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emil 09-19-2006 02:39 PM

Emil 10
TSS Compliant.

Emil 10


Kalthanan 09-19-2006 11:06 PM

Thanks, I'm using this now as a base.

nomad67 09-20-2006 01:31 AM

equiped items
May or may not be bug - The 4 equiped items boxes attached to hotkey 1 on my screen show ring earing chest and back - typically these would show primary, secondary, range and ammo.

Any suggestions?

Also would be cool for arranging purposes if the Character box (health,mana,end) had an optional horizontal size that matched the grp window.

Otherwise is very nice thank you for the great work

emil 09-20-2006 03:18 AM

The 4 clicks are customizabe, I chose ear, ring, chest, cloak. If you are comfortable with editing the xml, then look around lines 1645 -~1700 in EQUI_HotButtonWnd.xml. A good way to mannipulate the clicks, is to open the EQUI_Inventory.xml and find the items you want to use.

Also, to move chat windows (1,000 /tells!), just drag edges, until you get the chat boxes where you like them. As in, drag the right side to a spot, then the left, then the top, then the bottom.. there's no way to 'move' chat windows when they don't have a title bar.

Also, I intentionally moved the config buttons on hotkeys (they are just outside the windows), because I personally see no use for them. If you use them, or want to use them - they are there, you can bring them to the window.

And finally, /invite playername, or alt i to invite/accept invites; ctrl d to disband. I don't like the invite/follow/disband buttons in the grp window. (!)

Also would be cool for arranging purposes if the Character box (health,mana,end) had an optional horizontal size that matched the grp window.

It does, in a round about way: The compass + the playerwindow (what you're calling character box) + potion belt = exact pixel height of the group + target windows. If I'm understanding what you're saying.


emil 09-23-2006 10:08 AM

Update 10.1:

1) grp window 1,2,3,4,5 are now: 2,3,4,5,6 (oversight, sorry!).
2) hott is now a color (orange, not grey).
3) casting gauge is now a color (green, not grey).
4) casting gauge is a tad thicker (2px).
5) target gauge is now a color (purpleish).
6) pet hp gauges are 2px thicker.
7) cleaned up the combat state icon(s). they were too small. they are now sharper, bigger circles.
8) resized combat disc icon/description, when activated.

faerar 11-07-2006 05:47 PM

Buff colours
Love the UI it is nearly exactly want I want and very easy for me to add/change items I need.

The one thing is the buff/song window my buffs are transparent in colour not blue like in the picture any idea why ?

Thanks again Emil :D

Elesse 11-12-2006 11:01 PM


You are my personal EverQuest saviour. Thank you for the ui! :D


Haleoo 11-13-2006 07:45 AM

Buff Window
If you look in your UI I folder you need to make sure that you have this item window_pieces06 in there. That will give you your backgrounds for buffs and songs

Originally Posted by faerar
Love the UI it is nearly exactly want I want and very easy for me to add/change items I need.

The one thing is the buff/song window my buffs are transparent in colour not blue like in the picture any idea why ?

Thanks again Emil :D

faerar 11-20-2006 07:37 AM

Thanks Haleoo,

That fixed it I had replaced that tga with another reinstalling it fixed it :nana:

thanks again :)

Haleoo 11-20-2006 07:53 AM

Your Welcome and glad that it was a easy fix for you.


Originally Posted by faerar
Thanks Haleoo,

That fixed it I had replaced that tga with another reinstalling it fixed it :nana:

thanks again :)

vladimr 02-14-2007 12:51 AM

TBS Fixes
2 Attachment(s)
I Modified the Inventory Window (added Powersource and Alt Currency), and Modified ShortDurrationBuffs Window, so as to allow 15 buffs.

Attached are my modified files

Yarg Soulfyre 02-14-2007 02:41 AM

Thank you!

Phistikuffs 02-14-2007 03:08 PM

Hot Button Window Update
1 Attachment(s)
Here is an update to the hot button window so that it shows all the bag slots correctly. The gear slots are customized to the ring, face, primary & back slot.

rarrazz 02-14-2007 06:53 PM

Thanks so much for fixing this up. I love this UI.. :-)

Nubben 02-16-2007 02:47 PM

I've tried to figure this out on my own, but XML is like greek to me...how can I change the four inventory slots on the hotkey window? I'd like to use Ear, Face, Primary, and Range. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks again for the great UI, I've been using it for close to 2 years now.

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