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Kudane 01-14-2003 03:07 AM

Zebuxoruk Loses One of It's Own
I am sorry, this will not the normal news post...

This weekend a close and dear real life friend who was one of the three founding members of the Guild I was leader of passed away.

Ken Jones AKA Gnar Manaman(and his alt Elmor Phudd) was found in his apt on monday apparently having died from complications from a seizure, sometime on Sat or Sunday.

Ken and I met in EQ, and became real life friends talk on the phone for hours (he was East Coast, I am West Coast). We have been friends for over 2 years now

Ken,my room-mate, and I started our guild almost 2 years ago, and Ken left leadership and the guild for personal reason, leaving I and my room-mate to run the guild. We disbanded the guild in July 2002 feeling it was best to end on a good name. We have since both gone on to do other things. But we have kept in contact with him. He became the Guild Leader for Leder'av'ere on Zebuxoruk (co-leader as I understand it) and to them I send out my condolences.

Ken was seperated from his wife, she did not understand the EQ Life style and he left the game twice to try and save his marriage. In the end his marriage did not end due to EQ, but something else and he came back to EQ when they split. To his wife I offer my heart felt sorrow.

Ken was a good man, and always did right by the newbies. I would see him sitting in Rivervale or Freeport buffing newbies for no other reason than to see how excited they got.

Ken, you will be missed.. May you find peace and happiness where ever you are, and may you remember us fondly when you look down on us. Rest easy brother, for we are still guarding the gates.

with all my love
- Kudane

se7en 01-14-2003 05:20 AM

we are all here for you
:( after reading your post i had tears swelling in my eyes. i feel your pain, i have lost a friend as well and it hurts. i will speak out for us all and tell you we are behind you and feel for you. we all feel your lost.

Katn 01-14-2003 07:00 AM

:( I'm so sorry this happened, I know where you are coming from, and will pray for you and your friend..

Kelric 01-14-2003 08:41 AM


woodnyc 01-14-2003 09:28 AM

My deepest and most heart felt sympathy to you and the friends of Ken. I lost my best friend of 15 years to the trade ctr attack and know how it feels to lose someone. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Peace to you


Buzzyrd 01-14-2003 10:25 AM

Sorry to hear ...
Sometimes it makes me wonder why good people have to die? i am truly sorry for your loss Kudane.

Thoughts and Prayers to you and your friends family.

"Time heals all wounds"

Buzzyrd Bayt
Vazaelle Server

Tils 01-14-2003 10:42 AM

/nod all of above ..it might be nice to have a small tribute to him in the EQ gui logo at the top? :)


Kuvasie 01-14-2003 10:49 AM

This is the type of thing you don't know what to say. :( It just makes your jaw drop a little and appreaciate the friends and family we have.

Our thoughts are with you and his family, EQ and RL.


Kaeryn 01-14-2003 11:13 AM

I am so sorry to hear of your loss, Kudane. My condolences to you, as well as Ken's family and friends.

leen bloodsmith 01-14-2003 02:01 PM

Sometimes real life ....
Sometimes real life has a tendancy to wake us up as EQ players,The loss of a Friend is always hard to deal with and i am truly sorry for your loss.
On Nov.23 2002 Terris thule lost a damn fine monk named Darqie,after a lengthy battle with pancreatic cancer.I am 32 years old and only knew Darqie in game but i cried . It makes you realize that life is very precious and that Each of us on Eq should pay more attention to our loved ones .

My condolences kudane

Leen Bloodsmith
65 warrior of Scarlet Underground Guild on Terris Thule

sc2kmayor 01-14-2003 02:19 PM

An empty room, no pictures or furniture.
That hole in your chest where a friend belongs.
May you know peace in your time of sorrow.

Sidilian 01-14-2003 03:22 PM

I wanted to just add my thoughts in here Kudane... but you know how I feel... and so does Ken...

This has torn me to pieces... since we found out last night... I have been trying to round up the old gang to tell them one by one on Zeb... even dusted of his old running bud Locrian:)

God... why does it hurt so much?


kenney 01-14-2003 03:55 PM

=( Sorry to hear about your friend ....

Kudane 01-14-2003 04:12 PM

found this in my back-up of stuff on my hard drive here at work..

this was taken almost exactly a year ago. I was getting new shots of all the officers with Luclin models on. this is how I remember Gnar to this day always facing new frontiers (click on image for full size image)

I found one older image of him.. but I think its best to view it by Clicking HERE

- Kudane

cytogene 01-14-2003 04:52 PM


I'm soo sorry at the loss of your friend. nothing like getting the day going with a good cry. i never met him but he sounds like a sweetheart. no i don't refer to him in the past tence because he is still a dear man whether he draws breath or no longer needs to.
I only hope that my simple words somehow bring you comfort.

((BIG HUGS)) Cleric Of Bristlebane.

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