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Tuffs_Chan 02-24-2003 03:27 PM

warrior sword/armor
my warrior is a 2hs warrior has been sence lvl 24 .

well i bought him a di'zok[think thats it] imperal katana well is that a good weapon or should i got something like else ?

and what is good armor for a warrior lvl 45 and has arond 9k to spend ?

maybe something you dont see in the bazaar that often?

Tolkien_Rocks 05-04-2003 08:28 PM

For 9K you could probably get a complete set of COBALT armor except for the Breastplate. COBALT Breastplate selling for 50Kpp on Innoruuk Server.

This armor is very good for those warriors who do not have a guild that can do raids on a regular basis. If you can go to the planes then there is better armor there.

Curumtiny 05-04-2003 10:16 PM

For 9k you should be able to get a pretty nice amount of Thurg Champion Armor MQed. The prices atleast have come down alot on Tarrew Marr. Not sure on your server. You should probably be able to get almost a full set maybe not the bp and legs.

Warriors are mainly a 1hs/1hb/1h piercing duel wielding class. That is where the agro is built up. 2hs is mainly good for warriors when they are not the Main Assist/Main Taunt. Warriors purpose is to hold the agro of mobs and do some damage. Monks, SKs, Rogues, and Rangers can and will do way more damage then a Warrior does. But they dont have the hitpoints to take the damage.

You should really consider getting some good duel wielding weapons for when you get higher in levels.

Trondir 05-14-2003 02:31 PM

No way you get a unlimited charged warrior invis item castable on others for 9k....

targrak 07-28-2004 09:31 AM

cel, its eminence =p heres what u need to do, talk to me about warrior stuff
9k u should be able to get some fierce heraldric depending on your deity... talk to me more on our forum dood

Targrak Mangocrusher 65 Overlord of Tholuxe Paells
Lantris Mangocrusher 65 Ranger of Tholuxe Paells
Santie Clause 65 Tranny of Tholuxe Paells

Bonekracka 08-04-2004 10:09 AM


I would save that coin, join a guild, get by with what you have, quest and/or what the guild provides you with. Focus on skills, exp, aa's
(especially agro aa's at this point - Awsome AA Thread ) and making/learning your hot keys. (don't forget to make an Oh'Chit! HotKey=D)

Your gear will be replaced rather quickly as you and your choosen guild progress.

If you're not into guilds or don't have enough time for a good guild ATM, learn to flip a coin. Learn the baz and turn that 9k into 18k... As you learn what to buy and when to sell you find great deals on gear you might think out of your reach ATM.

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