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Aramil Dannodel 10-01-2004 12:33 PM

Omens Character Titles
Alright, quick question to run by everyone:

As I just purchased the Omens of War expansion today (yes, all note the big, SUCKER stamp on my forehead. Haha), I'm looking forward to gaining access to the new character titles. There's actually one I'd like to get for my Ranger (being "Avenger"; anyone that knows Ameril is likely to have their heart stopped with the knowledge that he *wants* a title), and a few more I'd entertain looking into for my other characters. Now, I know the Epic titles come by having the Epic 1.0 (I'm assuming the character having their Epic grants them access to the Epic title), and the various tradeskill titles, which become options as you progress a tradeskill...but would anyone happen to know anywhere I could find information on how to gain access to the other titles? I'd like to compile a list for the board, if I can find out the requirements to a good few of them.

Any insight would be appreciated (especially into the "Avenger" title. Heh).

Ameril Dan`nodel
Warder, 57th season
[ Lanys T`Vyl server ]

Bitch at Amiez!! -- in the words of Spleen.

Lazaru5 10-01-2004 12:48 PM

I think it is safe to assume that more titles become available the more AAs you spend (just like how your title changed as you spent AAs prior to the new title system).

Kudane 10-01-2004 02:03 PM

my BL with only 3 AAs spent got the title FERAL also Tradeskills add titles.. I think Feral may have come from being over 60..

you will get a ton of choices!

Qinadwen 10-01-2004 03:45 PM

The titles are based upon level, AA's (like for magician elementalist, conjuror etc. and baron etc.), some skills and epic's - as far as I know. Some of them are described in the OoW manual, but I am told not all ...

DarkSidhe 10-01-2004 03:45 PM

Avenger is a paladin title, not available to your ranger that I know of. If you look in the OOW .pdf manual on page 24/25 there's a list of the titles.

Aramil Dannodel 10-02-2004 06:00 AM

Re: Omens Character Titles
Aha, thanks a ton for the responses...I suppose it's probably something I would have picked up on, prior, had they included an actual physical manual in the expansion...hadn't even thought to check the manual for such a thing (usually pore through the manuals to brush up on the lore), and of course, something buried in my folder. Heh.

Reason I had asked after the "Avenger" title was because I had originally thought it may have been the Paladin's Epic 1.0 title...when I asked in the serverwide.Paladin channel and was told it wasn't, christ, I was giddy. Looks like it is restricted to the Paladin class, in any case, though. Once again, a tremendous thanks for all the insight and feedback, I truly do appreciate it (even when it is a simple bonk on the head for being too infuriated at not getting a real manual to think of checking the folder for the .pdf version. Heh).

Ameril Dan`nodel
Warder, 57th season
[ Lanys T`Vyl server ]

Bitch at Amiez!! -- in the words of Spleen.

Qinadwen 10-02-2004 07:23 AM

As Aramil is not the first and most likely not the last to ask, I am posting what titles are known by default - taken straight from the OoW manual...

(If anyone has more info on any titles maybe not mentioned here - like epic titles - please post them)

Sorry for the large images - say the word Dolby/Kudane and I will change it to links instead of images :)

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