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B_Delacroix 02-11-2004 09:17 AM

Just uploaded the Glass UI with Discord changes.

Please use this area to tell me about the brokeness.

Dasselrond 02-12-2004 11:01 PM

Stuck Buttons
My apologies if you have gotten this message from me in multiple places. I have never posted on this board before, and found this thread only after I had posted in the Help Forum.

I am looking for some advice on how to move some trapped buttons.

I am using your most recent version of the Glass UI, and the problem that I am having is that the "Invite" and "Disband" buttons are stuck in the upper left hand corner of the screen. They are stacked one on top of the other, and I cannot move them. This basically renders the UI useless for me as I cannot join any groups that I am invited into.

I have tried switching the screen resolution, hoping that will do something, but no luck.

Do you have any suggestions? I am just a few stages above computer illiteracy, so if you do have suggestions, could you please spell them out step by step?

My sincere thanks in advance!

~ Huntress Dasselrond Steelheart
65 Ranjurette of the Rathe
Noble Blade

B_Delacroix 02-17-2004 12:02 PM

When I run the Glass UI and open the group window (which should contain nothing as all the information is in the expanded player window) the buttons are completely missing.

So far, I am baffled as to where they went or why this one window refuses to behave.

I am still looking into it.

B_Delacroix 02-17-2004 12:35 PM

Glass Redo
In tracking the misbehaving group buttons, and due to a recent concern of the number of files in the archive, I have made some changes to the Glass UI.

It is still made with the idea of having the required information on the screen yet showing a maximum of view space.

It is no longer the case that you can use WDT_Def for any of the windows. In order to reduce the number of files, I changed the WDT_Def, WDT_Rounded and WDT_RoundedNoTitle to be the stonebackground window. Most people won't notice anything different, only those who changed windows to use the old default.

The end result is two fold. The obvious reduction in zipped files and the added result that if Sony adds any new windows using one of those defaults, it will automatically be styled for Glass.

There are a few windows I still want to change, but for now, they get the generic look.

Other changes:

The pointer was hard for me to see and was a pointer I had been using since the UIs were changeable. It is now changed to the Drakah_WOW pointer from his UI.

The bubbles window now has a border above it like the buff windows. This is so it can be moved around.

The TKing spell icons have been updated from the files on this board to bring them up to Discord level.

All of the sliders now use that nifty fire opal thumb image. Just like with the window templates, this replaces the default slider.

The target ring is still the Elenthian Ring of Power.

The map window is still Rax's 3D Map Window (by Raxthorne).

Since the graphics for the TKing inventory windows are long since finalized, I finally got around to editing the XML files for the shortened inventory version. The graphics are T.King's. The coding is Remmy's, the alterations I did were just shifting the graphics and a little math to put all the buttons back in place. Previously there was a huge invisible handle on the inventory window that would get in the way of trading and other things.

Not mentioned before, but its always been there is the paladin class symbol. Its actually something I did for myself, if you want the old one just delete the paladin01/02.tga. Also in there is an old TKing druid animation. Same deal to get rid of it, delete druid01/02.tga.

You still want to get rid of the group window for maximum effect, but hopefully I have fixed it up to where it looks the way it is supposed to. It should be a small box with just the invite/decline and LFG buttons in it.

The selector window is updated to include the combat skills window button. I never use selector window so I didn't see it was missing till recently.

The containers and banks are all altered to resemble the drakah_wow remix. They aren't exactly like it in graphics but similar in style.

I will upload it once I check it over some more. I'll even try to remember to make a new screen shot.

Interestingly enough, the actual file size of the ZIP increased even though the number of files decreased. Probably due to the fact that text compresses very well but graphics do not and I put in the TKing spellgem Discord graphics.

Update - Group window fix didn't work. I may remove the Ring of Power files from the distribution to save even more file space.

Update again - I found a number of the infamous False/True in the binary settings in that group window. If you are a modifier, you know that EQ is case sensitive and it must be false/true. Will see if this works once I get home.

New Screenshot


Uploaded the fixed version this morning. The fix for the group window was to just give up. It exists, it is the default group window. It has a great deal of empty space. I tried over and over to change the size or even just move the buttons but as soon as I did they all broke. I concluded that this is a customizable UI so long as you don't change anything.

So the fix isn't to my exact liking but at least the buttons don't appear on the top left of the screen.

I just keep the group window off.

MindParadox 02-27-2004 05:38 PM

Buff Window
literally the only problem i have is the 15 slot buff window box, of course, knowing nothing about xml, ive tried editing your file, with less than happy results, so, im wondering if you could both update your Glass UI for the lastest patches, and 2, if you could send me or post up here or whatever, a set of instructions on how to set up that buff window so i can actually have all the buffs eq will allow LOL being a beastlord, i take that buff window and fill it up in seconds :)

anywho, thankee

B_Delacroix 03-01-2004 09:38 AM

What specifically is broken about the buff window? It holds all 15 for me.

Myanie 03-09-2004 04:34 AM

I tried to change the spell cast bar to what i was using but it crashes me to desktop

do i need to edit some file like EQ_animation ?

btw..i was using T.king's horizontal spell bar and arcane casting orb.

B_Delacroix 03-31-2004 09:46 AM

No, I haven't gone away.

Been cleaning up a little on the Glass UI. Recent fixes are just minor tweaks.

Fixed missing done buttons on give and bank windows.
Fixed the missing change button on bank windows.
Fixed the annoying white space on the WOW like window bottom borders.
Enlarged the WOW like windows for bank and bigbank.

The Fancy TKing borders are nice and will remain for some stuff but its just too much for info windows. I'll be making a new glass slate style to put that stuff on.

Some people have trouble with the Options window being to short now days with the new graphic additions. I changed nothing in it with this latest version so the window is actually the default one. The problem I found was in the .ini file. It saves the windows size for each resolution. When out of the game, go to the .ini, find the options window settings and remove the width and height line for your resolution. It won't do to change this if your still running the game as it will just redo the lines you took out with the wrong values again.

The Ring of Power was not done by me but I did notice since the dx9 patch it flashes on the last frame. Too bad, too because I like that ring.

EQ_Animation has some changes in it because to have the style across all windows past and future in addition to those specifically changed I'd have to actually change the window style line in each file as they were made. This lead to a large .zip file containing literally ALL the .xml files. So, now I just leave it alone and change the default templates. This, of course, brings with it other problems. As such, to swap in a different spell window you have to work with EQ_Animations or come up with another suitable solution. My wife doesn't like my round spell window either, and so I have fixed hers to use a tking vertical one.

That being the case, I may do a couple of packages later on to make this painless for people.

Could not duplicate not having all the buffs in the buff windows.

cubwynn 04-01-2004 12:06 PM

I am using your most recent version of the Glass UI, and the problem that I am having is that the "Invite" and "Disband" buttons are stuck in the upper left hand corner of the screen. They are stacked one on top of the other, and I cannot move them. This basically renders the UI useless for me as I cannot join any groups that I am invited into.

Use /inv to accept invites or to invite people, and /disb to disband.

B_Delacroix 04-02-2004 08:27 AM

The buttons are also fixed in the currently uploaded version. At least I thougt I uploaded it. They are on the normal group window (CTRL P) which I have hidden by default.

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