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Horaxe 02-13-2003 03:27 PM

Drop Down Subwindows?
I'm new to using subwindows, like tabs and such. But I was curious, is it even possible to use Drop Down Subwindows in EQ? For instance, I use a very slimmed down inventory. No Stats, Resists, etc in the box. Just Auto Equip, Class Icon, Weight, and Items/Coins/Buttons. If I had say a button that I could click and have a sub window drop down with my other parts of the normal inventory. Stats, Resists, XP, etc. I think not only would this look really cool. But it would add a lot more versatility to mods, making it so you can have a sensory overload on information, or not. Anyone tried this yet?

Cairenn 02-13-2003 03:32 PM

I don't know if you can add comboboxes or not. I know folks have created tabbed inventories that do basically the same as you are suggesting, but comboboxes ...

Hrm, gonna have to check this out. Not sure if it will allow them (ala adding tabs) or whether it will view these the same as buttons (which we can't add). I have a sneaking suspicion it's going to view them as buttons, unfortunately.

Horaxe 02-13-2003 03:38 PM

That's kinda what I was thinking, but i hadn't heard anything really regarding the subject. So worst case scenario. It doesn't work.

grottel 02-13-2003 04:01 PM

Combobuttons are specific object - not a window per se. So its very much like a button in that its dependent on its parent window to actually do anything useful.

Comboboxes are like the STMLBOXes and LISTBOXes - we can build them but have no way to populate the data into the element once its created. Even then, you wouldn't be able to do anything with your selection.

Prolly the most intersting indirect usage of the combo box would be to create the combo box and set the background graphic as a something you need reference (an image of a recipe list for instance). Thus the image is only displayed when the dropdown is open.

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