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grottel 01-23-2003 12:29 PM

DragItem Graphics Edit
This is a request for one of the graphics editors to take the default DRAGITEMS graphics and add a one pixel highlight around each item. (neon green, orange, or blue)

I'm not sure if this could be accomplished on an entire file at once or if it would have to be done piece by piece. Hoping somone with a high-graphics editor would be able to do an entire file at once (otherwise too much effort).

Kuvasie 01-23-2003 06:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Is this what you are looking for? If it is, I can do it.


grottel 01-24-2003 01:33 PM

Yep - thats pretty much what I'm looking for - but I'm not sure that particular blue would be bright enough aginst the black background.
Looking for more like a CYAN color

Would you have time to do all the dragitem files?
I'm pretty sure this would be the first full DRAGITEMs mod :)

Kuvasie 01-24-2003 02:08 PM

Sure, I can start it in about an hour.


Kuvasie 01-24-2003 03:28 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok, here you go. I am very interested to see what you plan to do with these. I had to break the set into 4 zip files. I will post them below.


Kuvasie 01-24-2003 03:29 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Second file

Kuvasie 01-24-2003 03:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
3rd file

Kuvasie 01-24-2003 03:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)
4th file

Kuvasie 01-24-2003 03:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok, make that 5 files! ;)

grottel 01-24-2003 05:32 PM

Wow - that really rocsk man :)
Basically - I'm just sick of not being able to see the dark items when I'm dragging them around. That's why fixing the background container color wasn't a universal solution.

Just for curiousity sake, could you post your methodology? I'm quite interested in what software you used and what steps you went thru.

Kuvasie 01-24-2003 06:05 PM

I used Corel PHOTO-PAINT 10. As far as the steps it is just a matter of playing with the mask and fill tools.

After opening the file, use mask invert to reverse the masked area, fill with whatever color you want.

Invert the mask again.

Expand it by one (or however many) pixels you want. You could stop here and get the same effect.

To clear out what you don't want. Invert the mask again, and hit DEL or clear the extra stuff (background) out.

Invert the mask one more time, back to just around the items and save the file.

That's it. You could write a script to run this in a batch process, but it was just as easy to do them by hand and it was relaxing - not too much to think about. ;)

Glad you like them.


grottel 01-28-2003 01:14 PM

Hey Kuv - they looked AWESOME in the TGA files.
However, once I actually got them loaded in-game it was a whole different story.

You did a super job- exactly what was asked. But heres what I ran into.
1) alot of images run right up to the edge of their 40x40 area so the 1pixel outline splashed over on the adjacent image - not a big deal - but it did look goofy.

2) it was just TOO MUCH. I opened a my bags it felt like I was walking down the strip in Vegas. On single images like when dragging cursor, it was great. But as an entire set with bags open, it just became obnoxious.

So. I really appreciate the time and effort. I wouldn't have known if I hadn't seen it. Fear not, I do plan to try to cut out some of the individual ones that give me the most problems.

Kuvasie 01-29-2003 08:54 PM

Originally posted by grottel
Hey Kuv - they looked AWESOME in the TGA files.
However, once I actually got them loaded in-game it was a whole different story.

You did a super job- exactly what was asked. But heres what I ran into.
1) alot of images run right up to the edge of their 40x40 area so the 1pixel outline splashed over on the adjacent image - not a big deal - but it did look goofy.

2) it was just TOO MUCH. I opened a my bags it felt like I was walking down the strip in Vegas. On single images like when dragging cursor, it was great. But as an entire set with bags open, it just became obnoxious.

So. I really appreciate the time and effort. I wouldn't have known if I hadn't seen it. Fear not, I do plan to try to cut out some of the individual ones that give me the most problems.

I actually suspected that might be a problem. If you ever need any help with it or anything else just let me know. A less dramatic color might have been better.


Drakah 04-26-2003 07:42 PM

it was just TOO MUCH. I opened a my bags it felt like I was walking down the strip in Vegas

That 1 line just made my day ~ for some reason I couldnt stop laughing when I read just that one line..totally imagining it too cause I could just picture walking around with vagas-like icons wee! =p~ :nana:

any chance for a SS of what it looked like?

Kuvasie 04-26-2003 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Drakah
....any chance for a SS of what it looked like?

Funny enough I never tried this and from the sounds of things neither did Grottel for long :D


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