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Ambros 11-16-2002 10:49 AM

SIDL Fiddle WYSIWYG Editor
Checkout my new editor!



Kanyli 11-18-2002 09:58 AM

Looks nice, but so far it's crashing upon loading, after pointing it to the EQ directory...either it's a system incompatability or I'm missing something here...


Ambros 11-18-2002 05:45 PM

What error?
What error are you seeing? I'm going to post a fix sometime this week that will make sure the directory that is pointed to is what the program is looking for. I'm hoping to have a gamma correction feature as well...if I can find time.

Catria 11-18-2002 06:24 PM

No luck here either
I can't even get to the default dir selection. When I run the program I get this message:

D:\Fiddle>java -jar fiddle_0_6_1.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.barbre.fiddle.io.loaders.UILoader.loadAllUI(UI Loader.java:110)
at com.barbre.fiddle.menus.InterfaceMenu.<init>(InterfaceMenu.java:30)
at com.barbre.fiddle.MainMenu.<init>(MainMenu.java:25)
at com.barbre.fiddle.Fiddle.setupFrame(Fiddle.java:90 )
at com.barbre.fiddle.Fiddle.init(Fiddle.java:65)
at com.barbre.fiddle.Fiddle.getInstance(Fiddle.java:5 4)
at com.barbre.fiddle.Fiddle.main(Fiddle.java:129)

Good luck with your debugging!

Ambros 11-18-2002 06:34 PM

Try this
Delete the fiddle.properties file and run the app again. Make sure you give the file chooser the everquest home directory, not the uifiles directory. Hope this helps :(

Catria 11-18-2002 07:11 PM

tryed that - now what?
Okay got to the folder selection screen, picked Everquest dir, and got this message:

D:\Fiddle>java -jar fiddle_0_6_1.jar
Properties not found. Creating new file.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

So now what? :rolleyes:

depechenode 11-18-2002 07:12 PM

still no go
1 Attachment(s)
I got same error tried the fix, but now it wil not get past file selection? Ijust get te screen with the directories and Everquest in the file_name box.. click open nothing stays on that screen.

attached is a ss of the prog

Ambros 11-19-2002 12:26 AM

Back up one directory
Hit the up directory button (upper right on the dialog) and then select everquest (don't double click) and press ok.

Ambros 11-19-2002 12:29 AM

Out of memory
Make sure you are not running Java 1.4. This is the error I get when I try 1.4.

If you are using 1.3, how much memory and what processor do you have?

BTW, I appreciate your patience and feedback. I know these things are frustrating, but I'll try to get it ironed out asap.

Catria 11-19-2002 02:44 AM

I reverted to 1.3 Java and at least got the dir loaded, but didnt get much farther. I will try again, making sure to completely uninstall Java 1.4.1 first.

Catria 11-19-2002 02:45 AM

Oops! Forgot to give you teh info you requested. It's not a memory or speed issue. I am running an Athlon 2000+ XP processor with 512 DDR RAM.

Kanyli 11-19-2002 09:15 AM

Mmm, XML coding is a pain, trying to guess what the window will look like. If you can come up with a snazzy quick interface, it's worth the trouble.

The problem posted above was the same thing I encountered. I'll play with it more later.


depechenode 11-19-2002 09:33 AM

Thanks! Got it to work... so far pretty impressive keep up the great work!

Ambros 11-19-2002 11:22 AM

0.6.2 released
I changed the directory search methods and added some exception handling to try and track down problems with some custom UI's. Enjoy.

Catria 11-19-2002 03:19 PM

Just curious......
ANy particular reason why this is coded to run with JRE 1.3? I like to use the EQAtlas GUI, and this must be run on 1.4 or greater so it's kind of a pain to swap out versions.


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