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marcin 10-21-2002 06:36 AM

10/21 Patch - EQUI_Animations.xml changes
added the new dragitem pop art:

page 6 aka after

<TextureInfo item = "dragitem22.tga">


<TextureInfo item = "dragitem23.tga">
<TextureInfo item = "dragitem24.tga">
<TextureInfo item = "dragitem25.tga">

and also page 77 aka after:




babar 10-21-2002 11:15 AM

Hum could you tell me whats ur "page 6" and "page 77 ? Please

CQ7String2 10-21-2002 11:41 AM

I take it this will work for Vert?

If so.. Can you attach your anim file to your post? Would be easier for folks w/o XML/HTML know-how to replace it.. :)

Cairenn 10-21-2002 11:41 AM

Use the "aka after: xxx" info provided to find it in your xml file.

Dyschord 10-21-2002 12:01 PM

Anyone able to convert the above posted fix to a zip file of sorts?

I can't find anything resembling that above, and I know jack sh*t about xml :confused:

CQ7String2 10-21-2002 12:09 PM

Here's my file, with the edits made.

No promises, haven't tested it yet (can't login still) so make a backup copy of your original before replacing it with mine.


Ack! Edit this is for Vert 2.2

Cormanth 10-21-2002 01:57 PM

Problem with this update is that the second part is part of an existing Animation. Therefore it can't just be 'attached' to a UI, nor can it be put into a file by itself.

I posted a little tidbit about this in the wee hours this morning roughly explaining how to go about fixing your mods to deal with these changes.... read about it here.

Each UI that uses a custom EQUI_Animations.xml file will have to be patched individually. There's no way to make just one patch that will fix all UI mods, because each skin makes different changes to the animations file. An animations file for Vert won't exactly work with Quartz, and vice-versa.

If you are having problems with your UI after this patch, you will either have to make the changes yourself by editing the EQUI_Animations.xml file, or wait for the designer of your UI to release an update for it.

Personally I think that with a little thought and patience, most f you will be able to fix your own skins.


marcin 10-21-2002 02:43 PM

For those of you with broken UI's that are completely clueless as to what to do with the information in my post, you only need three things. A document editing program that has a Find or Search feature(Like MS Word for example), ability to use the copy command, ability to use the paste command. Follow these simple steps:

1. Open up the EQUI_Animations.XML file in your custom UI directory using your searchable document editing program.

2. Open up your search feature and input: dragitem22.tga

3. It will take you to the code you see in my first "aka after", when you see the end of exactly what i pasted, meaning after the </TextureInfo> of the dragitem22.tga section, press your enter key.

4. Copy the text from my quote.

5. Paste the text from my quote where you inserted the blank line(pressed enter).

6. Open up your search feature again and input: dragitem22.tga again.

7. Depending on your program, it may take you to where you just were, if this is the case click the FIND NEXT or NEXT button and it should take you to the second section of code I pasted.

8. Go to the end of exactly what i pasted in the second second, meaning after the </Frames> of the dragitem22.tga section, and press your enter key.

9. Copy the text from my second quote above.

10. Paste that text where you inserted the blank line(pressed the enter key).

11. Save your file, if using a rich format editor like MS Word and it gives you a prompt about formatting, make sure you select PLAIN TEXT FORMAT.

12. Load your UI like normal.

If this seems too complicated for you then your only solution is wait for your UI developer to make a patch.

Kevdawg 10-22-2002 01:41 AM

can you just post the file here hehe

Cormanth 10-22-2002 01:47 AM


Kelric 10-22-2002 02:30 AM

I'm not at home to check... was the EQUI.xml file modified this time?

Cormanth 10-22-2002 02:41 AM

Last modification to the EQUI.xml file was when they added the Raid Window and the Raid Options Window. So I guess the answer to your question would be yes. But that depends upon what you mean by 'this time'.

Kelric 10-22-2002 02:46 AM

Heh, I meant, did they change it in the 10/21 patch... should have been more specific. ;) But thanks for the info.

S'what I get for trying to be coherent at almost 4am :p

Cormanth 10-22-2002 02:48 AM

Problem is, I patched on 10/20 from the test server, so on 10/21 I didn't get the some of the stuff others did. But on 10/20 (presumably 10/21 on live servers) the EQUI.xml file was patched to include the Raid windows.

Kelric 10-22-2002 02:59 AM

Ah! Gotcha! Just the info I was looking for.

Hmm... now, that makes me wonder... if the Raid functionality is only usable with PoP installation... I wonder if that change will affect UI's for PoP users only, or non-PoP users, or both? Or neither?

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