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veeshaa 08-29-2002 06:56 PM

Does it exist any editor wysiwyg fir the new UI?
I have some idea, but i know nothing about xml :(
This program could be a great help for everyone.

tadashya 08-29-2002 07:54 PM


its in beta. I use it primarily to see how my stuff looks without having to fire up EQ everytime I need to check on something (oh for a second machine!) but its all we got and the programmer is doing a marvelous job.

scaevola 09-12-2005 11:17 PM

website is gone ..wince!

Drakah 09-13-2005 12:17 AM

I have a copy of sidlwidl on my website if you want to download it.

scaevola 09-13-2005 12:25 AM

thanks for the quick reply.. where exactly? In truth all I see is custom load screens and ui's files. It be it obscene obvious but ..i'm not seeing it.

scaevola 09-13-2005 12:33 AM

thanks.. does this have the most updated eq types -- know offhand or should I go snooping?

Dolby 09-13-2005 02:16 AM

Or you can download it from us in the SidlWidl & SIDL Fiddle Tutorials & Info. forum.


The most updated eqtypes can be found in our dev forums. SidlWidl should work just fine.

Zandrax 09-25-2005 02:20 PM

I just downloaded sidlwidl and the .net framework and I can open up the UI files and do some minor editing with it like resizing stuff and things like that but how come the copy nd paste and cut and stuff like that commands aren't available? Is it because the author never got around to it or am I doing something wrong? Any help in this would be much appreciated.

Starrieblakskie 04-11-2006 07:05 PM

When I need to change something small like a border from true to false or if I need to copy and paste parts of files, I use XMLwriter but there are free programs that do the same thing like MoreMotion XML Editor and some people even use notepad from what I hear =)

hope that helps =)

shillingworth 07-26-2006 04:59 PM

Visual Studio 2005 Express (c++ edition is what i use) is also pretty good for editing code. It has intellisense so it can detect while your coding when you make syntax mistakes like a missing close tag or mispelled tag name. Also support syntax hilighting, minimizing blocks (like you can minimize an entire element), and smart tabs (detects your tabbing and adjust acordingly while coding). It is a rather large download, available for free to all.

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