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rjengel 08-17-2005 02:09 PM

Formal Function Released
Here is just one review I have received about this UI since release. Please if you like the UI submit your comments to me via PM here or in game at SOE.EQ.fenninro.Fithin or post them in this thread. This will be an on going thread as I perform updates and patches to the FUNCTION UI

Here is the original PM I received:
Originally Posted by jsoyeq70
Just had to send you a message, telling you how much I really enjoy, no, love the new ui and I am so glad that you did the patch upgrade for it. Was getting a red message, but not now. I have been searching for a ui that I could use for both my caster class and my warrior, and this is the one. Thank you so much for creating it, I LOVE IT.
Thanks again.
:nana: ;)

Well I am glad you enjoyed the UI, I have several more modifications I am working on in this UI to make it more functional. some of which will be in the new release due out within I would say about a week. Keep you eyes open for it.
You can download the UI patch by clicking HERE!

rjengel 08-19-2005 10:32 AM

V 0.88 Due out Soon
I have been working on some modifications to the overall feel of the UI, with some feedback from those of you who have downloaded and used the UI. I would greatly appreciate any and all comments, concerns, or complaints. So that I can increase the effectiveness of this UI, and make it more user friendly. I will be releasing the update within the next day or two. to Version 0.88

rjengel 08-20-2005 12:26 AM

Version 0.93 Available Now
All Window's are designed to be Semi-Transparent, and to be standalone along with their corresponding graphic. These are designed to allow for easy modification and/or corrections at a later date When EQ files are updated, as we all know happens frequentlty within EQ due to all the new content being added.

In this Update the Following were moddifed, added, or re-arranged:
I revitilized my Spell Bar from my Carbon Fiber UI and intergrated into this UI:
modded - EQUI_CastSpellWnd.xml
added - spellbar_gauge01.tga
added - spellbar_pieces.tga
I revitilized my Spell Book from my Carbon Fiber UI and intergrated into this UI:
modded - EQUI_SpellBookWnd.xml
added - spellbook_pieces01.tga
added - spellbook_pieces02.tga
I revitilized my EQUI_BuffWindow.xml & EQUI_ShortDurationBuffWindow.xml from my Minimal Caster/Melee Series UI
and Updated it for 12 Songs and 25 Buffs and Intergrated it into this UI.
added - inventory_pieces.tga
modded - EQUI_Inventory.xml (added graphic's coding to window for later expansion - removed stats added class ani)
added - casting_gauge01.tga
modded - EQUI_CastingWindow.xml (made the casting window thinner and longer)
added - compass_pieces.tga
added - compass_gauge.tga
modded - EQUI_CompassWnd.xml (added primary stats to this seemingless worthless window - making it worthwhile)
modded - group_gauge.tga
modded - EQUI_GroupWindow.xml (made the group window horizontal)
modded - EQUI_PlayerWindow.xml (removed XP, AAXP, and MANA Gauges, relocated to other windows added END Gauge
in Purple, also added Level and Class Identifers under the First and Last Name Tags)

rjengel 08-21-2005 05:22 PM

Add-ons Available.
Well after receiving several e-mails, tells in game, and getting some PM's, I decided to go and rework a few things. Since they were not for everyone who uses my UI, I decided to simply go and upload these minor modification as add-ons to the FORMAL FUNCTION User Interface. I made some optional changes to the Compass Stat Window, (removed the compass all together) Allowed for an Optional Download of the V0.88 Vertical Style Group Window(note health bars are taller and longer in this optional window) and I made several Graphic changes that you can find in the Graphic Update Package. So feel free to go to the FORMAL FUNCTION download page and take a glance at the add-ons I have placed up for download.

Aaira 08-23-2005 12:08 PM

Target ring
Nice UI :)
I'm fairly hooked on AYA UI atm, but im going to try and use your target rings, very sharp look to them.

Skarlett 08-29-2005 02:12 AM

Very, very nice UI, just really need the compass. Maybe use friends window for stats and return the compass (just a suggestion). A must have for Ldon and DoN directions to instances and raids as well when raid leaders are giving compass directions to follow. Thanks for such a clean, functional UI and easy on the eyes too ;)


rjengel 08-29-2005 09:33 AM

Answer to your Inquiry
1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by Skarlett
Very, very nice UI, just really need the compass. Maybe use friends window for stats and return the compass (just a suggestion). A must have for Ldon and DoN directions to instances and raids as well when raid leaders are giving compass directions to follow. Thanks for such a clean, functional UI and easy on the eyes too ;)


I was unaware of the importance of the compass until I myself started doing the LDoN adventures. So I am going to be adding the compass back to the Stat Window, I have the design and code work already done, check out the Offical Download page at Formal Function Where I will upload the OPTIONAL Compass Window With STATS & COMPASS

I have also added it to this thread for quicker updating, by those of you whom whish to use it immediately.

Skarlett 08-29-2005 09:24 PM

Thanks much! Such a speedy response. :)

rjengel 09-16-2005 03:14 PM

Version 3.25 Goes Live with DoDH
Version 3.25 Goes Live with Depths of Dark Hollow, all files have been updated, and corrected in order to be compliant with the latest UI Changes made with DoDH. Will be available for download by CLICKING ME RIGHT HERE

If you have any questions, comments, conerns or problems, please post them here, or e-mail me by CLICKING HERE you can also PM me here at eqinterface.com

Hope you all enjoy the feel of the UI, and have fun playing with it.


rjengel 09-26-2005 08:37 PM

Version 4.0 Due Out Soon
Yep you read it right. Version 4.0 is due out within the next few days, Lots of wonderful people have been shooting me ideas for the optional window design I thought up.. (Using the added hotbutton windows to make customized windows) Also just so you all know, I have launched my own site dedicated to keep up to date with my 3 beloved User Interfaces, as well as a forum for F.A.Q, Helpful tips, and on-going design discussion for these UI's.
Feel free to visit my site at


and my discussion boards at


Easiest way to contact me due to a problem with one of my User Interfaces or to request a personal touch to the UI for yourself is through the forums listed on my site..

Thanx a TON
R.J Engel

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