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NightWolf 08-25-2002 01:36 PM

Instantly increase productivity
Most of you probably already use this, but if you don't, this can be a heavy time saver.
I just started messing with the gui last night and discovered this, but couldn't get to website so this is my first chance to post.

This only works if you have two computers networked together, which most of you probably have.

For this example, Computer 1 will be the computer you play EQ on and Computer 2 will be the production computer. "Mine" will be the name of the mod that we use.

Ok, first, share your Everquest folder on Computer 1 over the network (you could just share the mod directory, but then you wouldn't have access to uierrors.txt)

Now, log in to the game with Computer 1.

On computer 2, pull up the Everquest directory from Computer 1 (using the network of course) and the developing tools you use to create your mods.

Here is the cool part, Everquest allows you to modify the files while in game, so you can edit the .XML files on Computer 1 (thru using Computer 2) without crashing the game (I think you see where I'm going with this).

So, make a hotkey on your character logged in on Computer 1 that's titled "Mine" and have it type "/loadskin Mine 1".

Now, all you have to do is edit the XML in Computer 1's Mine folder using your second computer, hit save, and press the "Mine" hotkey on your first computer.

Violla, You can now see the changes you made to your window imediately, while still in production. :)

For those of you who constantly log on and off to check changes, this will save you a lifetime, and the mods that you develope will be near bugless since you can check the changes while still writing the code.

P.S. Since you're sharing the whole EQ directory, if there is some problem loading your skin and it loads the default back, you can get access to the uierrors.txt file as soon as it's writen and fix the problem without logging out.

Hope this helps everyone.

NightWolf 08-25-2002 01:51 PM


Kelorn 08-25-2002 01:59 PM

It's a great idea and thats how I've been working on my melee UI. Even though it was very simple, I saved atleast an hour by working on it from my computer and testing it from my brothers.

Right now I'm working on a completely new UI based on windows XP. Since I don't want to log every time I need to fix something, I'll just use my brother's computer again. (we have all our hard drives shared anyway)

Good to see I'm not the only one that thought of this.

NightWolf 08-25-2002 02:09 PM

My God, this board is awesome, just posted and there are already 73 views (some are probably duplicates though). But man.... this is my new homepage now.

Chadoz 08-25-2002 02:16 PM

Great idea.........Now I have a reason to put that old 486 on my network.

:nana: love this little guy :)

andara 08-26-2002 05:46 PM

:nana: this is what I do when the other 2 eq addicts aren't at home ;)

weab 09-14-2002 06:38 PM

don't forget eqw, can do the same thing with only one comp.

Tipop 09-14-2002 06:59 PM

That's how I test my mods... EQW. I do have a second computer on my network here, but that one is always busy being used for other things.

And no, I have never heard anything about EQW being a problem with Verant. A lot of people buy second accounts because of EQW, so I don't think they are particularly worried about it.

Conen 09-14-2002 07:19 PM


Sorry to sound like a noob but what is EQW?

Conen 09-14-2002 07:24 PM

Hheh nm just found it :)

All I can say is OMG :)

Thank you for pointing this program out hehe its VERY VERY nice

guice 09-15-2002 01:37 AM


Sorry to sound like a noob but what is EQW?

If I tell ya, I'll have to kill you. Serious. :D

Since you've found it. Time for you to join the club, don't tell a soul and you're in!

Kwaidan 09-15-2002 01:56 AM

EQW also rocks when playing vendor in the bazaar :)

Kudane 09-15-2002 02:27 AM

link removed - you should know better kudane

check there.. see what you find..


Dolby 09-15-2002 02:32 AM

Dont care if you talk about it... just dont link it please. It is Techicaly against Verants EULA for Everquest. Although I do hear they dont really care.

oakwood 09-15-2002 09:53 AM

need a little help with the sharing of the eq directory.

current setup:
2 computers, both winxp pro
linksys router

eq is played on comp1, editing will be done on comp2

comp1 has sharing on for c:\, program files folder, and everquest folder

comp2 can connect using my network places, can access the root drive, my shared folder, and shared documents folder.

try to open program files i get the following message:
"\\comp1\program files is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.

Access is denied."

what am i doing wrong here?


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