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Jethal 06-01-2004 11:00 AM

Night Elf UI - version d(1)
Night Elf has been re-worked alittle and I've been able to solve a few issues that have had people emailing me for 2 years..

First off.. the Target Window can now be moved by itself and you dont have to rely on the character ini file to position the windows. Simply make sure it's not Locked.. then click and drag the window to the Right of the leaves.. I had to leave an empty space (10 pixles or so) to allow you to grab the window.

Spelling errors have been corrected

The w3 Spell bar now has a 1 minute rotating timer.. 8 buttons light up around the center sundial.. the sundial itself changes from daylight to nighttime.. though I wish i could there was a way to syncronize that with norrathian time.

Now to answer some of the more common requests..

No, I'm sorry, I do not have time to customize this UI Skin to your preferances.. the resolution is 1280 x 1024 because that is the res. i play at.. the change the resolution would require the resizing of alot of graphicc.

I know that w3 had UI's for Human, NightElf, Undead & Ogre.. I've looked into making the various versions as an optional graphic change.. but they're just different enough to make a smooth transition difficult.

Wolvig 06-01-2004 12:54 PM

No problem. Its great that you made to UI to begin with. Thank you for your time and effort.

mageling 06-01-2004 02:03 PM

Endurance ??
Hmm I was wondering where the Endurance bar is in there ? I just cant find it ??

Qinadwen 06-01-2004 09:08 PM

Realy GREAT looking - must have taken a lot of work - but ... any chance for a remake in 1024*768?


Ignore what I wrote - by closer inspection, I saw that you dont have the energy to remake the UI in another es :(

exarchaks 06-06-2004 03:35 PM

I love this UI ... it's so different and fun. I do have one question, if you don't mind. I have a Grandmaster's Satchel from gm'ing jewelcraft, and for some reason with this UI, it looks like a Reinforced Satchel of Abu-kar (with the pretty green buttons and all).

As silly as it may sound, I love the "look" of this satchel and am very pleased with the new look my Grandmaster's Satchel is now sporting with this UI. Is this something you put into the UI itself to cause this to happen?

Thanks for the UI ! I love it !

Jethal 06-06-2004 03:51 PM

I changed a few of the items in the "DragItem" files because they look better, hehe, glad you like it

I love this UI ... it's so different and fun. I do have one question, if you don't mind. I have a Grandmaster's Satchel from gm'ing jewelcraft, and for some reason with this UI, it looks like a Reinforced Satchel of Abu-kar (with the pretty green buttons and all).

colorflux 06-26-2004 10:41 PM

i loved this ui but i was not able to move the text windows (i could resize but not move them to another location) i dont know if this is my fault but i worked at it for hours and I cant figure out how to move them so they would match up with the skin... /shrug

very nice skin otherwise.

Jethal 06-27-2004 12:24 AM

As it explains in the instructions.. you have to resize the window into place.. the UI was designed without the Titlebar's in mind.. so you can not simplly drag them around.

amberle_saryrn 06-28-2004 10:38 PM

Love the UI
It's great and really works well for my ranger. I wondered though, is there an easy way to make dots and other detrimental spell effects show as red in the spell effects box? I have a very hard time seeing if I'm dotted or not as mine shows them as white like the rest of my buffs. Has anyone else mentioned or noticed this?

Jethal 06-28-2004 11:11 PM

That would be the "CS_Buttons.bmp" file.. I made it transparent to fit myown personal preferances.. if you want go back to the "Red for Detrimental" & "Blue for Benificial".. remove the file from the Nightelf-2004 directory and it'll read the default.

amberle_saryrn 06-28-2004 11:25 PM

oh an easy fix! wonderful, thanks for your fast response :)

Qinadwen 07-05-2004 10:40 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Is it possible to remove the casting animation from the target window? and if so, how?

Attached file, in case anyone should want to fix it for me :)

Jethal 07-07-2004 10:52 PM

<!-- <Pieces>w3_targ_cast</Pieces> -->

Originally Posted by Qinadwen
Is it possible to remove the casting animation from the target window? and if so, how?

Attached file, in case anyone should want to fix it for me :)

Qinadwen 07-08-2004 04:00 AM

WOOT - thanks my liege :) /bow

Twen 07-08-2004 10:43 AM

I dont know if anyone else is having this problem but, ill put all the files into my nightelf 2004 folder. I then rename the UI ini file for my server and name UI_NAME_SERVER
I then start the patcher login and when my character pops into the world my windows are still everywhere and theres not even a black bar at the bottom of the screen like with your previous UIs. Any fixes?

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