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Innurok 08-25-2002 12:41 AM

My Player Window (Melee oriented)
1 Attachment(s)
I only play a warrior, rogue, and a bard. And apart from the bard, I dont really need to see a mana bar. So i removed that, and just left a mana %. That way when I'm playing my bard, i can still have a mana reference, and when im playing my rogue/warrior, I dont get bothered by an empty space where manabar WOULD be. And the 0% isn't 'in the way' at all either.

I basicly took geist' player window, changed the colors, positioning, and whatnot to make it work best for me. Figured i'd post it to see if anyone thought it was decent. I'm proud of it, my first real edit of a UI file.

name hp/max_hp
hp_gauge hp%
sta_gauge sta%
AC: AC## ATK: ATK# mana%
EXP_gauge xp%
AA_gauge aa%

Akmorph 08-25-2002 10:56 PM

i love it

Innurok 08-29-2002 05:25 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I'm glad

but the picture isn't showing anymore, so im going to reattach..

Innurok 09-07-2002 04:24 AM


tryskele 09-14-2002 04:53 PM

Love it! Only problem I seem to have is I cannot move it. Is this intentional? If not how would I go about fixing this?


Innurok 09-15-2002 05:53 AM

you cant 'move' it persay, but what you can do is resize it into its new position. Its hard to get at first, but after a bit you pickup really fast. Just 'resize' it into the desired position.

Lillad 09-24-2002 04:40 PM

Hmmmm, well i'm new to this whole UI thing and I was wondering how I get this to work on my coputer, LOL, I know I sound like a retard but it's worth the UI.:D

Pokit_Piker 10-03-2002 09:32 AM

I am a r0ag in need uv sum UIs. Plz email me with some ub0r sexsi complete UIs....

email me with sexsi roag UIs *hint hint* CLICK HERE DUH :nana: <--- dont those nanas make u h0rny?

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