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CVamian 05-13-2003 12:56 AM

help with Cairenn's Post please
Looked over Cairenn's post for the fixes for the patch tomorrow, was looking for the names shown in the post, to add the new material to the files and I could not find them at all... are these names going to be in the patch tomorrow?

<Button item = "GW_LFGButton">

<Gauge item = "Pet_HP">

<Screen item = "TargetWindow">

Couldn't find any of these in my group, player, or target windows.. Using the semi-old advanced group window, target window, and someone elses' player window...

Cairenn 05-13-2003 06:32 AM

Remember that when I write those posts, I compare the old default file to the new default file, so custom files may have things slightly different.

CVamian 05-13-2003 03:54 PM

Ok so if I am not finding these names in my files, AFTER the patch, do I still just add on what you posted, to fix those files that I have modded?

Haliken 05-13-2003 04:02 PM

K, if you can't find <Gauge item = "Pet_HP"> or <Screen item = "TargetWindow"> you're looking in the wrong place. They HAVE to be in the files (Pet_HP in player window, TargetWindow in target window).


CVamian 05-14-2003 06:54 PM

Did the patcher, logged in, got these errors in the UI Error... How do I fix them? Like I said in my beginning post, I did not find those Names in my Group, Player, Target Files I have...

UIErrorLog created at Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file SIDL.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_Templates.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_CharacterCreate.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ConfirmationDialog.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_CharacterSelect.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_FacePick.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ItemDisplay.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BreathWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_NoteWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_OptionsWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BookWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_AAWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_CursorAttachment.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_FriendsWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_PetInfoWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TrainWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BankWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_QuantityWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ActionsWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_SkillsWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_SkillsSelectWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TradeWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_MerchantWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_SelectorWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BazaarWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_GiveWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TrackingWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_InspectWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_SocialEditWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_HelpWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_FeedbackWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BugReportWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BazaarSearchWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ColorPickerWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_VideoModesWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TextEntryWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_CompassWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_GemsGameWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_PlayerNotesWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_LoadskinWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_AlarmWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_RaidWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_RaidOptionsWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_MusicPlayerWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_FileSelectionWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BigBankWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_JournalNPCWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_JournalTextWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_JournalCatWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ShortDurationBuffWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_StoryWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BodyTintWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_GroupSearchWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_MapViewWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_MapToolbarWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_EditLabelWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_GuildManagementWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TipWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child LFGButton in window GroupWindow

[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPLabel1 in window GroupWindow

[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPPercLabel1 in window GroupWindow

[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPLabel2 in window GroupWindow

[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPPercLabel2 in window GroupWindow

[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPLabel3 in window GroupWindow

[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPPercLabel3 in window GroupWindow

[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPLabel4 in window GroupWindow

[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPPercLabel4 in window GroupWindow

[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPLabel5 in window GroupWindow

[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPPercLabel5 in window GroupWindow

[Wed May 14 14:55:09 2003] Error: Could not find child HPPercLabel in window TargetWindow

[Wed May 14 14:55:09 2003] Error: Could not find child HPLabel in window TargetWindow

[Wed May 14 14:55:10 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem1.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:10 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem2.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:10 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem3.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:10 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem4.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:10 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem5.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:10 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem6.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:10 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem7.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:10 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem8.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:10 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem9.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:10 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem10.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:10 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem11.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:10 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem12.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:10 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem13.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:10 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem14.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:10 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem15.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:11 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem16.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:11 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem17.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:11 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem18.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:11 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem19.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:11 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem20.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:11 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem21.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:11 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem22.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:11 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem23.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:11 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem24.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:11 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem25.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:11 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem26.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:12 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\spellbook01.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:12 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\spellbook02.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:12 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\spellbook03.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:12 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\spellbook04.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:14 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\CS_Buttons.bmp not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 14:55:15 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\window_pieces04.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.

Cairenn 05-14-2003 09:14 PM

Originally posted by CVamian
Did the patcher, logged in, got these errors in the UI Error... How do I fix them? Like I said in my beginning post, I did not find those Names in my Group, Player, Target Files I have...

UIErrorLog created at Wed May 14 14:55:06 2003
[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child LFGButton in window GroupWindow
[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPLabel1 in window GroupWindow
[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPPercLabel1 in window GroupWindow
[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPLabel2 in window GroupWindow
[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPPercLabel2 in window GroupWindow
[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPLabel3 in window GroupWindow
[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPPercLabel3 in window GroupWindow
[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPLabel4 in window GroupWindow
[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPPercLabel4 in window GroupWindow
[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPLabel5 in window GroupWindow
[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child HPPercLabel5 in window GroupWindow
[Wed May 14 14:55:09 2003] Error: Could not find child HPPercLabel in window TargetWindow
[Wed May 14 14:55:09 2003] Error: Could not find child HPLabel in window TargetWindow

Those are your error messages. All of them are a situation of needing to add the appropriate pieces to the particular files. The very first line was added to the group window back with LoY. The rest of them are from today's patch.

CVamian 05-14-2003 09:19 PM

[Wed May 14 14:55:08 2003] Error: Could not find child LFGButton in window GroupWindow

if mine is not there, where do I get it at? The rest is what I can add to my ui from your post?

Cairenn 05-14-2003 09:20 PM

That line was part of the LoY patch, go look in the Patch Fixes Archive forum, there was a post by Remelio/Me telling how to add a universal one to any group window.

Yes, the rest of them you can get from today's patch information.

CVamian 05-14-2003 09:24 PM

Yes, the rest of them you can get from today's patch information.

as in from your post, or coping those particular parts from default to my ui folder not all of default just those parts... looking for that post in archives right now .... can't seem to find it

Cairenn 05-14-2003 09:33 PM

Take the information I provided in the Patch Fixes forum and apply whichever portions are appropriate to your Custom UI files. Never copy things from the default folder to your custom folder.

CVamian 05-14-2003 09:51 PM

the universal group fix, do I paste that anywhere in my group file, or is there somewhere specific?

CVamian 05-14-2003 09:58 PM

Originally posted by CVamian
the universal group fix, do I paste that anywhere in my group file, or is there somewhere specific?

new errors..

UIErrorLog created at Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file SIDL.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_Templates.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_CharacterCreate.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ConfirmationDialog.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_CharacterSelect.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_FacePick.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ItemDisplay.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BreathWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_NoteWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_OptionsWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BookWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_AAWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_CursorAttachment.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_FriendsWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_PetInfoWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TrainWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BankWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_QuantityWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ActionsWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_SkillsWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_SkillsSelectWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TradeWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_MerchantWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_SelectorWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BazaarWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_GiveWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TrackingWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_InspectWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_SocialEditWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_HelpWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_FeedbackWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BugReportWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:46 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BazaarSearchWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ColorPickerWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_VideoModesWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TextEntryWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_CompassWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_GemsGameWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_PlayerNotesWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_LoadskinWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_AlarmWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_RaidWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_RaidOptionsWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_MusicPlayerWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_FileSelectionWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BigBankWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_JournalNPCWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_JournalTextWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_JournalCatWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ShortDurationBuffWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_StoryWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BodyTintWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_GroupSearchWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_MapViewWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_MapToolbarWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_EditLabelWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_GuildManagementWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TipWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] [Line:49 Source:UIFiles\Nebel\EQUI_PlayerWindow.xml] Data error - No attributes expected on an element
[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] Error loading skin: loading default skin instead.

Cairenn 05-14-2003 10:12 PM

[Wed May 14 19:52:47 2003] [Line:49 Source:UIFiles\Nebel\EQUI_PlayerWindow.xml] Data error - No attributes expected on an element

Okay, you've got an error on line 49 of your PlayerWindow now. You've added something incorrectly, or forgotten to add something.

CVamian 05-14-2003 10:12 PM

K tried yet again ughh this is so bloody frustrating ... here is my new ui error thingy... didn't see any "your xml files yada yada... loading default" when I logged in, here's the error thingy from file... is this right, now?

UIErrorLog created at Wed May 14 20:10:36 2003
[Wed May 14 20:10:36 2003] Warning: file EQUI.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:36 2003] Warning: file SIDL.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:36 2003] Warning: file EQUI_Templates.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:36 2003] Warning: file EQUI_CharacterCreate.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:36 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ConfirmationDialog.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:36 2003] Warning: file EQUI_CharacterSelect.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:36 2003] Warning: file EQUI_FacePick.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:36 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ItemDisplay.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:36 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BreathWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:36 2003] Warning: file EQUI_NoteWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:36 2003] Warning: file EQUI_OptionsWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:36 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BookWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_AAWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_CursorAttachment.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_FriendsWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_PetInfoWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TrainWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BankWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_QuantityWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ActionsWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_SkillsWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_SkillsSelectWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TradeWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_MerchantWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_SelectorWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BazaarWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_GiveWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TrackingWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_InspectWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_SocialEditWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_HelpWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_FeedbackWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BugReportWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BazaarSearchWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ColorPickerWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_VideoModesWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TextEntryWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_CompassWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_GemsGameWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_PlayerNotesWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_LoadskinWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_AlarmWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_RaidWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_RaidOptionsWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_MusicPlayerWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_FileSelectionWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BigBankWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_JournalNPCWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_JournalTextWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_JournalCatWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_ShortDurationBuffWindow.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_StoryWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_BodyTintWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_GroupSearchWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_MapViewWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_MapToolbarWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_EditLabelWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_GuildManagementWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:37 2003] Warning: file EQUI_TipWnd.xml not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:40 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem1.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:40 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem2.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:40 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem3.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:40 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem4.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:41 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem5.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:41 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem6.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:41 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem7.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:41 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem8.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:41 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem9.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:41 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem10.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:41 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem11.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:41 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem12.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:41 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem13.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:41 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem14.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:41 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem15.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:41 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem16.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:41 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem17.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:41 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem18.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:41 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem19.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:41 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem20.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:41 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem21.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:42 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem22.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:42 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem23.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:42 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem24.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:42 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem25.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:42 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\dragitem26.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:42 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\spellbook01.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:42 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\spellbook02.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:43 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\spellbook03.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:43 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\spellbook04.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:44 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\CS_Buttons.bmp not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.
[Wed May 14 20:10:45 2003] Warning: file UIFiles\Nebel\window_pieces04.tga not found in directory UIFiles\Nebel\. Attempting to use file from Default skin.

Cairenn 05-14-2003 11:36 PM

Perfect. :)

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