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Aramil Dannodel 09-14-2004 03:07 PM

Ameril's UI (update)
Alright, I've noticed that since I've uploaded my modded version of Soes' Diablo 2 UI 1.0 1280x1024 Edition (less than a week ago), I've noticed it's garnered a small bit of attention...almost 50 downloads. I feel special. :)

To anyone that HAS NOT downloaded it, yet, please feel free to give it a try. You can find it by clicking on THIS link. No, this isn't an original work created by me...just to let you know.

For those of you that HAVE downloaded it already, yes, I know Omens of War is live today...I'm working on it as I type this out. Okay, I took a break to post this. Regardless, the fact remains...the update *IS* coming. I'm just about done, and then I have to test a couple more things to make sure it works right before I update it in my folder. I will bump this post once it's all completed...most likely sometime early tomorrow morning. I know, I'm slow...bear with me, I'm just getting into it. Heh.

EDIT: Tried, tested, and true (at least, as far as I can tell)...the version of 1.01 for Ameril's modded soes Diablo II UI (at 1280x1024 resolution) has been released! Pick it up in the Mix & Match section. It was just submitted (at 2027 hours EST), so if it hasn't actually been put up due to it being pending approval, please be patient...it should be there soon. If anyone notices or experiences *ANY* problems at all with it...bitch at me! And I'll get right on it. Heh.

EDIT: Sweet merciful...! I just checked the downloads, and it instantly doubled, over the course of a few hours. /whistles in amazement
Something I wanted to touch on: No, I've not yet changed the colour schema for the experience bars in the AA and Leadership windows. Yes, I'll get around to it. Just for anyone that saw my post regarding the matter and was interested in it. Heh.

Also, I have a quick question I was hoping to get a bit of feedback on. Due to the fact that some people seem to be interested in the UI I've uploaded, I was thinking of getting into making my own, original UI. If any of you would like to see this happen, or have any suggestions (as it will somewhat follow the style of the UI I use now) for things you'd like to see, just let me know. I'm hoping to delve into this a bit, and see what kind of things I can pull off.

Until the next time,

Ameril Dan`nodel
Warder, 57th season
[ Lanys T`Vyl server ]

Aramil Dannodel 09-16-2004 09:16 PM

Re: Ameril's UI (update)
Slight /bump to this thread.

Came across the problem that though I implemented the fixes to update the Buff Window and Casting Bar on the XML end, I had completely missed updated the graphical end. I just finished working on it all day, and managed to get (at least I hope) the Casting Bar fixed, and also made a new, custom version for the Spell Gems *and* icons in this UI--these will be implemented in my own UI, should they work--and I'm play testing everything now. As far as the Buff Window goes, I've been tearing out my hair on that one, and I'll try to get it up as soon as I possibly can (any help on that one would be greatly appreciated...the .tga file is in my downloadable version of the UI, which can be found HERE).

As always, do be safe, and if you have any problems.../yell, in-game or out.

Ameril Dan`nodel
Warder, 57th season
[ Lanys T`Vyl server ]

Aramil Dannodel 09-18-2004 12:27 AM

Re: Ameril's UI (update)
Alright, pals and gals...have a brief message for everyone.

Good News:
1) After much hair-tearing, and cursing Photoshop into submission...the custom Spell Gem/Icon set (Warcraft III picture-themed) is finally complete and working!
2) The Spell Bar Window is completed, with all nine gem spots showing and working!
3) Screenshots for all [modded] windows are ready, and they will be posted...as soon as I get two things ready.

Not-Quite-So-Good News:
1) Still working on the .tga end for buff slots 16-20 of the Buff Window (any help would be greatly appreciated).
2) Raid Window is *still* bugged...been scratching my head over that. I aspire to have it working soon.
3) I'm trying to make the Short Duration Buff Box horizontal and have no clue how to flip the bloody thing over (this I definitely need help with...any direction-pointing sort of action would be incredibly helpful, although I have been poring through Short Duration Buff Box XML files that are already horizontal to see if I can figure it out myself).
4) Here's the big kick: I won't be uploading the update until I have everything (the three things I just mentioned) completely ready, and tested to be sure it works...sorry for the half-assed release beforehand; I feel absolutely awful for short-changing anyone the enjoys the UI. :(
EDIT: Nearly forgot about this...does anyone happen to know if there's some sort of trick that would allow me to cut-out the typing line on a chat window? And if so, specifically only certain ones? I'd like to toss the typing lines on Chat Windows II and III (II: Melee Spam; III: Spell Spam).

So...until I have these things all finished up, I'll be working relentlessly at it. I am *hoping* to have it done within two days, so at the latest, it should be uploaded by Monday morning. Until then, I can offer nothing but a tide of apologies and promises of me being bent over the desk, bags under my eyes, tea in my cup.

Ameril Dan`nodel
Warder, 57th season
[ Lanys T`Vyl server ]

Bitch at Amiez!! -- in the words of Spleen.

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