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Kathara 07-28-2002 09:54 AM

Player Window request
I would like to request a small change to the Player window I found on eqinterface called Compact Player Window. I like the way it is set up now... but I would really like to see a few other things included.

The way I would like to see it set up is

HP bar #current HP
Mana bar %current mana
STA bar %current sta
Pet bar
Casting bar
Air bar(would be great if possible)

Name, xp, aa xp or anything else is not important and I would rather it not be included since my main char is in 59 hell and it hacks me off to watch it creep seemingly going no where...

Thanks so much in advance for any help someone can give me... I wish I could figure it all out myself but I tried to just make some simple modifications and confused myself so badly I gave up. Since I have so many char's I play I am really looking for somthing that I can use with all of them... and most of the ones that include most of what I want have xp on them and that would drive me batty... as I said Thanks again for any help )

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