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Dolby 08-20-2002 12:44 AM

Well things have cooled down now... I'm re-opening the site with downloads disabled on eqinterface.com and attachments disabled on eqgui.com.

We are working on a dedicated hosting plan. We were really hoping it wasn’t going to come to this but with almost zero competition there is no place for you guys to go.

If the server load stays normal things should remain open… if not I’ll have to disable things again as it’s not fair to my host.

In the mean time please do not link us!

Nandayar 08-20-2002 06:22 AM

Ummm so what does this mean?? You will have a site called eqinterfaces with no interfaces to download?? I am a bit confused where are all the skins and mods to download going to be?? Right now I do not even see the menu to view them. What gives?

Bruize 08-20-2002 06:40 AM

Lay off
While it might be annoying to not have skins on a site called Eqinterfaces, I'm sure it's only temporary until they can get things working properly. In the mean time, lay off them, it aint easy to run an EQ site ya know.



Kialya 08-20-2002 06:46 AM

Possibly linking?
People who create nice mods can provide a link to THEIR site or homepage to download UI mods/skins ... like Quartz? That way people who are looking for a cool mod can still hopefully get one :) <--- like me :)

Cordanim 08-20-2002 08:23 AM

Nandayar...settle down!
Give these guys a break...it's not THEIR fault...the site is going nuts with traffic, so to keep their host happy for now, they've turned off downloads.

Check the links for mods you like - the author probably has other spots to grab them. Heck, PM the author and ask him to email even.

There are ways around problems, and having the attitude like "WTF?! Where's my free mods from a free site!?" doesn't help.

To the staff here...this site is going to rock, and hopefully everyone can be patient while some bugs get worked out and you get over the growing pains!


Celesta 08-20-2002 08:36 AM

For those of you that don't know or understand These guys have to PAY for webspace and that cost is determined by 1 the amount of storage space they use and 2 the amount of bandwidth they use transfering files. So unless you wanna Donate money to help provide more space/Bandwidth you have no room to talk. These guys are providing a service at there cost for YOU. Cut them some slack.

Nandayar 08-20-2002 08:41 AM

I was not attacking the makers of this fine web site in any way. Just wanted to know the scoop. It obviously takes work and money to keep this site up and running. I have never run a web site so I do not know what they are dealing with. Just curious if things will ever go back to the way they were. I sure hope they do. So a put away the flame throwers already. I appriciate the work that is done on this site. I just did not understand exactly what was going on so I asked. Keep up the good work.....now where did I put that flame retardant suit.

RNFeilynn 08-20-2002 09:05 AM

I would help pay for the site. hee hee. Just keep the mods coming!

UniDyne 08-20-2002 10:09 AM

You know what this site needs? Distributed content. If all of us could host our own stuff on our own sites and use this as a place to link to it, it would help.

Another thing that might help is if people donate to the site or offer to mirror content. Mirroring would definately help alleviate the bandwidth crunch.

In fact, Dolby and friends, the providers of this site, should consider signing up for the Amazon Honor System. It allows site donations through Amazon.com to help keep the site running.


ninarea 08-20-2002 11:04 AM

well if you need a place to host the files you could go with the danish compayny called freepaq they dont have any limitations on there pages as far as i can understand they only have a small adbar on top of the page with news.

the link to there homepage is http://www.freepaq.dk/
it might help you dont know

Ps thanks for this great site i hope you get it up and running agin soon

UniDyne 08-20-2002 01:08 PM

Hmmm... anyone here speak Danish? ;)

Kudane 08-20-2002 02:47 PM

Ok some basic stats for you benifit, not that I prolly should share this but I will...

Current plan:

1gig if space, 60gigs of traffic monthly..

Used since Thursday (5 days) 22gigs of traffic.. (space not a problem)

CPU usage "acceptible" limits 0.0 to 4.0

Used yesterday before shut down averaged at 6.0 with spikes up to 14.0 at any given min

Queries... 5.2SQL request PER MINUTE (thats almost 6 downloads a min...)

Dedicated Server... Dolby is working out the specifics, but best I can tell you right now... the package we will be getting:

300gigs traffic
6gigs space
no limit on CPU usage

Downside: Cost is up to 4 times current cost.. (we will deal with this once we decided what we are doing exactly)

Upside: No more down time once moved.. and the forums and downloads WILL return..

All the downloads are intact... just disabled... and yes.. most of the authors still have thier files contact them and might email them out..


Cordanim 08-20-2002 03:14 PM

I, personally, would donate via Paypal to help out if it comes to that.

UniDyne 08-20-2002 03:22 PM

I too would donate through Pay Pal or Amazon if necessary.

Madmardeggan 08-28-2002 11:55 PM

A little Help

Looking for a good host? Try www.readyhosting.com. They have unlimited space and no transfer limits. GL

Madmardeggan Daikini
Nnyx Darkmists

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