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axeion 01-20-2005 12:48 AM

Hail to the King (httk)v3.42

UI based on T.King Celtic style about one year in the making.Made for 1280x1024 resolution but can be used as small as 1024x768.But Larger resolution the better.

Features include:
Many windows with T.King celtic style graphics (base borders started from cropped sections of a T.King Celtic inventory an were reworked,redrawn,an hammered into place)backgrounds were made for the style an to use space best as possible.

A interlocking inventory system so the inventory can be locked to right side an merchant,bank,loot,give,trade,and tradeskill windows would match up an make using those windows more user friendly.

Bank window with clearly marked bag slots for ease of use for trade skills or bazaar

Over size target window with flashing red attack indicator making it hard to miss what your target is an when attack is on or not.

Window selector with vital stats an places for compass an target to fit into.

Over sized gauges in group window for easy targeting group members by window,vertical invite/lfg/disband buttons so not to acidently disband or bring up lfg window .Gauges change color every 20%

Bigger combat abilities window buttons so names can fit the buttons an not be cropped.

Action window with the Who button, features larger social buttons incase need to use some them as extra hot keys .As well as wider turn social pages buttons.

Horizontal hot button window with 3 tabbed inventory clickies an bag slots .

Horizontal buff window with spell names below

Item Display window with items graphic icon to left so as not to ever block the text.

Pet window to more match the combat abilities window with tabbed buff window.Easy to read an notice pet gem that changes color every 20% health.

Oversized spell book with spell names easy to read horizontal under icons.With page turn animations and graphic gauges to fit books graphics.

Breath gauge made to fit big target window.but can be placed any where.

Full loot window can see all lootable slots on a corps an items start from right to left at the bottom for faster looting in this ui.

Give windows with buttons spaced out bit more to prevent acidental loss of items to pets.

A read me file (Read Meh) with step by step installation instructions as well as master xml to tga list for ease of moding this mod.

And a few surprises not listed.

Like to thank all the people who helped me make this ui in one form or another.Been about a year in the making so i'm bound to have forgotten some one.
The beta testers : Cheryldawnrena,Clancie,Josua,Keawedar,Lowpex,Menne groth,Uneedem,Genome,Ophidian,Inokis,and Sheadawn.
Big thanks to Kavrvnwlf who helped keep HttK alive while i was down with pneumonia and/or down from 6th year subscription bug.

Graphic inspiration :T.King his celtic graphic style this ui is based on.
Code inspiration from studying codes from: Drakah,Cairenn,Centhena,Inokis,kanon,Kudane,Kuvasi e,Remelio,Sokol,and Kavrvnwlf

An is dedicated to all those people who do nice things just because.Who spend their time freely an never expect a thanks.Either in game or those coders who spend coutless hours making mods just to make the game little better for some one else.

2/17/05 Now Dragons of Norrath compatible with no error messages.new email button an crystal counters included.buff/shortduration buff windows are basically the same will not redo graphics till SOE releases the eq types for the 11 total new buff slots.

2/18/05 fixed inventory class animation bug

2/20/05 added new buff slots an labels for buff window an short duration windows

4/12/05 added the return home button to the character select screen

5/13/05 added the cast spell label to cast gauge in big target window.fixed errors from the 5/11/05 patch.had to remove the custom merchant xml.will be posting new one after get time to use new merchant window in game more to learn how to make more user friendly .will add done button tho if possible.

7/7/05 no luck on moding merchant window .but major graphic update .added lfg ,follow, an disband buttons to the group window by popular demand.also switched to engravers old english font for somewhat easier to read text on graphics.
added scroll looking text border to chat window.might take bit of getting used to or changing few colors in chat colors in options.if one does not like the chat window now .delete the EQUI ChatWindow in you custom ui folder . the default one will alow you to change the back ground colors behind text.

10/30 up to date no errors major work over month an 1/2 some 12 an 13 hour days to get code an graphics in line ( window pieces were a pita )

Added Target of Target window thats easy to lock into the window selector an has yellow text for target of targets name.looks just like HttK target window other wise.

Took out character select.Made font in window select a bit easier to read.tons of updates out of combat regen added.

Bank window redone so auto bank works from left to right then down.Past users of Httk will have to re order bags but now auto bank will work right.

TSS compliant.Unoffical trick or treat edition with more treats than tricks

download link

Alternate goup window with no color changing gauges .. works more like default group window gauges......


Inokis 01-20-2005 12:49 AM

Very, Very nicely done, I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes featured.

When/If I start up my EQ account again, I'd seriously consider using this UI, fits my style very nicely.

Teneniel 01-20-2005 04:01 PM

Absolutely gorgeous UI. Lots of nice features. I plan on giving it a test drive just as soon as i log in today. =)

Excellent work

Laime 01-20-2005 04:38 PM

Awesome and well done :nana:

axeion 01-20-2005 06:10 PM

hopen most like ui lay out so i can use core xml back bone for further ui mods.gona go down load the latest t.king spell buff icons for my characters an install the t.king class animations for each one. been with out them since httk went beta.

ui does not have a animation xml all the .animation xmls are in each window code . went this route cause its easyer to do updates (fewer of them) makes bit code bloat tho but no one has reported any slow downs on zoneing .tried to make up for code bloat with back ground animations filling in where their was code for lettering an such.like with gauges most have no end caps their actualy drawn on the back ground image.

down side doing animations in each window is some times code names dont want to play nice together.ui would have been posted day earlyer but i had same name for some xml animations in the spell bar as in spell book .took while for me to figure out what i had done wrong.

realy do apreciate the kind words.hopen ya'll like the in game stuff an how it works together.

Thomus 01-21-2005 01:10 AM

You’ve done a fantastic job at weaving everything together. I plan to install this UI over the weekend and take it for a drive. I never had a chance to finish the Celtic UI that was originally based on this style of filigree. I wish I would have refined the filigree some more when I had the chance to, it needed a bit of cleaning up.

Kuvasie ended up taking the Celtic UI project over; just as I was signing a contract with Sigil Games. She did a fantastic job though, and her dedication was especially extraordinary in helping me to bring my Animated Steamworks interface design to players. Animated Steamworks really was the first interface that I put much effort into.

Keep up the fantastic work! Thank you for your hard work, bringing this truly immersive design to the community.

Teneniel 01-21-2005 11:50 AM

After several hours of playing witht he ui only complaint i could have is the font size of the utility windows attached to the selector window is a tad small but thats more personal since i have terrible eyesight. As for function it works perfectly and is easily rearranged for personal preferences (I liked putting my hotbuttons in the middle of the 2 chat windows). Love the animations for casting and the nice addition of style to the target con color.
Ever considered adding that same lightning style to a target ring mod to sort of tie it together? Just a random thought.

All in all a very nice UI that ill be recommending to my friends =)

axeion 01-22-2005 03:31 PM

Planed on including a targeting ring later on figured something based of border like whats around window selector.lightning would go around ring in spiral weaveing around it .That would be con indicator .But that be after some other windows i want to do.Tracking window,map window ( got this idea id have to play with border xml to see if could make work an wait for next expansion because it gona have dif map window methinks),bazaar an bazaar search windows an container windows.

Had idea for an alt combat abilities window to based off spell bar .An would like to include later on 2 alt spell bars one with names to left one with no names.Might try to include spell buff icons that with abit of alpha channel work would fit inside that ornate box border an fix the blue or red to match the border like that was just red or blue tinted depending on buff icon.Creating an illusion that the icon lit up the border sorta like spell cast bar does.

One other window i was thinking on was chat with the chat window being a scroll sorta like old default ui pre pop.With the scroll buttons being worked int design like they was part of the scrolls printing.

Its funny i still play with the compass (twirling my toons around like a top to watch comapss spin).The illusion im proud of, just figured out how to do the aplha channel to make them fades that makes the compass look rounded .

Teneneil the lettering is same size as what was in original T.King celtic inventory .Thought of makeing black underneth the leteirng in those boxs more like a rounded gem .So can see lettering shadow more . But around that time i started watching pirates of the caribbean an liked the dark look better.An at that time i didnt know how much if any the graphics would cause video lag.

The carrick caps (ornate big caps) sharpend up in photoshop to make it pop more .Still not happy with them at that size , if could find font thats inside the carrick caps could do two layers am make the lettering more defined.But wasted sevrial hours searching for it .It all just ended up looking smaller because black around letters blends in with black background.So atm its best i can do.

Animated Steamworks is awsome to watch.The inventory is my favorite window.Like to one day do a variortion of that idea with biomechanical style like HR Giger stuff (tryied it on a gnome necro i use for ui testing an got idea ).

Hope to hear how the test drive goes Thomus an thank you for the kind words .This T.King Celtic style filigree sorta captured my imagination .After doing all the knot work on these windows begin to wonder if i dont have a monk in the ol family tree.

kasca 01-23-2005 11:10 PM

I also lov this ui. Been playing with in on my bard. But i also hav a hard time reading the font. On the spells & the compass as well as else where. I play with the largest screen setting. Also i dont leave my set as u have it. Is there away of putting my own health on the target or some where near there?

Teneniel 01-24-2005 01:03 AM

The idea you have for the target ring sounds great. Cant wait to see it. The compass is excellent as well. One of the bigger issues i have with compass designs is that the choice of line color Sony use to makr instanced zones doesnt show up well on dark compass graphics and yours has excellent detail as well as being very friendly to those particular lines.
My increasingly lousy eyesight thanks you immensly =)

Thomus 01-24-2005 01:46 AM

About the Steamworks inventory animation, believe it or not it's only showing part of the actual animation sequence, and a bunch of frames were actually cut out to save memory overhead. The center, where the animation takes place, where the geo-mechanical parts opens and spins, you'll notice all these mechanical parts extending around it as if to have some purpose. Those parts are actually intricately animated; I just left it out due to its size. I should post it on my website sometime. I even did a more elaborately animated spellbar, but was cut short of releasing it.

axeion 01-24-2005 02:44 PM

kasca what resolution you play at? an whats gama set to?

kasca 01-24-2005 10:18 PM

Gamma i think at 50 or 60. With large size screen.

axeion 01-25-2005 07:34 PM

hit alt O then click display tab,click video mode move down the list till you see what numbers are high lighted if more then 1280x1024 thats part of the problem. yellow text for spell names in spell bar an effects window no problem can fix a variant window for each.

compass is actualy bright in middle on my screen . like its rounded .kasca give me a example of compas ya would like an ill see if i can make graphics close to it for an alt compass window.

so every one else usen this likes core window utility?if so this will be backbone of my future ui's.

Sathin 01-26-2005 02:18 PM

axion what about making larger exp bars? i absolutely love the look and design of your skin esp the longer target HP bar. what about that same design exept with regular and AA exp? would help to tell what zones/camps/mobs gave slightly better exp than others. esp for levels 65-70. if it had these 2 features i'd definately download.

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