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Remelio 07-14-2004 11:18 AM

7/14 Patch - Container Fixes and How to Add Mana Numbers
If this doesn't work (can't see add/remove/insert buttons) please give my modifications listed below a try as well.

Here is the "quick" version until Cairenn can post her good version :)

Note: Only new stuff, no replacements necessary

Fixes for EQUI_Container.xml

Put this in the main section:

<Label item ="Augment_Label"> <ScreenID>Augment_Label</ScreenID> <!--<Font>3</Font>--> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>95</X> <Y>5</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>88</CX> <CY>20</CY> </Size> <Text>Augments</Text> <TextColor> <R>255</R> <G>255</G> <B>255</B> </TextColor> <NoWrap>false</NoWrap> <AlignCenter>false</AlignCenter> <AlignRight>false</AlignRight> </Label> <Label item ="AugmentInfoLabel"> <ScreenID>AugmentInfoLabel</ScreenID> <!--<Font>3</Font>--> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>95</X> <Y>96</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>220</CX> <CY>30</CY> </Size> <Text>None</Text> <TextColor> <R>255</R> <G>255</G> <B>255</B> </TextColor> <NoWrap>false</NoWrap> <AlignCenter>false</AlignCenter> <AlignRight>false</AlignRight> </Label> <Listbox item="AugmentList"> <ScreenID>AugmentList</ScreenID> <DrawTemplate>WDT_Inner</DrawTemplate> <Location> <X>95</X> <Y>25</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>220</CX> <CY>70</CY> </Size> <Columns> <Width>150</Width> </Columns> <Style_Border>true</Style_Border> <Style_VScroll>false</Style_VScroll> </Listbox> <Button item = "InsertButton"> <ScreenID>InsertButton</ScreenID> <!--<Font>3</Font>--> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>160</X> <Y>130</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>70</CX> <CY>24</CY> </Size> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <!--<TooltipReference/>--> <Style_Checkbox>false</Style_Checkbox> <!--<RadioGroup/>--> <Text>Insert</Text> <TextColor> <R>255</R> <G>255</G> <B>255</B> </TextColor> <ButtonDrawTemplate> <Normal>A_BtnNormal</Normal> <Pressed>A_BtnPressed</Pressed> <Flyby>A_BtnFlyby</Flyby> <Disabled>A_BtnDisabled</Disabled> <PressedFlyby>A_BtnPressedFlyby</PressedFlyby> </ButtonDrawTemplate> </Button> <Button item = "RemoveButton"> <ScreenID>RemoveButton</ScreenID> <!--<Font>3</Font>--> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>160</X> <Y>130</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>70</CX> <CY>24</CY> </Size> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <!--<TooltipReference/>--> <Style_Checkbox>false</Style_Checkbox> <!--<RadioGroup/>--> <Text>Remove</Text> <TextColor> <R>255</R> <G>255</G> <B>255</B> </TextColor> <ButtonDrawTemplate> <Normal>A_BtnNormal</Normal> <Pressed>A_BtnPressed</Pressed> <Flyby>A_BtnFlyby</Flyby> <Disabled>A_BtnDisabled</Disabled> <PressedFlyby>A_BtnPressedFlyby</PressedFlyby> </ButtonDrawTemplate> </Button> <Button item = "DeleteButton"> <ScreenID>DeleteButton</ScreenID> <!--<Font>3</Font>--> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>160</X> <Y>130</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>70</CX> <CY>24</CY> </Size> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <!--<TooltipReference/>--> <Style_Checkbox>false</Style_Checkbox> <!--<RadioGroup/>--> <Text>Delete</Text> <TextColor> <R>255</R> <G>255</G> <B>255</B> </TextColor> <ButtonDrawTemplate> <Normal>A_BtnNormal</Normal> <Pressed>A_BtnPressed</Pressed> <Flyby>A_BtnFlyby</Flyby> <Disabled>A_BtnDisabled</Disabled> <PressedFlyby>A_BtnPressedFlyby</PressedFlyby> </ButtonDrawTemplate> </Button>

Add this stuff in the bottom part:

<Pieces>AugmentList</Pieces> <Pieces>Augment_Label</Pieces> <Pieces>InsertButton</Pieces> <Pieces>RemoveButton</Pieces> <Pieces>DeleteButton</Pieces> <Pieces>AugmentInfoLabel</Pieces>

This should work for all container mods without additional modifications necessary to the rest of the container... however on mods with nice borders (one of mine comes to mind) the borders will probably be all sorts of messed up - but at least that will ONLY be when you open the augment sealer.


Remelio 07-14-2004 12:02 PM

Quick How-to on adding Mana numbers
Figured I'd add a quick message telling everyone who wants to how to add mana numbers to your UI:

First off find this bit (most likely in your player window, depending on the UI mod you use)

<Gauge item = "Player_Mana"> <ScreenID>PlayerMana</ScreenID> <!--<Font>3</Font>--> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>3</X> <Y>46</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>108</CX> <CY>8</CY> </Size> <GaugeOffsetY>0</GaugeOffsetY> <Style_VScroll>false</Style_VScroll> <Style_HScroll>false</Style_HScroll> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <!--<TooltipReference/>--> <FillTint> <R>0</R> <G>0</G> <B>240</B> </FillTint> <LinesFillTint> <R>0</R> <G>220</G> <B>220</B> </LinesFillTint> <DrawLinesFill>false</DrawLinesFill> <EQType>2</EQType> <GaugeDrawTemplate> <Background>A_GaugeBackground</Background> <Fill>A_GaugeFill</Fill> <Lines>A_GaugeLines</Lines> <LinesFill>A_GaugeLinesFill</LinesFill> <EndCapLeft>A_GaugeEndCapLeft</EndCapLeft> <EndCapRight>A_GaugeEndCapRight</EndCapRight> </GaugeDrawTemplate> </Gauge>

The important bit from that is this:
<Location> <X>3</X> <Y>46</Y> </Location>

Keep those numbers handy cause we need to use them again here in a moment.

Now add in this:
<Label item ="PW_ManaNumbers"> <ScreenID>ManaNumberLabel</ScreenID> <EQType>128</EQType> <Font>2</Font> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>3</X> <Y>44</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>108</CX> <CY>14</CY> </Size> <Text> </Text> <TextColor> <R>255</R> <G>255</G> <B>255</B> </TextColor> <NoWrap>true</NoWrap> <AlignCenter>false</AlignCenter> <AlignRight>true</AlignRight> <AlignLeft>false</AlignLeft> </Label>

Ok now look at the same part on this one:
<Location> <X>3</X> <Y>44</Y> </Location>

Make sure the X value MATCHES the X value of your last part, and the Y value is TWO LESS than the Y value of your last part.

Now be sure to add this to the bottom where the rest of the Pieces are:

This will display your current/max mana OVER your mana bar - with default colors it looks fine, but on some mods it might not, in which case you need to wait for a fix from your UI mod creator.

You can use the same method to display your endurance numbers, simply change the EQTYPES bit from the second set of code from 128 to 129, however the white text looks horrible over the yellow endurance bar, and I believe type 129 ignores the "textcolor" bits... you'd have to change the color of the endurance bar itself by using its "filltint" colors.

Hope this helps without being too technical :) Enjoy!

Remelio 07-14-2004 01:34 PM

Just to clarify the mana addition instructions... ADD the above "Label" code AFTER the "</Gauge>" at the end of the mana gauge.
Then ADD the <Pieces> bits at the BOTTOM of the list of the rest of the pieces like this...

<Pieces>PW_HP</Pieces> <Pieces>Player_Mana</Pieces> <Pieces>Player_Fatigue</Pieces> <Pieces>PW_ManaNumbers</Pieces> </Screen> </XML>

NO replacing of any code.. all the code you are putting in is NEW.

Hope this helps. :)

Remelio 07-14-2004 04:30 PM

If the modifications posted in the first post don't work (you can't see add/remove buttons etc) try these:

REPLACE the code that you ADDED above with this:
<Label item ="Augment_Label"> <ScreenID>Augment_Label</ScreenID> <!--<Font>3</Font>--> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>95</X> <Y>5</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>88</CX> <CY>20</CY> </Size> <Text></Text> <TextColor> <R>255</R> <G>255</G> <B>255</B> </TextColor> <NoWrap>false</NoWrap> <AlignCenter>false</AlignCenter> <AlignRight>false</AlignRight> </Label> <Label item ="AugmentInfoLabel"> <ScreenID>AugmentInfoLabel</ScreenID> <!--<Font>3</Font>--> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>85</X> <Y>55</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>120</CX> <CY>45</CY> </Size> <Text>None</Text> <TextColor> <R>255</R> <G>255</G> <B>255</B> </TextColor> <NoWrap>false</NoWrap> <AlignCenter>false</AlignCenter> <AlignRight>false</AlignRight> </Label> <Listbox item="AugmentList"> <ScreenID>AugmentList</ScreenID> <DrawTemplate>WDT_Inner</DrawTemplate> <Location> <X>85</X> <Y>0</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>120</CX> <CY>55</CY> </Size> <Columns> <Width>150</Width> </Columns> <Style_Border>true</Style_Border> <Style_VScroll>false</Style_VScroll> </Listbox> <Button item = "InsertButton"> <ScreenID>InsertButton</ScreenID> <!--<Font>3</Font>--> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>95</X> <Y>85</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>70</CX> <CY>24</CY> </Size> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <!--<TooltipReference/>--> <Style_Checkbox>false</Style_Checkbox> <!--<RadioGroup/>--> <Text>Insert</Text> <TextColor> <R>255</R> <G>255</G> <B>255</B> </TextColor> <ButtonDrawTemplate> <Normal>A_BtnNormal</Normal> <Pressed>A_BtnPressed</Pressed> <Flyby>A_BtnFlyby</Flyby> <Disabled>A_BtnDisabled</Disabled> <PressedFlyby>A_BtnPressedFlyby</PressedFlyby> </ButtonDrawTemplate> </Button> <Button item = "RemoveButton"> <ScreenID>RemoveButton</ScreenID> <!--<Font>3</Font>--> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>95</X> <Y>85</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>70</CX> <CY>24</CY> </Size> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <!--<TooltipReference/>--> <Style_Checkbox>false</Style_Checkbox> <!--<RadioGroup/>--> <Text>Remove</Text> <TextColor> <R>255</R> <G>255</G> <B>255</B> </TextColor> <ButtonDrawTemplate> <Normal>A_BtnNormal</Normal> <Pressed>A_BtnPressed</Pressed> <Flyby>A_BtnFlyby</Flyby> <Disabled>A_BtnDisabled</Disabled> <PressedFlyby>A_BtnPressedFlyby</PressedFlyby> </ButtonDrawTemplate> </Button> <Button item = "DeleteButton"> <ScreenID>DeleteButton</ScreenID> <!--<Font>3</Font>--> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>95</X> <Y>85</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>70</CX> <CY>24</CY> </Size> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <!--<TooltipReference/>--> <Style_Checkbox>false</Style_Checkbox> <!--<RadioGroup/>--> <Text>Delete</Text> <TextColor> <R>255</R> <G>255</G> <B>255</B> </TextColor> <ButtonDrawTemplate> <Normal>A_BtnNormal</Normal> <Pressed>A_BtnPressed</Pressed> <Flyby>A_BtnFlyby</Flyby> <Disabled>A_BtnDisabled</Disabled> <PressedFlyby>A_BtnPressedFlyby</PressedFlyby> </ButtonDrawTemplate> </Button>

The <Pieces> bits are the same, so keep all those at the bottom, listed at the END.

PS: I can't fix all the window mods out there, so if this doesn't work, you'll have to wait for the respective makers to fix them, I'm afraid :( You might also try lowering the <Y> numbers for <Location> for the add/remove/insert buttons if you still can't see them, and make them match the <Y> number for the "AugmentInfoLabel" item.

I hope this helps everyone having problems! Almost any fixes to this will look clumsy because its SO hard to work with the container window.. Keep that in mind :)

Cairenn 07-15-2004 12:15 AM

You've done such a nice job of it Remmy, mine would be redundant. :)

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