screen with no grey background or no pic =P

blah blah blah got it to work harhar =P

Matrex 08-25-2002 07:32 PM

Mana Bar
the clean lines of this mod are what make it a favorite, but I'm not seeing a mana bar along with the HP, STA, EXP, AA information. Is there a mana bar that's available for download somewhere else that I can simply add to this UI's folder?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions

clergian 08-25-2002 07:50 PM

blargh, ive tried everything to get your awesome inventory area, with the pic, to work with my current UI which is Quartz 1.3 i believe. Ive copied and pasted the inventory XML files, and the stuff about the inventory inside the templates into my current UI and it still doesnt work =P I also copied all the .tag pic files over so those arent missing.

Im just not sure which files or which parts of files i have to copy and paste over into my Quartz UI to get that cool inventory screen, any help would be great, thanks in advance!

Calliope 08-26-2002 09:16 AM

Originally posted by Uglokk
Open the Readme file and be amazed.. tells you how to change the backgroud pic for the inventory

Yah, you basically modify the 'wnd_bg_inventory.tga' file in the new UI folder. Note that the new background pic must be the exact same size and a 24 bit TARGA file, not 16 or any other bit, otherwise the image won't display.

I've tweaked the player info box a bit, added a seperate pet health bar in and evened out the new spacing. Screen shot at bottom of post.

Yes, I'm using T.King's awesome spellbook mod.

obtw I tried the UI in different video modes mostly 1280x1024 and above.. and everytime the chat windows end up stacked.. they are not locked and can be resized, but unable to move the windows.. any ideas?

The windows probably need a *small* move bar at top - I've been moving them by resizing them across the screen.

Click for a screenshot!

Unbridled Aggression - Tribunal Server
[edited 'cos I'm spelling impaired]

Gresnah 08-26-2002 09:47 AM

Thisprobably going to sound dumb, but all I see are SS of Melee, anyone happen to have a SN of a caster. I'd like to see the mana bar, spell gems, etc. But a VERY nice Mod bythe way, I'd just like to see it from a caster's pov b4 I d/l it. Thanks =)

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