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Kaenil Darkwolf 08-09-2002 01:35 AM

Incoming!! Dumb question!! kill it kill it
hehe :D

Okay, the images got me to thinking(uh oh). I like to draw things(like anime, especially dragon ball z type art). It's possible to make a skin theme based on something completely un-eq related by hand drawing it right?

Like if I made a drawing, and somehow get it onto my computer, would I be able to make it so I see it on the UI ? If so could anyone tell me some basic info on how I'd have to do that, what I'd have to use, etc. I don't think I'm gonna be much use coding or anything, better off sticking to things that come natural for me, like art =)

Oh yeah, and I'll be practicing drawing everquest characters for the first time soon. Gonna feel a little strange because they may either be normal style or anime DBZ style stuff. LOL

EDIT: I'm taking some images and editing them to make a shaman type skin theme. Anyone know of some programs I could use? right now I'm using microsoft paint program hehe. Would prefer something thats free. Since I am only 15 so I don't really have much money to spend on this kinda thing =P

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