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umfufu 08-12-2006 08:41 AM

Color Text in /say
Not really an advanced U/I topic, and actually is probably trivial to all the gurus here, but here goes...

How do you add the different colors, musical notes, etc in the /ooc and /say messages by editing the ini file for that character...

For example, being a cleric, I'll cast Temp alot in the pok, or do MGB's. I'll announce:

"MGB Hand of Virtue, 5 minutes at the Nexus Stone"..

Now, I know there's a way to turn the "5 minutes" portion of that text a different color, but HOW? :)

Egras 08-12-2006 09:22 AM

It requires advanced editing of the hotbuttons in the character ini file. The different color is either a coded link to a spell/item or a false link to the same.

#1. You need to have the code for the little square at the begining and end of the link. Cant post it cause it just turns to a blank space

#2. You need the coded number for the item IF your going to make the link work.
  • Find the actual item or spell
  • Turn on your log (/log on)
  • Send a ;t ITEMLINK in game (Should return a LONG number/letter with the name at the end.)
  • Turn log off (/log off)
  • Open your log and you have the code for that item/spell to use in your ini

#3 Put the code, hidden boxes and names for the link in your char_server.ini

NOTE: To have a different link name, you change the following (using my example file below

[]012CD20000000000000000000000000000000E65B846BPious Elixir[] on ---= %t =---
[]012CD20000000000000000000000000000000E65B846BElixi r of Egras[] on ---= %t =---

Since this is one of the most IMPOSSIBLE things to explain, here is a text file with a few examples from my ini: Egras_Zek.ini

Donovann SK 08-12-2006 10:14 AM

For fake (non-functioning) links:
  1. Make a macro in-game with what you want it to say/do
  2. Close EverQuest
  3. open up your <name>_<server>.ini file (ie: leezard_tribunal.ini)
  4. Search for your macro under the [Socials] section
  5. Paste the following code in place of what you want highlighted:
0--------------------------------------------Your Text Here

If you plan on using a variable such as %T (for target), you must include a space before the variable for it to work.

0-------------------------------------------- %T

For working links, it would be too complex for me to explain.

Note: I stripped out all the numbers and replaced with dashes (except for the 1st as you CANNOT change it w/o breaking the link)

Functional item links are far more complex and beyond the scope of this post.

Anyway, hope this helps.

shillingworth 08-12-2006 10:25 AM

Don't even need that in the new system, use the special characters before and after the numbers, add your text to before the number. If it's really an item link, eq will display it, if not it will just highlight the text.

Perhaps ;#ffffff type notation would work, it works in any type of code.

Donovann SK 08-12-2006 10:36 AM

Originally Posted by shillingworth
Don't even need that in the new system, use the special characters before and after the numbers, add your text to before the number. If it's really an item link, eq will display it, if not it will just highlight the text.

Hmm? If i read that right, your saying to use:
Text Here0--------------------------------------------

in that case, it would produce absolutely nothing because the first character of the structure isn't a "0".

Or... I completely misunderstood what you said (in that case, please shed some light on what you meant).

umfufu 08-13-2006 04:46 AM

Many thanks!!
Works like a charm guys.

Quick response too :)

Egras 08-13-2006 09:40 AM

Send me tells on Zek for some linkable, non-linkable and even some customized ones. I have fun with them alot.

shillingworth 08-16-2006 11:04 AM

Originally Posted by Donovann SK
Hmm? If i read that right, your saying to use:
Text Here0--------------------------------------------

in that case, it would produce absolutely nothing because the first character of the structure isn't a "0".

Or... I completely misunderstood what you said (in that case, please shed some light on what you meant).

Yeah that's about what i was sayin. If you do that then use it. EQ will still show that text as an item link, but when you click it, it will not open an item display window. It would do absolutely nothing but make the text stick out, and change colors when you mouse over it. Can't remember if i did have to add 1 zero or not to it though when i tried it so long ago.

J_axxy 08-22-2007 09:46 AM

Text as link inop
Iam i the only one who this stoped working for, here is what i have been useing

0028071-00001-00001-00001-00001-000015ED87FFC The text I want to look link like here 

Inokis 08-22-2007 11:16 AM

Inoke has posted in this thread about fixing the links:

Brighid741 08-22-2007 12:34 PM

Yeah SOE changed the Item Codes on us. The linke Inokis gave has several working codes listed and tells you how to get more codes if you want to use specific items.

gamguren 08-23-2007 01:55 PM

Page2Button10Line2=/gsay offtanking 0028071-00001-00001-00001-00001-000015ED87FFC !!!!%t...please stay with MA

is how it should look in your Ini file

Page2Button10Line2 may differ depending what hot button your assigning it to

Daineden 08-23-2007 04:27 PM

Originally Posted by gamguren
/gsay offtanking 0028071-00001-00001-00001-00001-000015ED87FFC !!!!%t...please stay with MA

is how it should look in your Ini file

Do I need the up/down arrow thingy to make the link work? If not, what goes in there.


:nana: :nana:

Brighid741 08-23-2007 04:41 PM

It's actually a little box but if you don't have all of the fonts installed on your PC it will look like a little double pointed arrow ;) but yes you need that little tidbit in there.

If you want some working links the following are actual item numbers that work:
00272D0000000000000000000000000000000003BEA06115A 9 %T Is an Emerald

00CDC200000000000000000000000000000000070520A3AA9 D %T Is a Mod Wand

000D6200000000000000000000000000000000033551D1C28 9 %T Is a Mod Rod

00B43A00000000000000000000000000000000038D197C51E 8 %T Is a Fairy Wing

You can also get the numbers for other items pretty easily. In game turn your log on, bring up the Item Display window for the item you want a code for type ;tell (click item icon) spam - then go to your log file and you will see the item code followed by part of the item name, like this one for the Weighted Hammer of Conviction:

[Thu Aug 16 20:48:55 2007] Could not find player 010DF700000000000000000000000000000000056F6A30870D Weighted

myxiplx 08-24-2007 04:39 AM

Has anyone else noticed this is now eating the first four characters after the code?

I'm now using: 0-------------------------------------------- %T, and it's working fine apart from the eating of the names...

Going to try adding 4 junk characters in front of the %t tonight.

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