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-   -   Reaver updated plus new Shaman and Necromancer skins (http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1048)

Kizzestra 08-15-2002 03:48 PM

Reaver updated plus new Shaman and Necromancer skins
Due to the addition of the compass feature the old Reaver skin is broken. I updated it with this new one and added a few additional mods from Dalink, Rombus, Kudil and Larch. I also have a Necromancer skin (similar to the Reaver one, but a different color for those who didn't like the purple) and the Shaman skin I have been working on. Here are some screen shots below. As soon as eqinterface.com can start receiving emails again I will get these to them so you can download them there too.

Feel free to modify these in any way you see fit you don't have to ask me for permission to use or modify them in any way. Have fun with them.

Kizzestra 08-18-2002 01:02 AM

The links
Here are the zip files for each of the above mods. I ended up getting more bandwidth than I thought.




westfall 08-25-2002 10:41 PM

How about a Ranger theme skin?
Love your skins! I use the Necro one for my SK (I know, I'm kinda partial to blue). I am D/Ling your Shaman skin for use with my BL and Ranger. I was wondering if you were perhaps working on a Mod of your skins for Rangers, maybe a green tone to it?

Great work! Thanks!!

:nana: :nana: :nana:

Kizzestra 08-27-2002 10:55 PM

Something for everyone
I should be up for making a version of my UI for every class, but it's gonna take a couple months to get situated. I am moving from California to Texas first of September so my time has and will be pretty limited for a while.

Maiyn 08-28-2002 02:07 PM

Very Very Nice
Very Neat Looking Plan i Trying It Out Tonight.
You Need To Have The Female Zombie On The Necro Spell Book Though Shes Just Hot. lol
Great job:p

Dreadscale 09-21-2002 10:14 AM

sw33t been looking for this little fellow :p

Elidil 10-04-2002 04:06 PM

i can not seem to get this to work, is there something special you did to get them to work or did i miss a step?
i made a folder like am supposed to and in EQ i typed/loadskin Necro and it loaded the default one

Ballin_povar 10-06-2002 11:22 PM

I am having the same problem myself with the Shaman one. I have been able to get other ones to work, but I'm pretty bumed out that this one won't... I really liked the look of it.:( Going to delete it and try to DL it again and hope I can get it working.

Kizzestra 10-07-2002 01:30 PM

I am not having any issues with any of these working on my system just as they are. However I am getting a message that they are incompatible every time I zone. I know that is because they are changing the xml files with every patch still.

I am not ,unfortunately, going to make a new set of these every few weeks while VI pulls their heads out of their sphincters. I am going to wait a few more weeks to see what other changes to the UI they are going to make since it will undoubtedly change with the release of Planes of Power yet again. They are going to add Raid windows for xp and loot to Planes of Power so that will break all UIs yet again. Once that Stabilizes, I will redo these Skins with all updated files.

Till then, be well.

Khanie 10-21-2002 01:36 PM

I was useing this one , but that recent patch screwed it all up, i was very upset cuz i had just gotten use to it , now i have to use anther one, dont know if your the guy that made this or not.

Kizzestra 10-21-2002 11:08 PM

Not mine.
I am not the author of that skin though it looks like he used a few of my graphics like the skulls on the buttons and such. I think the author of that skin can be found in the forums located here. http://www.eqclasses.com/forums/ Best of luck to you but as a side note, as of the PoP release patch, all custom UI's are broken and will need to be updated. Many authors will be waiting a few weeks to update these skins too, because SOE/VI will be breaking the UI's every patch for a few weeks while they work out the bugs. Most skin authors will wait a while for the UI to stabilize before updating them.

Khanie 10-22-2002 02:37 PM

yes , that is where i got this one i rember reading that he/she had taken bit and peices from other custom UI's . i ll take alook on the necromancer forums and see if anything was said about it.

Khanie Rigamorte
57 Defiler Vallon

Tuasai 10-23-2002 06:07 AM

I beg to differ, I am using the Reaver one for my SK and it STILL works just fine!

While I have yet to buy PoP it was wroking fine after the PoP live patch!

Kilanle 12-20-2002 08:50 AM

Have these been updated yet? I really like the necro UI, tried to DL it but wouldnt work =(

Xelajul 05-24-2003 08:43 PM

Clicking on the links above prompted me for a user/password. Could you repost the links to an accessable site?

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