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Sylphan 05-11-2005 01:28 PM

11 May 2005 -- simplified change list
Simplified list of UI changes May 11, 2005

EQUI_Animations: two new sets of button graphics for 'AddressBook'
EQUI_CastingWindow: one new field 'Casting_SpellName', eqtype 134
Remember to add -Pieces-Casting_SpellName--Pieces-.
EQUI_SelectorWnd: one new set of button graphics for 'RedMailBtn'
EQUI_MerchantWnd: totally changed, just delete the old one.

That should fix up most people. A few quick cut-and-pastes, you don't even have to change the position or size of anything.

However, these lesser-used windows also changed:

EQUI_MailAddressBookWindow: new window
EQUI: includes the new window
EQUI_OptionsWindow: a whole tab added just for email options
EQUI_ServerListWnd: added 'name in use' column, resized window and repositioned buttons
EQUI_AAWindow: added a Veteran tab (AAW_List8 and AAW_Page8)
Remember to add -Pages-AAW_Page8--Pages- to AAW_Subwindows.
EQUI_ConfirmationDialog: this window is now sizable and all the pieces are autostretch
EQUI_MailWindow: various new features
EQUI_MailCompositionWindow: various new features

Sylphan 05-11-2005 02:24 PM

P.S. I almost forgot...

some EQUI_Animations files don't include window_pieces05. They include window_pieces04 and window_pieces06 but somehow skip over window_pieces05. As of today, this is bad... make sure window_pieces05 isn't skipped.

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