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Trakeen 05-14-2003 09:42 PM

"Improvements" to UI
So I log in and I see this annoying HP Percentage crap on my hp bar. I've never tried to modify the UI so I'm a newb when it comes to this kind of stuff.

I read the FAQ and followed the instructions there for loading only modified files into a seperate skin directory and typing /load dir to test it out.

The first thing I tried to do was remove the code, for the Player_HPPercLabel label, in EQUI_PlayerWindow.xml. Then I removed the <Pieces>Player_HPPercLabel</Pieces>.

That didn't work.

So I started looking at the boards here and read that if you remove the info between the tags you could keep the text from showing up, but I might have misunderstood.

I also tried changing the location and size variables to 0.

Is there any way to get rid of this "improvement?"

Cairenn 05-14-2003 10:10 PM

If you just set size and location to 0, 0 it should get rid of it for you.

Trakeen 05-14-2003 10:45 PM

size/location 0
I figured that would fix the problem as well, but it's still popping up. Here's the edited code that I have saved in the dir Trakeen under uifiles\
<Label item ="Player_HPPercLabel">

And this is in my ui_trakeen_x.ini file UISkin=Trakeen

Changing the RGB values didn't have an effect on it at all either. Please forgive the lost newb. I should have paid attention in my xml/asp classes heh

Thomus 05-14-2003 10:53 PM

Just remove the label definitions at the bottom.

Trakeen 05-14-2003 11:07 PM

re: Label Definitions
Were you refering to the <Pieces> tags?

Thomus 05-14-2003 11:22 PM

Yes, remove the new label definition <pieces> at the bottom, the <pieces> tag defines the labels (tags) that were added, without them they are never executed, can't remember the name of the new labels but I believe Cairenn had the new stuff posted somewhere on this forum.

Trakeen 05-14-2003 11:26 PM

more pieces
I tried removing those as well but no luck. I must get some sleep. Have to bup nice and early to see the matrix tomorrow :) I'll see if I can find some xml tutorial sites. The AboutSIDL, but I didn't really read it all. Been doing searches on how to remove certain things, but no luck there either. Knowing me I'll think of something a teacher said to me 2 years ago and nail it if the ideas here don't work.

Thanks for the help guys. I'm probably just doing something wrong heh.

Cairenn 05-14-2003 11:34 PM

Even after setting them to 0,0 they are showing up? *blink* Works just fine for me to get rid of them that way.

Are you doing this to custom Player/Group/Target windows? You can't change the default ones, the patcher will just re-download it to the original. You have to create a custom folder, copy (just) the files you want changed into it, make the changes, and /loadskin CustomFolder when in game.

/edit NM, going back and re-reading myself, yes you are. Very odd. Can you zip up your files and attach them here? I'll take a look at them tomorrow.

TaralonD 05-15-2003 01:08 AM

Just to throw in my guess at the problem, you say you're changing "<Pieces>Player_HPPercLabel</Pieces>" but that is just to display the actual "%" text. To get rid of the numbers as well, you need to change (or remover or whatever) the <Pieces>Player_HPLabel</Pieces>.

Trakeen 05-31-2003 10:55 PM

I know it's a little late
But thanks for the tips guys. Removing the hp_label finally got rid of the problem.

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