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Sirra 09-11-2003 08:55 AM

Please Help me
First of all, I am definitely not a computer wiz. So I apologize in advance if I dont put here all the information that is required. Blame it on ignorance rather than lazyness.

After the LDoN patch of september 9, my group window and my target window are not working. I made a copy of the default ui and started downloading items into it, just to make sure that every item was compatible. Everything worked just fine until I got to those 2. For some reason, no matter which windows I download, the script "not compatible" appears after I type the "/loadskin don 1" that has the customized group or target windows.

I have got all the items for my ui from your amazing website. I love it. The downloads for group windows I have tried without success are:

The target windows that arent working for me are:

I really dont understand why. I checked which items were changed during the patch and none of them seems to be related to those two windows. Should I just wait until new windows of these kind are made? (I really love the hp squares) or is there a way for me to fix these that are already really cool and very much in line with what I want and need.

Thank you so very very much for any clues as to what to do. I truly appreciate it!!!

Taleisin 09-11-2003 08:57 AM

inside your everquest directory there is a file called


if you can post what it says or post it for download, I will take a look at it and see if I can help you get those windows working.

Cairenn 09-11-2003 09:03 AM

I made a copy of the default ui

Other than posting your UIError.txt log file as Taleisin pointed out, I would recommend that you stop using this practice. The only files that should be in your custom folder are files that have been customized. Otherwise, every time SOE changes any little tiny thing, you are virtually guaranteed to have a broken UI.

Sirra 09-11-2003 09:08 AM

Finally found the notepad for the errors, but the only thing in it is this:
UIErrorLog created at Thu Sep 11 10:02:05 2003
and that is about it.

I didnt understand what you suggest about the custom folder. You mean that I should make a copy of the default ui and put it somewhere else, and customize the default folder directly?
hmmm Never thought of that, and you are right. Every time there is a tiny change I have to do everything all over again.

Thank you for that advice! Please let me know if you need any other info. I can post the entire contents of my customized ui, if it is necessary.

THANK YOU so much for answering so fast and try to help :)

Taleisin 09-11-2003 09:18 AM

if you do want to use the default files that aren't in your UI (not the graphic files just the code)

inside the EQUI.xml file (has to be one in your UI)

for all the files that aren't in your modded folder add


infront of EQUI_*

that lets your modded window use the default windows that you didn't mod without errors.. and sometimes saves you from reworking your UI to fit the new patches.

Cairenn 09-11-2003 09:37 AM

Originally posted by Sirra
Finally found the notepad for the errors, but the only thing in it is this:
UIErrorLog created at Thu Sep 11 10:02:05 2003
and that is about it.

That is the only thing in your UIError.txt log file? Check to be sure that you don't have two EQ directories.

I didnt understand what you suggest about the custom folder. You mean that I should make a copy of the default ui and put it somewhere else, and customize the default folder directly?

No, I don't mean for you to make a copy of the default ui and put it somewhere else. And most definetly NO, I don't mean for you to customize the default folder directly. Do not make a copy of your default folder. Do not alter the default folder. Period. At all. Ever. Create your custom folder. Put your custom files only in your custom folder. That's all. Nothing else.

EQ will automatically pull what it needs out of the default folder.

Originally posted by Taleisin
if you do want to use the default files that aren't in your UI (not the graphic files just the code)

inside the EQUI.xml file (has to be one in your UI)

for all the files that aren't in your modded folder add


infront of EQUI_*

that lets your modded window use the default windows that you didn't mod without errors.. and sometimes saves you from reworking your UI to fit the new patches.

You don't need to do this. Your UI doesn't necessarily have a custom EQUI.xml file. It may have, but it may not, it depends on what all you are using. Just put the custom files in the custom folder. EQ will take care of the rest.

Sirra 09-11-2003 10:19 AM

Thank you!
I just deleted all my copies of the default ui folder I had (Had been collecting quite a few after so many changes to the ui lately) and right now there are only 2: the default original and one folder that only has the new downloads. Up until now it is working, although I havent tried the target and group windows yet, since they dont seem to be working properly.

If I open the folder "program files" in my computer, there is only one folder for Everquest, not 2. and I went to the files search program and searched for UIErrors and only one came up. I am assuming that if there were 2 directories, 2 UIErrors would have been shown in the search?

In any case what I copied and pasted up there is the only entry in that file.. the logging error.

I really hope I havent screwed up my eq folder. I never touch it (except for the ui folder, that is) just because I am aware of my computer knowledge limitations.

Thank you again for your help!

Cairenn 09-11-2003 10:28 AM

Okay, a) you'd have to work pretty darn hard to screw up your EQ folder, and b) even if you did, the patcher would fix it, so you can be reassured on that point.

From the sounds of it, you are probably right in that you only have one EQ folder. All to the good. :)

As you add files, when you get to one that makes it so it no longer works and sends you back to the default ui, post your UIError.txt log file at that point, and we can sort out what the problems are.

Sirra 09-11-2003 10:49 AM

I will try Vert
I did what you suggested. And every file worked well until the target and group windows. The thing is, the skin loads, (it doesnt send me to the default ui) but the warning appears on the screen that some windows are not compatible with the XML files and may not function correctly. The UIErrors file remained unchanged.

So I think I will try the Vert UI (the complete skin) just to save me headaches. All my chars are healers (Got a cleric, a shaman and a druid -hehe) and the lil squares in the group window were really helpful. So I am sorry to see them go.

I truly appreciate all your help! You guys are the best!
Thank you for your patience and advice. My Vert skin seems to be working well, and I am happy with it.

Thank you!!

Cairenn 09-11-2003 10:58 AM

Re: I will try Vert
Originally posted by Sirra
I did what you suggested. And every file worked well until the target and group windows. The thing is, the skin loads, (it doesnt send me to the default ui) but the warning appears on the screen that some windows are not compatible with the XML files and may not function correctly. The UIErrors file remained unchanged.

It still didn't give ... wait a sec ... right click on your UIError.txt file name, go down the little menu that pops up until you get Properties at the bottom, click on that. On the first tab, check to make sure that the "read-only" isn't enabled.

Sirra 09-11-2003 12:02 PM

The read only tab is unchecked. And still the only entry in it is the one I posted :(

Cairenn 09-11-2003 12:04 PM

That makes absolutely no sense at all. If you are loading a custom UI, it should be telling you about all the files that it can't find in the custom folder and is going to pull from the default folder.

Taleisin 09-11-2003 12:05 PM

ZIP your current modded folder,and email it to

emailto:[email protected]

I'll see what I can do.

Sirra 09-11-2003 12:36 PM

Thank you!!!
I will do that right now

Thank you sooo much!

Taleisin 09-11-2003 04:50 PM

you have some redundancies in your coding... alot of old tags needed to be updated.. but the one thing that kept it from loading was your group window..

in there you had 2 different objects named the same... that might work on a mac (sorry mac people, just wanna poke fun at someone today) but it wont work for EQ.

I got no errors on the last test so here is the finished version..

if you want to add another file to it later, go inside EQUI.xml
find the name of the file you are adding and erase ../default/ from infront of it.. that will let the modded window you just added load.

opps it's to big to post right here... anyone know where I can post a zip about 459Kbs large?

I would email it, but my mail server is down atm

scratch that.. ok here it is, all you have to do is unzip it into your uifiles, but then VERY IMPORTANT add the 11 graphic files from the folder you allready have of it.. it's to large to post here with them. (the .tga and .bmp) the .jpgs you sent it to me with are not important to the function of the UI.

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