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Tordail 02-05-2011 08:15 PM

Target & HOTT
2 Attachment(s)
Been tinkering with this for three hours now, and I'm at a total loss here.

The window is from Wiznut's UI. I took the buff's box and moved it to the right of the window. Target is at the top, HOTT is on the bottom. The window is designed so that when you target someone, a box matching the /con color of that mob or NPC appears behind the name and HP gauge. Previously, it was stretched across the entire window - now, it's doing some strange artifacting and stuff that I don't understand.

Can anyone help?

Below is the code.

Watik 02-06-2011 02:42 PM

Here you go
1 Attachment(s)
Some of the values referencing the actual image file were off. I changed them to match the ones from the default UI. Not sure which one your UI uses so if you can't see the borders with this file you can replace your TargetBox.tga with the one from default.
You need to make sure to set everything to one side if you are using the <TopAnchorToTop>, <LeftAnchorToLeft> stuff and don't want the item stretched across the whole window when it's being resized. I changed the whole lot to stay in the top left corner.

Tordail 02-06-2011 07:27 PM

OMG, that's awesome. THANKS.


Now, tell me what you mean by the Anchor to ____ stuff. I don't know what that stuff does, really. It was just in Wiznut's original window, and so I was using it. What does that stuff do, and what's the right way to use it?

Also - I use the Background - Tint feature to make the window a darker shade. But it only changes the part around the target and HOTT, and leaves the Buff Box with that bluish marbled background from default UI. How can I make the buff box area appear dark, also?

warriorofmight 02-06-2011 11:28 PM

Anchors are something SOE added in to replace and/or compliment locations.

Rather than set locations that never move with


you can anchor it to one of the sides and allow it to stretch with the window. For example:

<LeftAnchorToLeft>true</LeftAnchorToLeft> - this means that the left side of the piece is anchored to the left side of the window. You can also anchor the left side of the piece to the right side of the window using <LeftAnchorToLeft>false</LeftAnchorToLeft> OR LeftAnchorToRight>true</LeftAnchorToRight>

This allows some flexibility is positioning when making windows resizable. So say your buff box (I don't know how it's actually laid out) is in the window in a set location. when you make the window bigger, the buff box stays the same size and in the same place. Anchors allow you to make the buff box resize with the window, moving with the window to fit the shape/size.

Does that make sense?

valaury3169 02-07-2011 10:14 AM

Technically, and correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think there is a <LeftAnchorToRight> tag. I think the fact that <LeftAnchorToLeft>false</LeftAnchorToLeft> means anchor to the right. I also think that omitting the <LeftAnchorToLeft> tag entirely will be interpretted the same as <LeftAnchorToLeft>false</LeftAnchorToLeft>.

I say this because I anchor to the right all the time and have never used a LeftAnchorToRight tag.


<LeftAnchorToLeft>true</LeftAnchorToLeft> - left side anchors to left of window by the amount of the <LeftAnchorOffset> amount
<LeftAnchorToLeft>false</LeftAnchorToLeft> - left side anchors to right of window by the amount of the <LeftAnchorOffset> amount
<RightAnchorToLeft>true</RightAnchorToLeft> - right side anchors to left of window by the amount of the <RightAnchorOffset> amount
<RightAnchorToLeft>false</RightAnchorToLeft> - right side anchors to right of window by the amount of the <RightAnchorOffset> amount

Top and bottom behave the same.

Couple of notes. First, <Autostretch> needs to be true to use anchors. Setting it to false uses the explicit <Size> and <Location> tags. Second, the true and false in the anchors are case sensitive, meaning if you make the value 'True' it will be interpreted as false. You need to type 'true'.

And to the background tint color, the part that isn't being tinted is happening because there is a defined background image that is tiled in that space. It will lie on top of the tinting. You would need to remove the background image. It is probablt referring to wnd_bg_dark_rock.tga (or similar).

Tordail 02-07-2011 06:12 PM

Wow, thanks guys! That all actually made sense! Bookmarking this thread so I can find it when I (inevitably) tinker again and (inevitably) break something. :D

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