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Aakulamon 07-28-2009 09:04 AM

Test Server and future UI collapses
Right now on Test there is a massive overhaul on the systems for chat and other aspects that directly relate to the UI and custom UI's. There is no Custom UI that works on Test currently, even with modifications.

I personally use Vert, which in my opinion is just about the most bulletproof Custom UI in terms of patches. But atm I am getting massive UI errors. Currently I get about 70+ UI errors, this is 70+ different files, not single erros in a few files. I have worked and worked on fixing this errors but so far my efforts are futile, I have not even been able to load anything but the default UI no matter what modifications I have made.

When this goes live pretty much all Custom UI's are dead. So, if your modding a Custom UI, I strongly suggest you take the time to load onto Test in teh next few days and start to work on your changes. This isnt going to be a 2 file "wham bamm thank you mama" fix for anyone atm.

Savok 07-28-2009 09:33 AM

Live and Test Vert maintained by myself. Live is uploaded ready for patch day 99.999% of the time and Test is checked every couple of days.

Halelen 07-28-2009 09:36 AM

This is typical impending doom , so far this has been the easiest upkeep in recent memory. All my uis run on test and the only thing I have done so far is update the animations file to allow for new changes. If you are pulling uis from the site of course they arent going to run because the changes have not went live so most authors are not going to update them until they do. Right now any ui I author simply needs the new animation to be up and running. I even have a ui that uses no custom animation file and it runs with no error on test.


Aakulamon 07-28-2009 10:47 AM

Not impending doom, just the fact that for a week now myself and others have asked repeatedly in Test chat channels if anyone has gotten a Custom UI to work and no one has. Apparently Savok does though so I stand corrected.

It was more a heads up that up until these replies there hasnt been a UI that worked since the patch and no one up until Savok's reply has been able to get one to work.

Was simply posting to give others a heads up that things where going to break soon.

Halelen 07-28-2009 11:20 AM

would you be able to post your error files, so we may see what kind of errors it is causing

Savok 07-28-2009 12:56 PM

I need to remember to join general channels (on test and Nameless) more often. If there isn't an update on test in a reasonable timeframe you can always feel free to ingame email or PM me here and let me know.

Kalthazz 07-28-2009 02:42 PM

Test Server and future UI collapses
i get no errors as when i try to load my ui it just crashes to desktop without listing one error in the error log!

Halelen 07-28-2009 02:46 PM

compare your animations with the test default animations once you add those in should be able to load

Kalthazz 07-28-2009 09:50 PM

Test Server and future UI collapses
I don't know what to add from the default animations to my uis animation file

Halelen 07-28-2009 10:14 PM

<TextureInfo item="Achievement_Titlebar.tga"> <Size> <CX>128</CX> <CY>128</CY> </Size> </TextureInfo> <TextureInfo item="EQ_expansion_logos.tga"> <Size> <CX>512</CX> <CY>512</CY> </Size> </TextureInfo> <TextureInfo item="achievement_subcat_logos.tga"> <Size> <CX>256</CX> <CY>256</CY> </Size> </TextureInfo> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_LockBtn"> <Cycle>true</Cycle> <Frames> <Texture>Achievement_Titlebar.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>48</X> <Y>64</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>40</CX> <CY>40</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> <Duration>1000</Duration> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_UnlockBtn"> <Cycle>true</Cycle> <Frames> <Texture>Achievement_Titlebar.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>88</X> <Y>64</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>40</CX> <CY>40</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> <Duration>1000</Duration> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_EQ"> <Frames> <Texture>EQ_expansion_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Location> <Size> 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</Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_ROKSelected"> <Frames> <Texture>EQ_expansion_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>160</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>128</CX> <CY>32</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_SOV"> <Frames> <Texture>EQ_expansion_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>192</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>128</CX> <CY>32</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_SOVHover"> <Frames> <Texture>EQ_expansion_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>224</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>128</CX> <CY>32</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_SOVSelected"> <Frames> <Texture>EQ_expansion_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>256</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>128</CX> <CY>32</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_SOL"> 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<Frames> <Texture>EQ_expansion_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>384</X> <Y>64</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>128</CX> <CY>32</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_UND"> <Frames> <Texture>EQ_expansion_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>384</X> <Y>96</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>128</CX> <CY>32</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_UNDHover"> <Frames> <Texture>EQ_expansion_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>384</X> <Y>128</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>128</CX> <CY>32</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_UNDSelected"> <Frames> <Texture>EQ_expansion_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>384</X> <Y>160</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>128</CX> <CY>32</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_ProgressionSub"> <Frames> <Texture>achievement_subcat_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>120</CX> <CY>20</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_ProgressionSubHover"> <Frames> <Texture>achievement_subcat_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>20</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>120</CX> <CY>20</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_ProgressionSubSelected"> <Frames> <Texture>achievement_subcat_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>40</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>120</CX> <CY>20</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_QuestsSub"> <Frames> <Texture>achievement_subcat_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>60</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>120</CX> <CY>20</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_QuestsSubHover"> <Frames> <Texture>achievement_subcat_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>80</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>120</CX> <CY>20</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_QuestsSubSelected"> <Frames> <Texture>achievement_subcat_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>100</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>120</CX> <CY>20</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_RaidsSub"> <Frames> <Texture>achievement_subcat_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>120</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>120</CX> <CY>20</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_RaidsSubHover"> <Frames> <Texture>achievement_subcat_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>140</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>120</CX> <CY>20</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_RaidsSubSelected"> <Frames> <Texture>achievement_subcat_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>160</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>120</CX> <CY>20</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_GeneralSub"> <Frames> <Texture>achievement_subcat_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>180</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>120</CX> <CY>20</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_GeneralSubHover"> <Frames> <Texture>achievement_subcat_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>200</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>120</CX> <CY>20</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_GeneralSubSelected"> <Frames> <Texture>achievement_subcat_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>220</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>120</CX> <CY>20</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_TradeskillsSub"> <Frames> <Texture>achievement_subcat_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>120</X> <Y>0</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>120</CX> <CY>20</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_TradeskillsSubHover"> <Frames> <Texture>achievement_subcat_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>120</X> <Y>20</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>120</CX> <CY>20</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_TradeskillsSubSelected"> <Frames> <Texture>achievement_subcat_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>120</X> <Y>40</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>120</CX> <CY>20</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_TreeExpand"> <Frames> <Texture>EQ_expansion_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>480</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>20</CX> <CY>32</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_TreeCollapse"> <Frames> <Texture>EQ_expansion_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>32</X> <Y>480</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>20</CX> <CY>32</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_SmallBlank"> <Frames> <Texture>window_pieces05.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>1</CX> <CY>1</CY> </Size> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_Achievement_WindowTitleLeft"> <Cycle>true</Cycle> <Frames> <Texture>Achievement_Titlebar.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>34</CX> <CY>63</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> <Duration>1000</Duration> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_Achievement_WindowTitleMiddle"> <Cycle>true</Cycle> <Frames> <Texture>Achievement_Titlebar.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>42</X> <Y>0</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>1</CX> <CY>63</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> <Duration>1000</Duration> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_Achievement_WindowTitleRight"> <Cycle>true</Cycle> <Frames> <Texture>Achievement_Titlebar.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>96</X> <Y>0</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>32</CX> <CY>63</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> <Duration>1000</Duration> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_CheckBoxNormalTransparent"> <Frames> <Texture>EQ_expansion_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>96</X> <Y>490</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>12</CX> <CY>12</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation> <Ui2DAnimation item="A_CheckBoxPressedTransparent"> <Frames> <Texture>EQ_expansion_logos.tga</Texture> <Location> <X>64</X> <Y>490</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>12</CX> <CY>12</CY> </Size> <Hotspot> <X>0</X> <Y>0</Y> </Hotspot> </Frames> </Ui2DAnimation>

This is all the current new additions to Animations file

Kalthazz 07-29-2009 12:13 PM

Test Server and future UI collapses
here is the animations file but having problems with it!

Angahran 07-29-2009 03:19 PM

Try this
Originally Posted by Kalthazz
I don't know what to add from the default animations to my uis animation file

WinMerge is a great tool for comparing UI's between Live and Test (I use it a lot).


SmileyFAAce_ 07-29-2009 05:05 PM

Originally Posted by Angahran
WinMerge is a great tool for comparing UI's between Live and Test (I use it a lot).



Thank you for that info!


Angahran 07-29-2009 05:14 PM

only downside is it does have a few issues if the files it is comparing are ridiculously different. (like my animations file and the default one *grin*)


Savok 07-29-2009 05:52 PM

I use Exam XML, but its not free.

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