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Kalthazz 09-02-2024 08:44 PM

missing expansion category
what ui file controls what expansions can be seen in the achievements categories window as i seem to be missing one in my ui and just looking to find which file in the defualt i can use to put in my own ui as the lauriens song expansion is missing iits graphic so what should i be looking into to fix this


mh272 09-03-2024 01:09 PM

Originally Posted by Kalthazz
what ui file controls what expansions can be seen in the achievements categories window as i seem to be missing one in my ui and just looking to find which file in the defualt i can use to put in my own ui as the lauriens song expansion is missing iits graphic so what should i be looking into to fix this


It's your animations file.

Add the following to it.

<Ui2DAnimation item="A_LS">

<Ui2DAnimation item="A_LSHover">

<Ui2DAnimation item="A_LSSelected">

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