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Qqueen X'Tcy 07-27-2002 12:58 AM

Would love to see cleric ideas
Hello, I am looking to see what others have done for their clerics. I have currently not been able to log onto EQ for the last week, but am hopeful that next week I will be able to:) Any ideas would be greatly appreciatted:) I am a DE Cleric. Thanks to all who add their ideas, I will be sure to post later what I try when I get on so others can see as well, so the chain will continue:)

Tefrod 07-27-2002 03:25 AM

cleric player info
I created one for me and my friends and submitted it to eqinterface.com. It has the Name/HP gauge, the Mana gauge, the Stamina gauge (gonna remove that one for me), the Exp and Axp gauges, and at the bottom two numbers: %hp and %mana.

Geddine 07-27-2002 10:01 PM

Not too crash hot but about the only thing I can think of is a player window much like Qqueen says and also have the group window with every player and the % HP's for each displayed beside them.

Grimmier 07-27-2002 10:53 PM

I use the group box mod wit the %'s already but I preffer to take the title bar off each of my windows.

I would really love for a buff bar that wrote the name of the buff inside the buff icon. Not across like one of the mods I saw. but keeping it small but inside the square have the name.

for Player info though really only need HP, Mana, cast time is handy too. and unless its possable to make another idea of mine then exp bars. (bars with %'s where possable add HP current / max into the middle of the HP bar (less space)

my other idea is for a box for just xp and AAxp bars (w/percents if possable) and the % alocation buttons for aaxp +/- . mainly to not clutter the player info box.

Qqueen X'Tcy 07-27-2002 10:59 PM

I would really love for a buff bar that wrote the name of the buff inside the buff icon. Not across like one of the mods I saw. but keeping it small but inside the square have the name.

I wonder if it is possible to do this:) I like that idea, it would really help I think. I have not seen the new interface so do not know what the new icons are, but my girlfriend told me that some of the buff icons have changed. This would be a big bonus until we learn all the new icons:) If you see a sample of this I would love to see it:) Thank you:)

Grimmier 07-27-2002 11:02 PM

I just posted the same request on teh request board as well. so we can see what comes up =).

Geddine 07-27-2002 11:47 PM

The idea of buff names inside the icon is possible BUT the positioning of the icons is hardcoded and the resizing of the window can cause the icons to move from their position, therefore the text (which has static positions) would no longer be 'inside' the buff icon.

Danforth_Brell 07-28-2002 10:25 AM

I would LOVE to see the hotkeys for player targetting added to the group box. ie next to first player F2, second F3, etc.

Let me know your thoughts on this.

Grimmier 07-28-2002 03:00 PM

Thats not a bad idea. and pretty easy to add actually. you could have it written in the middle of the HP bar or put the %'s there and the F buttons on the side.

Vanje 07-29-2002 01:07 AM

Here's what I've come up with so far (cleric)

I run a resolution of 1152x(?) I forget ;) and also use /viewport so I can see the entire screen.

Danforth_Brell 07-29-2002 06:13 AM

Can you post that group box with the F keys on it? :)

Vanje 07-29-2002 11:55 AM

You want just the group section? Everything from the top to the group section is all one pannel.

buzweaver 07-29-2002 11:59 AM

Very cool idea with F# in group, where can I get the Download?

Vanje 07-29-2002 01:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Seems to be more interest in just the F-key section. Rather than rip apart the existing code, I took Rombus Mindspire's Advanced mod and added the code to the group section since he already has the percentage info as well (hope ya dont mind Rombus, was just quicker and easier lol, if ya do mind, tell me to go stuff it and I'll ask to have the file removed ;) ).

I also had to increase the width of the window to accomodate the text. Previous width was 154, current width is 160.

The attached zip file is the Group Window Only.

Bordaaf 07-29-2002 01:30 PM

can you post the entire thing also please?

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