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Kuliddar 02-06-2006 12:13 AM

Buff / Spell gem icons (old UI)

I would like to know if there are any downloads availble to make the old buff and spell icons (pre DoN) in the Current UI? Not a very big fan of the current ones...

Thx :)

babyface 02-06-2006 02:18 AM

I feel the same and did it the other day when I finally relented and loaded the current default. A little easier to get used to with the old spell and buff icons.

No need to download anything as long as you still have the default_old folder in your uifiles folder. That being said, open windows explorer, click on Everquest folder, then uifiles folder. Create a new folder in the uifiles folder with whatever name you want. Then open the default_old folder that's within the uifiles folder and copy the "gemicons" files (01-03), the "spellbook" files (01-04), the "spells" files (01-07) and the "Spell_Icons" file. Paste these files into your newly created folder. Then in EQ go to the Options window, General tab, hit the Load UI Skin button and load the name of your new folder. Should be good to go.

Kuliddar 02-06-2006 07:42 AM

Worked like a charm thank you very much. How will this effect new spells added in PoR. Will it show another type of icon?Will it revert to the DoN ones?

babyface 02-06-2006 10:20 AM

Hrrrrmmmm... I'm not sure I wanna think about that. Lol. I don't know XML and I kinda figured out what little editing I've done on my own. I think part of it depends on if any of the news spells have new icon graphics. That could cause a problem, but I'm not sure what the result would be. Maybe an error that would then grab the current default (new) files, since I can't see it leaving a buff or spell gem blank. If it uses an existing icon for the new spell it may be okay, but I have no idea how it flags what icon to use for each spell. Unfortunately, with my pretty much complete lack of knowledge on how all this works, I'll just have to wait and see. *keeps fingers crossed*

Kuliddar 02-06-2006 02:39 PM

No worries, it's already something that I don't have to use the current icons. Hopefully someone, somewhere, will figure out how to use the conventional ones for the new expension.

Kandiie1 03-29-2006 12:53 AM

I tried this tonight and it didn't work. Nothing changed. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

shadriel 03-29-2006 03:04 PM

3 Attachment(s)
spell gem icons were changed to the crappy new style in both the default and default old folders, so far as i can tell, and that is most likely where in your problem lies, most likely you will have to find a complete UI available for download that contains the old spell gem icons, so that you can replace the gemicon files in your UI with the ones you downloaded. or find someone willing to send them to you. i have them and can attach them to this post for you, but i'm not too familiar with exactly which gemicon file means which pic in the game and there are 10 or so files that have to do with various in game icons, so you may end up with something being changed that you didn't want changed. may want to save backup copies of what you are using now before you replace it with these, just in case it doesn't work out right.

Bubbaspa 04-20-2006 07:12 AM

i want plain old UI back
My default_old file is gone, im stuck with this new crappy UI, anyway i can get plain old UI back?

-Bubbaspa =D

Caeddar 04-20-2006 09:23 AM

Originally Posted by Bubbaspa
My default_old file is gone, im stuck with this new crappy UI, anyway i can get plain old UI back?

-Bubbaspa =D


jcmcmc 04-21-2006 10:20 AM

Old Ui
Okay,..I had been wrestling with getting the old UI back for days. I had to reformat my entire computer, and when I did, everquest did not include the default_old ui folder at all..UGH.. Big thanks to Shandriel..you rock! :nana: I downloaded the zip files from your post..and got my old icons back on most of what I wanted. The only one I didnt get was my effects icons. If anyone is uncertain how to do this..here goes..i will try to explain it. Go to program files..Everquest file..open uifiles folder..inside you will see a default folder..this is where u want to create new folder ( to do that go to file new..select folder..) dont put it inside the default, just make a new folder along with it. Name it whatever u want..then go to shadriels post..download those zips, you can download them to your desktop if u want..doesnt matter. then when you go to unzip them..select that new folder you just made to unzip them in to. Then log on to eq and select that folder in your load ui. Also..if anyone can post the a zip for the effects icons i would REALLY appreciate it. I can live with it, but would rather have the old spell icons back! thanks..and BIG hugs to Shadriel :) ! !
Julunaria Lunari..lvl 70 Grand Arcanist.. Fennin Ro.

sixis 05-14-2006 10:43 AM

Originally Posted by shadriel
spell gem icons were changed to the crappy new style in both the default and default old folders, so far as i can tell, and that is most likely where in your problem lies, most likely you will have to find a complete UI available for download that contains the old spell gem icons

all the other UIs seem to have either really old "classic" spell gems or none at all,

what about the POP era spell gems / icons? I've searched everywhere :confused:

anyone have those available to post please?

Egras 05-14-2006 11:43 AM

Make sure you create a new folder in the UIFiles folder for this. Lots have just overwritten the default folder and next time they patch, Sony puts the new ones back.

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