Drakah |
07-17-2024 10:52 PM |
Game Update Notes: 17 July 2024
UI- Minimizing the game's desktop window no longer causes the client to become unresponsive.
- The game client's desktop window correctly saves its state when camping out by clicking the close window button.
- The game client once again saves the size and position of its desktop window immediately after manually moving/resizing the window.
- Updated the server select screen to fit a resolution of 1024x768.
- With the New UI Engine display option disabled, most in-game windows will now save their positions distinctly for each desktop window mode: restored, maximized, and fullscreen. Notable exceptions that are not yet fixed include: Main Chat Window.
- Fixed an issue where some game windows would reopen automatically after the player closes them.
- Fixed a visual artifact where the cursor would incorrectly display the previously held item.
- Reduced game hitching when using ALT+TAB while in full screen mode.
- Fixed a bug that unmaximized the game's desktop window if it was minimized.
- Fixed a bug that caused the game's desktop window to unminimize when it was deactivated.
Source and full patch notes.